Sunday, December 31, 2006

ok, so that was more like five minutes later...

that title only makes sense if you've read all the comments on the post below. :) which you should, because there's a sweet birthday rap, and some dead pets! :)


I had SUCH a great time you guys! Lee came over early and gave me my b-day gift, which was a glass flower...he said he tried to find me the same one that I have a tattoo of...but unfortunately failed miserably! lol! It's ok, Lee, I still love it! Amber and Kaitlyn had to go to the post office for something, so I stayed home with Brianna and Laura (who came over after Lee) Jake, and "anonymous friend" of Jake's. He was the weirdest one knew who he was, he just came over and hung out with Jake while I danced like a crazy person to Kiltlifters, getting myself pumped for the night! Kaitlyn Lee and Amber arrived home, bringing me a case of coolers! WOO! They shall be drunk tomorrow night while at work! :D

Thank you Brianna for dinner at ACME! Me, Brianna, and Laura had dinner there, (I had wings) and had a good ole Collective get together, which was awesome. I would have felt incomplete if I didnt chill with Collective at least once on my nineteenth birthday. Not the best service though...the waitress didn't even look in on us, and had no idea it was mybirthday until Brianna paid, and she asked us what our plans were for the rest of the night. At that point, I pretty much shrieked, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" (this was a recurring thing throughout the night--obviously) and she laughed and gave me a free shot of B52... thus begins the madness! :)

So then I returned home to get ready with AK, and the rest of the b-day crew! While I was at ACME, Martha turned up to help me celebrate! I got home to a couch full of happiness, with Martha, and Jake, and Amber doing stuff on the computer. Amber burned me a birthday CD, which I love A LOT, and shall be listened to until I hate it, which will be never! So we pumped that super loud and all got prettified (me and Kaitlyn wore dresses! and Amber sexified herself with a really cool jacket that somehow I've never seen before. She even busted out her amazing cleavage for my super sexellent nineteenth!), and while we were doing that, Kylan arrived, toting a gigantic TV for AKA House! NO MORE TINY SCREEN! It doesn't even fit in our entertainment center, it's so big! So that was super cool...

So the boys were whining about being hungry, but AKA wouldn't leave without busting out to Sexy Back, as is tradition! Seriously, if we didn't dance to that before we left the house, the world would end...I'll never be able to go to the bar ever again if I don't get pumped up with the song first! Finally we left for Fast Eddies, with Lee and AK in one car, and Ky, me and Martha in the other. Allen met us there, and we all had dinner! (my second of the night, lol!) I had prawns. They were sunshine in my belly. :) While we were there I had a porn star fishbowl, my first Priarie Fire shot (oh dear christ it hurt me), during which Ace called me and Ky gave him a play by play while I took it, lol!, and a muffdiver! Hilarious! I'm pretty sure there's a picture of me with whipped cream all over my face floating around out there, which will be added to the file of Sexiest Pictures of Alleah Ever Taken--NOT! So at this point, I'm three shots and three ounces in. Allen bought me my prawns, (without telling me! sneaky boy...), and we headed off to go bar hopping!

So, between Fast Eddies and the bar, we lost Ky, Martha and Allen, but I called Biff, and he met us at The Foundry, which I had never been in before. Geoff was there before us, and when we rolled in, he bought me a shot of that tasted like doom! But at least we made some Anchorman jokes, so it was worth it! :D thanks Geoff! Lee tried to win me a stuffy with a do rag, but failed--three times! I was so looking forward to that! lol, it's ok, it's impossible to win those machines, and the magic of my birthday just isn't strong enough to change that! At the Foundry, Kaitlyn bought me a rum and coke, Biffer bought me a beer and gave me the one he got on the house from Dan, and I got another muff diver on the house because I was obnoxious about it beign my birthday, lol! So at this point, I've had four drinks, and five shots... Yes, I actually fell into drunkeness at the Foundry. It was a funny drunk though. It was literally like...sober one second and drunk the next...there was no buzzed! Good times! Kaitlyn and I had bathroom girly chats, and I'm sure she felt as spiffy as I did, strutting to the bathroom and back in our dresses and boots! The towel dispenser confused me, but I pwned it eventually... that made me mad in my drunken state...why would you have a complicated towel dispenser in a pub? lol, silly bathrooms! Dan (the bartender) and I fought over who was going to take Biff home that night (again, Alleah's birthday + drunk = obnoxious), and then we headed off to the Globe.

The Globe was lame, and where the party was, and as such actually had a bouncer, and I didn't have proper ID, so I couldn't get in. No hard feelings, though...I know it's just because the cops were ten times more likely to show up because it was packed and if I got caught without proper ID (birthday or no birthday), it could get them a big fat fine. Poor Biff, though...he got in ahead of me, and got a glimpse of titty before we had to turn around. Lee didn't get any titty at all. I apologized profusely to the boys before we headed off to 70...

which ROCKED, as always! It was busy enough to be fun, but not so packed with lamecores that I wanted to go home. This deceptively young-looking lesbian hit on me, and bought me a drink, which I think was a muff diver...but I don't remember; that one might have been on the house... but yeah, I had my third muffdiver there, and a Breezer, a Gladiator drop-shot (I LOVE them now! thanks Kaitlyn!), and a Long Island ice tea, which was also super yummy! So after 70 Below, in total, I had... six drinks, and seven shots. :) I. Was. Happy. lol!

At 70, I danced a lot, and Sexy Back came on twice, and they played some actually good dance music, even if the X-fades kinda sucked a little, and I had fucking boatloads of fun before we finally headed home. We walked back to the cars, which were parked at the Foundry, and at the parking lot, Bartender Dan called Biff, (cause he could see us out the window) and told him to smack my ass for him, so Biff did, and I was super confused until I finally figured it out in my pathetic drunken state, lol! And of course we got stopped by a road block and I had to seriously restrain myself from acting like a obnoxious idiot on my birthday (which really was what I was!), but finally we got through the road block and got home safely, with no mishaps, other than being turned away from one lame ass strip bar.

Once home however...we were all chilling, Amber on the computer, Kaitlyn and Lee on one couch, me and Biffer on another, when the doorbell rings and I answer it, and it's this weird fat drunk guy covered in blood...apparently he slipped and cut himself, and I gave him some paper towel and a plastic glass of water, and tried to look at his cut, but Lee thankfully stopped me before I contracted AIDS or something...after that, all I remember is Lee peeking out the blinds...or something...I don't know...

Shortly after I went to bed!

So that is the story of Alleah's SUPER FANTABULOUS NINETEENTH BIRTHDAY!!! It was seriously such a great night! The only thing that would have made me more happy would have been if the Jordan's and Lisa had been there...I missed you guys so much that night! But even so, everyone who spent some time with me on my birthday helped make it one of the most awesome nights of my life! Thank you all so much! :D *biggest smile in the WHOLE world!*

And to complete the story of wonder and joy, tonight on my way home from work, I discovered Amber had waited up for me (until four in teh morning! urg..) and she needed a girl talk, so we walked to sevvie and discussed things, and I bought smokes for the first time EVAR! NO BOOT NEEDED!!! I finally feel like an adult. I can do--WHATEVER I WANT!

except get into the Globe on busy nights. shut up.

:D <3

Friday, December 29, 2006


It's like eighteen years and three hundred and sixty four days of a vice-like grip around my heart has finally been eased...


FUCKIN RIGHTS! As of this moment, if I wanted to, I could go buy my OWN mother fuckign cigarettes! NO MORE NEEDING A BOOT! Fucking FINALLY!

Now I am going to go eat a samosa and enjoy the feeling of being free of the restrictions of youth. :)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

merry christmas to all

...and to all a safe night!

So, A Christmas Carol is finally over. I somehow managed to survive Hell Week with a minimum of damage...only a very very drunken pass-out which involved Lee and Amber taking care of me while I threw up and almost fell asleep with McDonald's cradled in my arms. The shows were pretty good. Small houses the first two nights, and an acceptable turn out on closing. I'm happy to say that everyone who saw it thought it was good, with the notable exception of Lee...but then Lee is all about the making fun of things! Everyone else thought it was cool.

I was very proud of my performance of Tiny Tim...somehow, during three lines and a small movement peice, he managed to steal the hearts of the audience like he always does! :) Probably because my Tiny Tim was the most shamelessly retarded ever played! ;) Who needs a Tiny Tim with dignity? He's a cripple! Let's make people laugh instead! I was very disappointed to see no helmet by my makeup closing night though! I totally would have worn it onstage.

As Caroline, me and the Biffer gave Matt Baillie the know that smiley feeling you get after a chick flick? Well, Matt said that was him during me and Biffer's scenes! :D I was pretty jazzed about that one.

And as the Ghost I know I was scary at LEAST once--it was during a dress rehearsal, but whatevs! lol! I think I nailed it on the last night, though, Amber said my hands had a lot more power in them, and when I point offstage, she said she always had to hide because it creeped her out that I was pointing at her! The thing about playing the Ghost is that, while it looks easy to just kinda stand around and point, it's actually very difficult to stand motionless for long periods of time. Not only that, but the only way I can convey emotion is with my hands and body, because the cloak completely obscures my face. There's very big differences between when I was in the Zone and Ghostly and when I was just doing it. I mean, to be completely motionless, I had to concentrate on bending my knees, so I didn't pass out, breathing deeply, but not hyperventilating, and using my diaphragm so that the audience couldn't tell I was breathing. I only did that really well on the dress. Ky said I actually didn't move at all, and was much better than other nights. Not only that, but the cloak was such a bitch to work was SO heavy! And I had to tack up my smock underneath the cloak about fifteen times to keep myself from tripping on it. I tripped twice on opening night, and on the second night, my glasses fell from my pockets and like three people stepped on them, lol...but the last night was super!

Anyhoo, the shows went well, and we will find out how much we made on the twentyeighth, thank goodness...I hope I can make my rent next month without being short, or having to wait for my student loan.

Then yesterday, i had Christmas with my family early. I got lots of gifts, more than last year or the year before, and I felt so bad because I hadn't been able to get anyone gifts myself. That was really the only bad thing about this Christmas. Was that it was early and too rushed and I wasn't able to get anyone anything. I love Christmas because I am almost always able to find everyone something that they absolutely LOVE. I was so sad that I didn;'t get to do that this year. Hopefully though, I'll get a good enough settlement that I can have a late Christmas with the roomies, the friends and the fam. That'll be fun for everyone!

I think the thing that made my gifts better than other years is that almost everyone got me stuff that I actually like! There was a distinct LACK of makeup bought for me this year, lol! And some really sweet gifts, instead! I got this really pretty plant with rocks and a glass container. I set that up in the back window by my room today. I got this set of four big mugs with hot chocolate and MARSHMALLOWS! I got this beautiful set of bath products that I'm super excited about! Itr's this crazy plum vanilla flavor and the hand cream smells SO good I can't wait to use the rest of it. It also came with body lotion, shower gel, a bar of soap, body butter, bath salts, bubble bath, FOOT SOAK (no more stinky feet, whee!), and a couple of loofahs and whatnot. SO excited to use it! And it all came in this big brown leather carrying case that is easily my favorite thign in the whole world! I also got two pairs of slippers, Spongebob pajama pants, Ken gave me a mickey of Crown Royal with two shot glasses in this pretty tin, a random spongebob dvd and kids book, lol, a poster, and a bunch of socks! Thank goodness, lol....that was seriously all I asked for was socks! Sherayna got me a twentyfive dollar gift card for thrifty foods! I was EXCITED for that, let me tell you! Courtney got me this pretty candle with this poem about sisters on it, in this really pretty box...she's so obsessed with Hallmark, lol! My aunty Pat got me a beautiful black cordouroy vest with silver stitching on it! It was seriously the first peice of clothing bought for me for Christmas that I've LIKED in like five years! And then of course I got chocolates, and stuff like that, like every Christmas, lol! My grandparents are hilarious! They bought me a calendar, like they do every year, but this year, my grampa opened a bit of the packaging on the side and slipped a twentydollar bill INTO the packaging! He laughed like an idiot when I couldn't figure out why I couldn't touch the bill for like ten minutes! (I was hung over, shut up!)

I'm pretty sure I got more stuff than just that, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head...I was pretty darn happy, though, I'll tell you that much. I can't remember the last time I had such a good Christmas, as far as gifts go, lol! Then we had a gigantic dinner like we do every year, and I stuffed my face! Who knows when I'm going to get another meal like that? Oh man, it was soooooo good!

I ended up missing the Whitfield show, but Biffers went and got sauced and called me at two in the morning last night, waking me up, lol! I tried to call him back, but he wouldn't pick up. I called him back this morning, and he was all like, omg I'm so hungover, and told me all about it! I was sooooo jealous when I heard about his night! It sounded like such a blast! I won't even tell you the best part, but let me just say I am now FRANTICALLY trying to get the thirtieth off work.... you have no idea how bad I want this night off, now!

And now, I'm just sitting in my house going through apres-closing blues. When you can't stop movig around because it feels like there's somethign you should be doing, but there really isn't at all. I HATE that!

Anyhoo, I'm gonna go finish cleaning the kitchen and then my bedroom. Amber's going to Qualicum today to have X-mas with her fam, so I'll be alone and bored tonight and tomorrow. My bro might come over later, or might not, he's not exactly reliable, and Gregoire I think is alone for Christmas too, so I might call him up and see if we can't get into some trouble. Biff said he was going to ask his parents if I could spend X-mas eve with them, so I might do that tonight. I'm not sure yet.

So basically, all Im REALLY positive of, is that I have a basement full of rat poison and needs to check it for carcasses. So laters!

love pinto

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

my nephew is a homicidal maniac

so, funny story, I'm at my sister's right now, just had dinner, everything's cool. She's in the middle of putting the kids to bed. Rob's bedroom is downstairs close to the kitchen where I am and I can hear him singing while he puts his pajamas on. So he's singing away about some girl named Melissa and I'm thinking, "awww, he has a little crush," when all of a sudden he goes, "Melissa, Melissa, YOU MUST DIE"

o O

holy jesus, my sisters raising a psychopath!!!!!

I just thought you might enjoy that little story. that is all.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

happy camper what I am! And in celebration of this fact, I am going to copy Amber! YAY! I am a happy copycat camper. Say THAT ten times fast!

I like my new coworkers, I like my castmates, I like theatre, I like audiences and how they're different each day, I like philosophy, I like thinking about acting, I like talking to people I haven't met, I like people, I like my life, I like me, I like my friends, I like my friends' opinions of me, I like religion, I like animals, I even like the little mousy that has found it's way into our house and shall be caught and sent outside...or it will be poisoned, I like camping, I like dogs, I like hot dogs, I like eating, I like sleeping, I like music, I like dancing, I like daydreaming, I like my walls, I like my memories, I like my mirror, I like my eyes, I like massages, I like being cuddled, I like me and Biff's scene in A Christmas Carol, I like Whitfield, I like the shows I'm doing right now, I like promoting the shows I'm in right now, I like my sister, I like my whole family, I like where I feel I'm at in my life right now, I like where I'm goign with my life, I like feeling like I've earned what I have, i like feeling on top of things, I like being busy, I like blogs, I like people reading my blog, I like the people who do read my blog, I like my laptop, I like cooking, I like being content, I like central heating, I like baths, I like cleaning, I like things being clean, I like the fact that I cleaned the inside of the donut rack today at work, I like that I liked work today, I like my rings, I like my tattoos, I like being spunky and courageous and NOT timid and limited, I like green, I like pink, I like movies, I like sports, I like playing, I like dressing up, I like getting paid, I like people liking the work I do, I like making people laugh, I like making people feel good, I like making people feel GREAT.

hmmm....I think that's it for now...I'm sure there's more... wait, hang on.,'s coming....

I like Dave. I like Amber and Kaitlyn, I like the way we coexist together, I like having parties, I like empties money, I like financial security, I like architecture, I like astrology, I like emotions, I like personal growth, I like money, I like chili, I like the sea, I like islands, I like sun, I like heat, I like clothing, I like road trips, I like eating bad food on road trips, I like sleeping in cars on roadtrips, I like having adventures on roadtrips, I like going to Vancouver with Brianna, I like trucks, I like four-bying, I like beer, I like coolers, I like Jack Daniels (he is my friend), I like 70 Below, I like Kylan, I like rehearsal, I like cuddling at night with boys, I like waking up next to a boy, I like pajamas, I like big beds, I like sprawling, I like grass, I like tag, i like wrestling, I like late night mishes to sevvie with Amber (sometimes! :P), I like emoticons, I like when my computer doesn't die long enough for me to post on my blog!

On that pragmatic note...

(I like pragmatism)