Friday, September 29, 2006

I'm the Man!

I GOT VIOLA!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Alleah rocks, Alleah rocks, neener neener neener!!! *does happy dance*

I am jazzed and a half! Life is going mostly great right now, with enough of a small touch of suck mixed in to make me feel grateful! Party tomorrow, first rehearsal of The Trutch Street Women Sunday (for Theatre One), first rehearsal of Twelfth Night (I GOT THE LEAD!!!!) on Monday, and The Changeling goes up in a couple weeks! (which I ALSO scored the lead in!) Also I've been thinking about Know Why? quite a lot lately, and kind of thinking about physicality (I'm playing a young boy), and it's makign me even more excited for that! I can't wait for Leon to give me the script! Also, Alicia told me a little while ago that she had a role for me for the One Acts (also one with no lines) of this abused girlfriend...I'm so excited.

So, Twelfth Night is shaping up to be an EXCELLENT show! The casting is so second-year heavy! AKA House scored the three lead females! I'm Viola, Kaitlyn is Olivia, and Amber plays Maria! woo! Also, Brad 2.0 is my Duke Orsino, Alex is my bro Sebastian, Biffer got Antonio, Gregoire got Sir Toby and James got Sir Andrew (LOFUCKINGL!), Geoff got Malvolio, and Davies got Feste the Clown! My many second years! I cannot WAIT for the show!

And now we come to the suck...the smallest of my worries is that the first rehearsal of TN conflicts with my second rehearsal of TSW...I dunno what to do. I'm getting paid for one, but the other I have the lead role in! Amber thankfully is in the same predicament. I dunno what we're gonna do!

Secondly, my student loan was MIA this entire week, until I finally went to Financial Aid and found out I sent int he WRONG PAPERS! So I got the right ones sent in, and I'm not getting my $$$ until Wednesday of next week. Whcih means I'm going to be late on rent AND tuition, which means I have a ten percent late charge assigned to me. 200 extra frickin dollars to pay! MOTHERFUCKER. So that sucks a lot...not too impressed with my financial situation.

And the final bit of suck has to do with a lame boy. I was totally jazzed in the beginning of this week, because I spent some time with a guy who'd messaged me on nex and he seemed pretty great and he had asked me if I wanted to make this anything and I said yes. Things seem to be going well, no? Then..he doesn't call me for THREE days straight! WTF? I mean, I heard he was sick, which is fine, but I haven't heard ANYTHING from him. No messages, or comments on Nex, when I know he's been on, no emails, I left my msn on and nothing, I called him twice and both times his mailbox was full and he hasn't called me back. I haven't seen him on campus. I'd think he was dead, except he's been talking to other people on Nex...just not me. wow, that makes me feel like shit. whatever. I don't need some stupid boy to make me feel good, when I'm Viola! :D ;)

so that is my life right now. I kind of feel like crap now, so I'm going to send Garry Daveys an apologetic email, and then go read the Twelfth Night.

Jon, if you read this and give a shit, you should call me.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

for all you unimaginatives!

So, party this Saturday at AKA House of Hot Sex! w00! (did ya see that? I busted out a little l33t for ya there! ;D) And the theme is...Dress Like Your Favorite Song!!! So since, a few people have confessed to me they DIDN'T know what to do for it, i decided to solve ALL their problems in ONE FELL SWOOP! Basically, the idea is, pick a song, and dress like the title...this doesn't have to be hard! One guy is coming as Sunglasses at Night and what do you think HE'S wearing! :P I am going as All These Things that I've Done, and I'm just gonna write a bunch of names on a shirt!

...tee hee

So yeah, you get the point. Here is a list of ideas people could do. And DON'T forget! As soon as you choose a song, email the title to me and Amber and Kaitlyn so we can put it on the party CD of EXCELLENCE!!!! We have a surprise for everyone as soon as their song comes up!

1) The Luckiest--Ben Folds

Just wear a bunch of good luck charms! Horseshoes, four-leaf clovers, rabbits feet, lucky number sevens...ANYTHING!

2) Cryin, by Aerosmith

I would just paint a little tear on my cheek, mime-style!

3) The Shape of My Heart--Backstreet Boys

Take a t-shirt you don't give a shit about, and get someone to draw a human heart right over where yours is.

4) My Name is--Eminem

Wear a blank Hello My Name is sticker.

5) Geek in the Pink--Jason Mraz

COME ON! if you can't figure THIS one out, you don't deserve to come to this party!

So yeah, they don't have to be hard at all! And there WILL be a punishment for coming without an idea!!! I'm thinking default song!! And by default song, I mean TOPLESS by Breaking Benjamin! BURN!


PS: I hope you appreciate this post because it literally took me five tries to get my computer to stay alive long enough to post it! bitches...the things I do for you....

Monday, September 18, 2006

it hurts in a tender kind of way

*PUNCH* from Brianna! :P

Anyhoo, today has been busy and tiring. Had a meeting for the Changeling at noon today...I kind of realized how unbearably behind we are! Nobody has even starting writing a script yet! Ack! One reason I bowed out of both capture the flag, AND Sardines in the theatre tonight. However, I haven't started yet. Because I am a loser. Hokay.

After that was theatre history where we watched the most depraved, but excellent adaptation of The Revenger's was SO GOOD! Holy crap, it was excellent! It made me want to do another adaptation, maybe for lunchtime theatre, where all we do it sit around in a group and throw out improv ideas, and each of us rewrite a scene using one concept! Can you imagine what would happen if you took some of the ideas for LCD and applied them to something ridiculously boring, like Oedipus Rex? imagine Oedipus gouging his eyes out drunk in the rain! a Pink Floyd concert! a fish market? I dunno, it'd be crazy!

Anyways, after that, we returned to the theatre to discover Becky had gotten bored of Victoria, and returned to the PARTY that is Nanaimo! What made my day was watching her jump on Leon and wrap her legs around him! That was hysterical! She came to acting as well, which was the start of our Laban movement techniques. AWESOME. Basically we flopped around on the floor for an hour. It sounds all sophisticated and actor-y...but really...we just kinda flopped around! :D

After acting, there was errand runnign with Geoff, wherein I actually didn;t get anythign done, because A) I had no $$$ to put my camera in with, and B) the post office was closed so I couldn't mail away my student loan papers. :( bummer and a half. guess I'll just have to get up early tomorrow and do it. we got pizza (too much pizza!!! blarg) and picked up Brianna and co. from Port Place. We headed to Geoff's where we ate pizza and talked to his parents and visited his gigantic rat until we went to choir.

oh choir. glorious glorious chordgasm-filled choir! :) my life is complete once again! I am in the best theatre ever, taking lessons from the funniest most excellent professors in the frickin world. I sing with the prettiest choir that ever existed. And I don't particularly care that I don't have a boy to worship the ground I walk on. Rose-coloured glasses for me, my friend. That glass is DEFINITELY half-full. And I'll punch anyone who says otherwise! :P jk, I'll hug them.

Anyways...BACK to choir! It was...wonderful. :D Just hearing the full chordgasm by the boys in the beginning of Prayer for the Children just made me feel like a rainbow.


ok, maybe not. but it was still excellent. we also sang We Rise Again, Moon River, and Yesterday...did I mention I LOVE us? We are so supremely excellent, it's ridiculous.

*ten minutes and fifteen Chuck Norris jokes later*

Anyways...I have company. I'll finish this another day.

PS: I have helped eat eight pizzas in the past five days.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

he was such a sweet little fucker!

rest in peace, Steve Irwin. You were so damn cool.

So I'm sitting in my living room surrounded by hungover theatres, and a couple others. The party last night was pretty frickin awesome.

I've decided I am bored by this whole do what I want thing. It's just not very much fun anymore. Totally boring, in fact. I feel kind of bad, cause Ace showed up late last ngiht and I was already too drunk to socialize correctly.

(oh man, they're planning all their upcoming themed parties! ideas: fantasy party, hat party, D&D party, vampire party...yikes! I am going to spend this entire school year hungover, I can tell you RIGHT now!)

But yeah, getting back to being bored...I'm just really bored. I'm not unhappy anymore for the most part, I'm just bored with my life. Every party I do the exact same thing and it's starting to irritate me. Help me come up with stuff to do INSTEAD of finding a boy and a corner, k?

Monday, September 11, 2006

first library post...

...of second year! whee! So I just showed Brianna how to use the computers here and she's messing around with them. Geoff hates me, and has self-exiled himself to avoid me, which is going to kind of backfire, because...his life will suck even more!

So...I MOVED OUT! I live with Kaitlyn and Amber now in the House of Hot Sex, with condom escapades, and prom dress/landlord shenanigans! My room is BROWN. not kidding. entirely BROWN. and the window faces east, so the sun hits me right in the face in the morning with a cold splash of light in my eyes like water...I need curtains. All I ahve left to move in is my furniture. But hot landlord fixed my internet, so the basica amenities are all taken care of. :) I have a bathroom, a roof, coffee in the morning and internet. :) Couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thanks for staying for the obligatory consolation stage. I hope you feel better.

OMG! I am SO happy to be back at school!!!!!! WHEEE! Today was Theatre History and Acting with Leon, and yesterday was Stagecraft with Mike! I'm so jazzed about everything!!! Like seriously, this is going to be THE best year for me!

Today, in TH, Leon gave us the awesome lunchtime theatre project...basically we have to adapt a historical play (my group is doing The Changeling) to modern times, and then block it, tech it, and we go up in early October! WOO! Leon is determined for us to do as MUCH theatre as humanly possible this year...which is TOTALLY fine with me, lol! As well, Burton frpm Theatre One in town wants to use Mal Theatres for his little mini workshops that go up in December! So auditions for that are on Wednesday, and I have four things going for me: A) I've worked with Burton before. B) Burton LIKED working with me before. C) Leon is pretty much Burt's contact for this, and Leon LOVES working with me! and D) I'm the best ever? So, Leon gave us all monologues in acting today to study and do for this audition and he's going to help us all with them...I was one of like six who stayed after today to have him help us right away...he thought my slash and beating was good, but my verbs sucked (my words, not his, :P) so I gotta go back and find better ones...I need a verb dictionary! lol! My monologue is called Ashes to Ashes and it's about this lady who's husband took a cigarette and jabbed it into her face seventeen times. I picked it because of this one image in it that totally applies to my life:

People care only until they feel better. They seldom stay past the first good cry.

When I read that I was like, omg, so true...

So anyways, that's pretty frickin awesome. As well, I was in the bookstore and found this sweet play by Timothy Findley called Elizabeth's so good so far! I'm only about halfway through but it's all about the way Elizabeth, who had to reign the way a king would to keep the throne, dealt with her femininity, especially after condemning her former lover to death, and the way an actor who plays female roles in the Lord Chamberlain's Men (William Shakespeare's theatre company) deals with his impending death of syphilis, and how a man who has made a living out of acting like a female has to face mortality like a man. So far, it is excellent!

So I have to jet, because I have an old english-language play to wade through and think up some cool way to adapt, AND try to memorize some of my monologue, do some laundry, take a shower, and eat some dinner. :) my life is complete.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Pinto falls asleep

so I am THE tiredest of tired right I won't5 post too mcuh, except that the party was FUCKIN awesome, hanging out with Fraser and David was super-awesome the next day and now I am tired as hell!

Basically, the most sleep I've had in this weekend was my drunken pass out stage...which isn't real sleep, it's a comatose state.

I am so short.

Friday, September 01, 2006

and now, a badly written poem

I started a lump of wet clay
No structure. Just potential.
Shapeless to everything but the mind’s eye.

Inspiration, devoted careful sculpting
made me what I am;
Always patient, willing to try again
when my flaws made me difficult to handle.

So many times, the artist could have thrown me aside.
Useless, no value, not worth the effort.
But that was not to be my path.

Every turn of the wheel
Shaped me, gave me depth, strength,
Capacity to endure. And everytime
I failed…
The artist tried again.

And when I could be trusted
To stand without falling
To hold this shape I’d been given
Into the kiln, those gentle hands delivered me.

My artist is gone. I withstand the fires
That will keep me the way I was intended
To be. I remain a testament to the care
and patience it took to create me,
As my maker would have wanted.

Happy Birthday, Mum. You wolud have been fifty six today.

Sept 1, 1950- Dec 12, 2005