Thursday, July 22, 2004

You'll never get me to play Dynasty Warriors, Geoff!

Aside from that rather aggressive sentiment, there is nothing much to report.  I have a dull, dull life.
(*don't forget, Alleah!  Gator's blog addy is, ok?*)
strange.  I had really hoped she would have called it Fort Buzzard!  He he! 
I seem to have wound up with these two random addies on my address list for email...  I know who the one is, that's random blog guy named Zac, I think.  The other, I have no idea as to the identity.  Whatever.  He/she shall be the recipient of my forwards from this day forth!  Spread the misery!
I'm actually at Geoff's house right now.  For some reason, I have no interest in eating, although I haven't actually eaten that much today.  I ate cereal for brekkie, fires for linch (approximately six of them) and half of a hotdog, and some grapes for dinner. 
Laura actually has some interesting things to say.  I, in fact, do not, so if Brianna, you included me on that list of blogs for a reason, your desires for your readers to discover a witty, interesting modern young woman, well, then you happen to be dumb. Ha ha!
You know, I've been noticing that I say ha-ha a lot, and if I was reading someone else's blog a lot, and they said ha ha after everything the way I do, I'd be ike why is she laughing at everything?  That's weird.  But what I'm sure you all don't know is I don't mean ha-ha in the "ha ha, I'm a whiny insecure Hilary Duff-lookalike"kind of way, I mean it in a "ha-ha, I'm a psychotic superhero"  kind of way.
Yes I realize that made no sense.  Bitch.
Anyway, Bad Boys II is on tonight so I'm going to go kiss my boyfriend and then watch that and some other bad movies, ok?  ttyl

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