Wednesday, January 26, 2005

dry wall, and no heat for me

Yesterday was interesting and fun! I left school after one block. Went home, changed clothes into dirty-getting stuff, so I could go drywall with Sean and his Uncle Gene.

I didn't end up doing much. I'm small and weak, so mostly, I tried to stay out of the way, and I helped when I was needed. Basically, I played wifey and got them water and sandwiches. I also helped them hold up a sheet of drywall, cause the gyproc had broken, and they needed another person. I helped Gene measure a few times. And while they were putting up the last peice, I swept like a crazy mofo, and then vacuumed obsessive compulsively until the basement looked like there had never been drywall in there. Except for a couple white cloudy areas that I couldn't vacuum very well, cause the dust had congregated.

So now, Sean's basement needs to be taped and puttied, and then--WE GET TO PAINT!!! mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! I am looking forward to that, because it means then I get to start going interior design crazy-like, and that excites.

In other news, HAPPY TWO-YEAR COLLECTIVERSARY, Gator and Beebur!!! You get your gifts today--probably. I was supposed to run around and get all my gift stuff yesterday, but Sean took three hours longer than he said he would drywalling, and by the time they were finished, the stores would have been closed. Bully for me. I was a little perturbed at that, but it's not like it would have mattered. And Gator, I shall talk to you today, I can't call you, cause my phone sucks, remember? Actually, my life in general sucks. So, I shall talk to you in person. I assume this is about the dinner w/ your family and my family?

My only other peice of news is, my oldest friend, Amanda Taft is going through a really hard time right now. Her older stepbrother, Fred had been missing for over a month, and presumed dead. She didn't know who to talk to about it, so she emailed me, even though we haven't hung out almost at all for the past two years. His body was found last Thursday. He had jumped into the Cedar River to escape the police, who him and his friend were apparently running from. His friend survived. He didn't. It is terribly sad, because he left behind a baby boy, Cody, whom Amanda says is adorable. The funeral is on Monday, and if I don't have a exam, I'll be attending. I am completely unable to comprehend the reality of this. I mean, I was never particularly close to Fred, and neither was Amanda. I'm not grief-stricken, or anything, but--I don't know, he's DEAD. like, really completely, irrevocably dead. Everytime, I think too hard about it, and try to imagine his body, I just can't. I have to shake my head and think of something else. It's just so hard to understand. I mean, I'm not a stranger to this, or anything, I've had people close to me die before. But it's never been so hard to get straight in my head like this is. It's just so weird.

Anyways, I'm late for school, again, and I still don't know exactly what I'm giving the girls. I shall get right on that. goodbye.


Beth-a-knee said...

i know--when Christy Percival died I went into shock like that too--it's so hard to...grasp


VivaLaPinto said...

I remember that. That was so tragic...she was such a wonderful person.

Pineapple Princess! said...

School is neat.... you should come. I miss you!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Alleah, I think i heard about that Cody sumwheres. I lost a very good friend not to long ago, it is tres sad. It hard to think about people being gone, like for good :(
more not so uplifting news: x-grade was today and gronden tried to hunt you via phone to the office who had called u down for sum reason.

amyleigh said...

a collectiversary! does that mean you can "break up", per say?

VivaLaPinto said...

yeah, Alana, I talked to him yesterday, and he was all like, "I am so frustrated, because you're so good at this! You come once in a while, and you sit down, and just grind it out, and you get the questions right! If you came everyday, and did everything, you'd be pulling an easy A. That's what frustrates me." But I am still doing ok, and I've done part of the review, and I know most of it, so I ought to be fine.

And Amay, the correct term that an emo-tacular theatre kid (aka, Drew) would use, would be friend-divorce. But in the past few months of semi-growing apartness, we have all done as much to prevent that as possible. So even though, yes it's possible, it's more likely that we'd move away from each other and drift off into Awesome Squad, and Tim-ness, and Sean-diddly-ean-ness. However, I vow to ALWAYS remember Collectiversary. So even if we grow apart, and the unthinkable happens, and Laura has eight children, and Brianna becomes a dung beetle scientist, and I grow to despise Sean with every fiber of my being, I shall still send them a wacky gift, and an Intuitions card on January 25th. And is my bit of sap spewing for the day! :D

VivaLaPinto said...

wow, that was kind of an in-depth answer to a simple question, wasn't it, Amay? sowy about that!