Sunday, February 27, 2005

Charlotte Mantta

Me and my sweetie have yet another baby! But this one is not a bird, nor an imaginary child! This one is a kitty!!!

The past couple days, there's been this stray cat hanging around Sean's yard, with no collar, no tags, no tattoos on her ears, or inside of her lip, not even a ring of smashed fur where a collar might have been. For all intents and purposes, she is stray! She is this absolutely beautiful Himalayan, with long hair, and these heavenly bright blue eyes. She looks just like Sassy from Homeward Bound. She's gorgeous, and so friendly, and sweet. The problem is, Sean's Mom's landlord won't allow them cats or dogs, so she has to stay outside. I lent them cat food, until they buy a bag of their own, and since she has stayed in their backyard the past three days, she's basically Sean's and mine now! Because Bonnie, Ian, and Tuula can't keep it cause of their landlord, but the place that me and Sean will move into allows cats! We have named her Charlotte, and she is just the sweetest thing!

So, me and Sean and Mom had this ginormous conversation about financing last night. Sean working the same hours and earning the same amount as Vanderleek roofing, and me making six hundred a month, we could make downpayment of ten grand in two and a half years, only putting two hundred each towards it. If we put four hundred towards it, we'd make it in just over a year. We'd own it in ten years. By that time, if we had pristine credit (and you know, you actually get better credit if you buy a LOT of stuff, but pay your bills religiously), a couple cars, and were mortgaging another house that we lived in, and renting out the condo, that would be enough to get a significant loan.

As an aside, I was also curious as to what exactly the government of Canada considers the poverty line, so I worked it out. For a just moved out couple with a few inexpensive pets, to be at the poverty line, you'd have to make $62, 000 a year. EACH. If you have kids, the poverty line is probably WAY higher than that. Now I ask you this, what the FUCK are they thinking? What does that make a family like mine? That makes less that twelve thousand a year? Fucking retards.

Also, until I am twenty one, me and Sean have a significant third income: my orphan pensions! I get two, one Canadian, and one American, because my dad was an American living in Canada when he died. Therefore, I get a hundred and twenty dollars from the Canadian government (piddly, miserly dog-fuckers), and four hundred and eighty (depending on exchange rate) from the American government! So together, him with an eight hundred a month income, me with a six hundred a month income, plus this extra six hundred dollar a month income from le North American governments, Sean and I could live quite comfortably! Isn't that awesome?! Graduating suddenly doesn't seem so bad.

However, last night also sucked a little. You all know how I've been waiting for my birth certificate to come since last summer, right? Well, Mom and I were talking about it, and little by little, I dragged it out of her, that she never actually sent for it. The day she told me she'd sent for my birth certificate, back in August, I asked her specifically if she, herself, had sent it off. I asked specifically if she, herself, had paid the twenty dollars. The quastions I asked were phrased exactly so that she had to say she had done it herslef, with her won hands, and her own money. She lied. She went to Welfare, because apparently they HAVE to pay for my legal documents if they are accidentally destroyed, the way they were in the fire. And they said they would do it. Obviously they didn't.

I flipped. I was SO ANGRY. I just accused her of lying to me, and then stormed upstairs and just broke down. i can't believe that she just lied to me like that. She literally lied. She said specifically that she sent it off herself. and she lied. so I've been waiting for NINE FUCKING MONTHS for something that didn't even happen. It hurt me so badly to know that I can't even depend on my own mother to take care of my legal documents, that I will need for the rest of my life.

I am never asking her for another thing. I am sending for my birth ceritficate on my own tomorrow, when the post office will be open. I am doing it ON MY OWN so that I know it'll get done. It is pathetic that I can depend on Sean more than I can depend on my own mother. I vow never to depend on another person for the rest of my life.

Ok, I am done ranting now. My life is pretty ok right now, except for the heinous betrayal of mother dearest. but w/e. I just don't care anymore. see ya later!


Unknown said...

I want a kitty!!! Yours sounds so beautiful!! Whoa! raking in the dooooooouuugh girl! Good luck w/ sending off fer yez birth certificate tomorrow! Hopefully you dont have to wait long for it.

K said...

True that about the credit... I am so paranoid about going into debt (I refuuuuse) that I almost don't want a credit card, but purchase protection offered by like VISA is so cool.

That's the spirit about doing stuff personally that you want to see done, btw. Way to be self-reliant. *thumbs up*

Anonymous said...

Alleah, are you fucking stupid!! How the hell can you be so sure that you still be with Sean in 2 years or anything like that!!! That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard....and I thought you might have learned a lesson when dealing with Geoff....but I guess not!! YOu amaze me with your stupidity! You are ion fucking high school still for crying out loud! You can't be planning your entire life with one man when you are hardly old enough to do many a thing!! You are insane and I think this is THE most ridiculous and carazy thing you have ever thought of doing or will ever do!!

Sorry if that was repetative....your friend the anonymous teddy bear

VivaLaPinto said...

do I detect a note of--hmm, jealousy maybe? Who the hell are you that you know so much about the world as to tell me what I can and cannot pull off? When you have managed, or experienced half the things I have, maybe then I will consider your pathetically rude opinion. Until then keep your fucking bile to yourself because my lessons are my own to be learned and absorbed.

VivaLaPinto said...

I cannot decide if you are Gareth, as figured by the bad spelling, and teddy bear reference, or if you are simply that asshole who has been tormenting us all the past little while. If in fact you are Gareth, or any of my friends, buck up and leave your name, because if you can't say that to my face, you don't deserve to say anything in judgement of anyone.

Here's my challenge, Anonymous Teddy Bear... if you have any integrity, or sense of honesty, stop hiding behind anonyminity, and stand by your opinions like a real person, if you EVER want them to be taken seriously.

amyleigh said...

I wanna kitty soo bad! seriously for the past few weeks i've just had this kitty and beth even went to the SPCA to see if they had any kittens. (they didn't). anyways. that person was incredibly ignorant. planning your life when you're in highschool is a GOOD thing. it's what you should do, so then you're not graduated and going nowhere. weird. planning ahead is good anytime, in fact. and so is dreaming! and you seem to have thought it out, and it's possible, so good for you!!! humph.

VivaLaPinto said...

oh and Kevin, the most interesting thing I find about credit is that the more you buy whilst paying it back religiously, the better your credit! And then once you've advanced along the lines of credit-awesemity levels, well that is considered good collateral to take out a loan on! So let's just see this envisioned picture for a moment shall we? In ten years, Sean and I shall own our own home, and probably be mortaging another one. We'd own a couple of vehicles, or at least have begun to lease them. With good credit, I think that's pretty good basis for a business loan of respectable proportions...don't you?!

K said...

Capital, viz. assets liquid & solid, is probably the best foundation. Government jobs used to be good 'cause they were guaranteed... but nowadays not so much is certain. Still, sounds like it could work.

As I said, I am still planning never to go into debt ever, regardless of the standard of living at which that puts me. Just my opinion though (quality of life improved by not owing people money).

VivaLaPinto said...

thank you Gareth. I much prefer it when people are honest about their opinion. I am still angry about what your opinion is, Gareth, but I appreciate that you can stand by it, unlike le anon. jerk face who remains scared about leaving his name.

anyways in response to what you actually said, I don't think it's right that you should be so vehement that nothing I'll ever do will work just because I'm young. With that attitude, you are going to end up waiting until you've dead-ended to do anything with your life and by that time, it will be too late. Now unless you're willing to live the rest of your life like my mother, I suggest you take a cue from those making a plan for themselves.

VivaLaPinto said...

Kevin, what about student loans??? As far as I know, you cannot simply pay for college, and you won a fair amount of scholarships, but not enough to pay your way through post-secondary? So you pretty much are going to go into debt anyways...

(btw, that's the only thing I'm worried about, about me and Sean's plan: is that I will also be paying for college and student loans whilst mortgaging this house, which is a considerable dent in finances.)

anyways, explain to me what liquid assets are. I am still not as versed as you in financial security terms, and such.

Anonymous said...

That whole thing is random, I must say lol. I for one support Alleah And Sean 100% no matter what! And this is theD1987...

Megan said...

Hmm...I must say it all sounds very big for someone who isn't even out of high school yet. Kudos for the dreams and wishes, but wow. The thought of something like a house, to me, would be terrifying. And I dunno...I mean you and Sean seem great together but it just all sounds so scary and...older peoplish. Alleah, sometimes, you make me feel small.

Anonymous said...

here here gareth! At least someone from this group has some brains. HAve you not realized that your plan is the ideal of everything? There are always unexpected problems in business. Your little budget seems stretched already, and your plan takes the very best of everything! Seriously, the fact that you are so confident in this, let alone even thinking about it, makes me seriously wonder about your intelligence. You are a 17 year old girl. You have no job. Your mom isnt giving you any money. Your boyfriend doesnt have a job. Im pretty sure neither of you have any training outside of high school. Seriously, get realistic Alleah.

PS- this is jackass anonymous, or jerkface as you like to call me :)

Anonymous said...

Haha Alleah you're an idiot. You're guna end up like the rest of your family with rope for seatbelts in the family car =) Maybe you'll even get knocked up in the next few months like that slut jodi! That'd be sweet.

barbara_mary said...

Okay, I think that while Alleah and Sean are being sort of hasty with all these plans... (Haven't been dating long, she thought she had things like this with Geoff, etc...) it's really none of our buisness if they choose to do this.

VivaLaPinto said...

Em-eukal, you are truly cretinous if that's the best you can think of. Don't bother me with your moronic insults.

Anon, I ask you this: what exactly is your idea of realism? Fighting with your family, bending over and kissing ass for The Man, drinking, partying and "getting knocked up like that slut jodi" instead of applying for scholarships and colleges, which is what's going to make my dreams possible in the first place? If that's all you think there is to life, then I pity you because your life is even more miserable than mine if that's even possible. What joy is there in not knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life? What hope is there in believing there's nothing else for me right now. What happened to make you so bitter that you can't stand for anyone to have a little happiness in their life, and you have to tear it down?

I realize that this is a long shot, but what I think many of you are failing to realize is that, though I would like it to happen in the next couple of years, it's more likely these will occur probably ten years down the line. I am aware of that. But I have pulled off great things before. If Sean and I set our minds to this, anything is possible. And, believe me, we have.

PS: Megan that is a very ironic statement, and you shouldn't feel small because I have big plans. I heart you, you wonderful girl!

Brianna said...

Sean, are you kidding? For the past say, month, Alleah has been acting nuts! I mean, it was quite out of the norm. But really, what else can you do but ignore someone that yells their face off if you so much as say hello to them??

PS: i have nothing to say about the craziness/non craziness of your future plans, i just couldnt let that last statement slide.

Anonymous said...

Wow this has definately sparked up some interesting controversy! Random people who leave hate comments, mixed opinions and support on the matter. I hope everyone who is bad-mouthing the situation feels good about themselves, you may have your opinions, but some should remain to yourselves. Alleah, some of the ideas seem a bit radical at this point, but I have faith in you and Sean. I know things will work out for the best between you two, even if everything doesn't go according to plan. I hope you find out who is leaving hate comments too!

Unknown said...

Dare to dream kids, dare to dream

and jodi is actually nice, we all make mistakes in life but live and learn, her beautiful baby will surely be a blessing.

Anonymous said...

From now on I am calling ymself the true Anon. You know, the original one who makes fun of you all :)

You guys have only been going out since September? hahahaah! Wow get a clue. Ive had a longer relationship with the jar of pickles in my fridge. I thought you guys were at least somewhat serious. Newflash- you are on welfare. Im sure that is going to help your credit out a lot. and dont even try to say they wont care about that, because they will. As previously stated, I believe Gareth is the only group member with any brains. You should all listen to him.

WHo the hell is the man? The establishment? Im tired of that bullshit. Its retarded. And getting drunk kicks ass. That doesnt mean I havent applied for colleges and scholarships. Ill be an "outstanding" student according to Mal once I submit my transcript. But this isnt even about me. Its about you being a tool.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous "the true anon," I hope you come forward soon, you are really chicken shit for not already. Getting drunk kicks ass? Well so does revealing yourself.

Unknown said...

oh man all these comments, im not liking the hating- shame.

Unknown said...

oh man all these comments, im not liking the hating- shame.

Unknown said...

oh man all these comments, im not liking the hating- shame.

VivaLaPinto said...

Gareth, I hope by em-eukal, you mean the true Anon, because all em-eukal is capable of doing is spitting pointless, and truely sad insults. And Anon, how about you don't knock Welfare until you've been on it. Because with your sad attitude about life you are going to end up poorer than my mom. And for your information, SHE is on Welfare. I am not.

Anonymous said...

You live with her, you are under 18. If she is on welfare, you are on welfare.

VivaLaPinto said...

Is it just me, or is it kind of weird that my life plan is so controversial? What business is it of yours? Why the hell do YOU care so much about MY life? is yours so boring, Anon, and Em-eukal?

bradfurd said...
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bradfurd said...

'sup. Outstanding student at Mal? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAa omg. what does that mean? 80 average? ahhahahahaha. anyways, just because they plan this stuff doesn't mean they follow through with it all. maybe they'll just get a house and then break up, but that house can be sold and they get back the money they put into it. The steps taken in this plan will be helpful, whether or not the ultimate goal is achieved. I must ridicule those who dis the ones with plans, when they should be examining their plans for when they get out of high school. If you have some "master plan", then please do share it with us, huh? you annoying meek weak wussy plan-makey, planmakers. well I got an 'A' on english. wut up?

VivaLaPinto said...

"And whoever em-eukal is, I think you have a point in this matter. " Don't lie Gareth. "Haha Alleah you're an idiot. You're guna end up like the rest of your family with rope for seatbelts in the family car =) Maybe you'll even get knocked up in the next few months like that slut jodi! That'd be sweet. " you AGREE with this??? Way to be a friend.

Mekni said...

No one is perfect. That being said, you should recognize that the following post is coming from such.

First off, I don't think anybody here has tried much understanding. And I mean literally picturing themselves in other peoples shoes. How many of those who have commented have fallen so deeply in love that they would not only die for the person whom they love, but they would LIVE for that person. I don't know what things are like for Sean and Alleah, but who are we who A: have never had that feeling or B: never even imagined what that's like. Love can make people do crazy things. Including things they regret later.

I have agreed with many things posted thus far, but I have also disagreed with many. I disagree with the vile and hurtful things that have been said (and I think we all know what those are). There is no need for that. But I agree with things, both pro and con, about the situation.

Firstly: Finances, are a very tricky thing do deal with. I moved down to Utah on my own money. I have only barely managed to not go flat out broke, and mostly because I'm living with family for a hundred bucks a month rent (room and board). I am working a lot and spending very little on myself (as in maybe 200 in three months, I have earned over ten times that amount). No matter how much money you think you have, you probably don't have enough. Especially if a vehicle is owned. They are a constant upkeep.

Secondly (and more importantly): I have personally seen relationships succeed that should have failed (the one I'm thinking of began in highschool). Some one close to me, impregnated his girlfriend while he was only seventeen, and she was eighteen. The idea floated around about putting the child up for adoption. In the end she decided to keep the child, and as soon as he had graduated they were married and they moved out on there own. Almost five years later they have four kids (in total), they live in there own house (of decent size), they have two vehicles, they are virtually debt free. They had to work very hard at it. And I mean VERY hard. They were mere inches from divorce within the first year.
I'm not saying they are going to have kids or everything they want, and I'm not even saying they are going to stay together forever. But I am saying it is possible. Especially where their plans are all being made out before hand. BTW, they had not dated for more than three months before she got pregnant.

*a litte more casually* And what's wrong with ideals? In a world fast collapsing, I think ideals are to be commended not shot down.

I've said my piece. I wish the best of luck to ALL of you. I just hope we can all learn to understand and support instead of belittle and destroy.

VivaLaPinto said...

thanks, Chip. that was fair, and to all sides; I appreciate that.

barbara_mary said...

That was very well said. And after listening to many of the comments siding with Alleah, I've decided that the fact that they are planning this is a good thing, even if I find it to be less than realistic.

Sean and Alleah, I hope that you both are happy, no matter how it all turns out.

bradfurd said...

lol. did you not read my previous comment? Clearly, *waving arms* most investments (besides a car) they make will have some return regardless of their marital status. I'd recommend GIC's or real estate.

Anonymous said...

"'sup. Outstanding student at Mal? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAa omg. what does that mean? 80 average? ahhahahahaha"

dude thats why I put outstanding in quotations. Maybe you could read better if Alanna wasnt eating your face all the time.

bradfurd said...

I'm sorry for dissing your marks dude. I probably know you, but you are making fun of me behind a mask. :S I don't know why, but I hope its fun. "the man" is the sweetest term ever. and how does getting drunk "kick ass"? try "licks ass". but to each his own. I would just like to say, that you are not a sup guy extraordinaire. :(

Unknown said...

I do not eat brads face all the time.

and why are u dissing brad now? you seem like a very unhappy person and that is sad.

VivaLaPinto said...

Angie, that SUCKS!!! They must hurt so bad. I feel for you. And Brad, I agree, real estate is where it's at, which is why I'm so h-core about buying that condo. I don't have to live in it for more than five years, but owning something makes you looks mmm-mmm-good financially.

And on an off-note, Anon, what's so bad about sucking Brad's face off? I can remember a time or two when I had the urge to do that. I think you're missing out (guy or not).

Gareth, prepare yourself, for I am about to do just that, prove how and why it'll work. I just have to figure out the Latin for "don't let the bastards grind you down" first although I might simply settle for "fuck you" in Japanese--solely for the posterity of it! :)

Brianna said...

btw, the poverty line isnt 62000 a year, thats simply ridiculous. You wouldnt call ME poor and i think my mom makes 35,000 or something like that. Also, Arruda told us in CAPP 10 that it was 16,000, so im not sure where youre getting your info from

Anonymous said...

Yaaa Im thinking its a bit lower then 62000. and if it is, why would you complain? Im sure the further you are under it, the more welfare you will receive. How does your mom only make 12000 a year? Even a full-time, minimum wage job should pay more then that. Im sad that the tax dollars I pay go toward giving you electricity, which in turn allows you and your boyfriend to play music during sex. The thought sickens me.

VivaLaPinto said...

Well, Anon (assumably NOT the true Anon) if you knew anything about the world, you would know that Welfare is a ripoff, and the only function they serve is to provide aid IN BETWEEN jobs. To people like my mother who can't work, there is disability, which is what we are on for your information. And, again, if you bothered to do a single bit of research, you would also know that someone with a smaller amount of dependants get less money than someone with more dependents. Therefore, my sister, with four kids gets tons of cash, whereas my my mom, with one dependantstill at home gets BARELY ANY MONEY AT ALL.

The next time you decide to insult the place where your precious tax dollars go, try actually KNOWING where it is they go.

Anonymous said...

its nice to have someone back me up, even if they too are anonymous.

why dont you get a job alleah? If you have it so rough at home why dont you get a job? I dont really see what your last post is contesting. Obviously your sister gets more money, she is feeding more kids. I dont understand what you are saying. Of course you get less money than her, you are a family of 2 compared to a family of 5. (or 6 if your sister has a boyfriend/husband)

Back to the poverty line thing, 62000$ is ridiculous. Id be suprised if it was even half of that. Dont be calling the government retarded when your numbers are waaay off.

VivaLaPinto said...

HAHAHA! Rich you're awesome! lol!

anyways, Anon, you need to do your background research as well, because then you'd know that without a birth certificate, you cannot send off for a SIN card, which is required to legally work in Canada. Basically, I'm screwed. Why do you think I've been being so psychotic about the fact I don't HAVE my birth certificate. Also, if you'd applied for college like you said you did, instead of having your mummy fill out the forms for you,. you'd know that you need a SIN card for that also.

Stop bothering me, I have enough problems.

Anonymous said...

Alleah, you are a fucking moron. There is no way that the poverty line is at $62,000. That's a TON OF FUCKING MONEY. No, a tonne. A metric fucking tonne of money, you stupid slut.

AND, welfare does NOT just provide money while you are between jobs. I work with a woman who is on welfare, and in order to keep receiving cheques from the government she has to stay employed. The reason your mom isn't able to work, is because she is a stupid fucking drunk. And if welfare is such a fucking ripoff, why don't you tell her to go off it.

Also, one last thing: you keep trying to make yourself sound intelligent by using uncommon words, such as 'posterity'. In actuality, you are the stupidest, ugliest, stinkiest bitch I have ever met. I hate you.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that when I find out who you are, you are going to wish you had never been born. I'll start with something simple, like your nose or your finger. Then, I will move into more serious things such as a wrist, and ankle or possibly an arm. You may not know me, but I do have a large reputation of getting into fights and winning. You piss me off more and, ooo i can't wait.

VivaLaPinto said...

You fucking idiot, Sun-Rape. You say things like that, be damned fucking sure it can't be traced, because I will find out who you are, your life will get worse than you could ever think possible you miserable little snot-nosed shit.

bradfurd said...

i'd like to say to sun-rape and the random anon. insulting people that you said things that really hurt. you are talking about real people and the things you say aren't funny in anyway. No, I'm not going to kick your ass, but those are hurtful things you are saying.

tashalaughs said...

Hey sexy, don't let all those nasty comments change what you want. Nathan, the guy I brought to prom, and I have been on and off for over two years now. Even when we're not together, I still think that in the end we'll end up together. So does he. Now how screwed up is that? But see, some highschool romances DO work out!