Saturday, February 26, 2005


ok, I have the coolest news EVER! me and Sean could own our own home by as early as NEXT YEAR!!!! isn't that incredible???

basically the story is, that before coming to filming today, me and Mom dropped by the Salvation Army for their fifty percent off sale, and we saw a couple old family friends there, Andrew and his girlfriend Michelle. They were buying a couch, and since we have the truck, we agreed to take their couch up to their house. So they live in these townhouses up off of Ninth Street, right? I wasn't thinking too much of them, but then, once we got the loveseat in, Andrew took us on this tour. And these townhouses, are SO nice!!! We came in, and we were basically in this little mudroom thing, with a couple closets, and a water heater, and a freezer. Totally normal. Then we went up six stairs or so, and we were in the living areas. There was a nice sized living room, a dining room, and a pretty big kitchen for a townhouse. Then there was a patio outside, and an ok sized backyard. Then we went up a flight of siz or so steps, and we were on this landing with a nice little nook-ish type thing, and two bedrooms on either side of the landing, both with fifteen foot ceilings, and one with a balcony! Then we went up another flight of six stairs and there were two MORE bedrooms on either side of the good-sized landing. So this place was really nice, and had FOUR freaking bedrooms, which is surprising for a townhome.

Now, here comes the kicker: Andrew is paying eight hundred dollars a month for this place--FOR MORTGAGE!!!!! He OWNS this place! That is so cool, because the place is so cool, there's FOUR bedrooms for me and Sean to play with! They allow cats, and birds and fish, but they don't allow dogs, which is stupid. But as Mom pointed out to me, when you OWN your own home, there isn't a thing they can do about it, as long as the dog doesn't break the noise code.

Now think about this: this is so perfect for us! Owning our own home would give us the collateral we'd need to get a bank loan to dstart our business!!! We could be business, and home owners by NEXT YEAR!!!!

I came in and told Sean about this, and I think he was so frightened by my enthusiasm that he forgot to think about what I was saying. But anyways, I have to go film! leave comments and tell me all about how awesome this is, because this is SO FREAKING SWEET!!!!!


Pineapple Princess! said...

wow.... I..... would be crazy scared.... financial commitments are scary....

K said...

You're hardcore... your capitalist ways are to be admired. *thumbs up*

Laura said...

holy commitments.
i don't want to deal with real life.
holy bajeebees

Glenn said...

Holy rabid sponges batman! Thats a deal and a half!

VivaLaPinto said...

yeah, usually I would be too, but it's ok, because real life doesn't seem so bad anymore! Mom and Sean and I had this huge conversations about finaces last night, and I've got a lot of things figured. I post now!