Tuesday, February 22, 2005

on the subject of a lovelife

header: I believe there shalt be multiple titles in this post. ware!

Now, is anybody else incredibly confused as to the polar-ness of a certain somebody's mood changes as to a certain OTHER somebody? Tim, give us a heads-up! What is going on? She's very very upset, and is skipping her academics for, like, the third day in a row to go be miserable with Laura. I shall join her after lunch. I really feel for her, because she's actually more upset about this than she's been with any other one who didn't work out. thumbs down all around! (to partake of an Amay-Bethany phrase.) To Boyface: have a heart! Whatever dilemma you have over this, shove it down a deep dank hole, and enjoy the awesemity that is Girlface! Do so, or I shall smite thou!

k, done with that now.

Constantine, the cheesiest of cheese.

So, on Friday, I decided not to go to Aden's p-tay in favor of going to Constantine with Devin, Brad, Sean, Alana, Emily, and Chris. I still hadn't bought Sean his V-day gift, so that was it. Twas quite ironic, that I took him to a show, because that's what he got for me, too! He's taking me to a play this weekend, and I am excited!

Anyways, Constantine was crap, though Brad will tell you otherwise. Keanu disappointed and the angel Gabriel pissed me off. You just cannot manipulate the idea of religion into having a corrupt God. It defeats the purpose of portraying religion as real. Angels may fall, and the Devil is the type to make a wager over human souls. But God? I bet you anything I will have comments refuting the existence of God, but in my life, God is real, and God is perfect. God doesn't play games with His children. Doesn't happen, and it makes me want to slap the screenwriter of Constantine. Also, could the goddamn movie BE more Catholic??? Now, I absolutely have nothing against Catholicism, why ever would I? But I do have a problem with the arrogance of believing that your way is the ONE TRUE WAY, and that NOTHING ELSE IS EVER GOING TO BE TRUE. Which some may believe to be odd, given my penchant for Mormonism. But my personal belief is that there is some truth in all religions. Which makes sense if you consider that almost all religions have the same basic tenets. And the movie Constantine started off on the wrong foot with me, because EVERYBODY in it was Catholic, and there was absolutely no consideration, not even the QUESTION that any other religion in the world was real. I mean, when you find out for the first time in your life that God is real, and you have undeniable proof that it all happened, most people would ask the question, "so what of the other religions? how does Buddhism, Islam, Prtestantism fit into this Catholic truth you are presenting to me?" but that question was never asked in the movie Constantine, and that bugged me. It was as if they were saying, "of course Catholicism is true, what else could religious truth possibly be?"

Anyways, onto other subjects.


are awesome. except when they poop on your head and bite your hand for taking the troublen to return their mate to them. Yes, my ViVi is a pistol, and rather difficult, and contrary. But she's beautiful, and has such personality!


is even better! I am entirely in love with him, though we've spending a bit too much time together lately. tonight we are not going to see each other. We have made a pact that no matter what else, every week, we are obl;igated to take at least a minute, and do nothing but cuddle. reason being that cuddling, in it's beautiful simplicity, is nothing but love, and happiness and smiling. so a minute of cuddling minumum, where we are hugging, and touching and simply in love per week is a VERY GOOD THING! And it makes me love that wonderful boy even more than I already did.

We have been thinking about landscaping and architecture lately. On Sunday, while he was at church, I kinda went a little crazy, and drew the modified plans for my house. Then I began landscaping plans for our possible backyard. We discussed it last night, and I have some more modifying to do. I am excited, because the plan ias based on my current house, which I love, except it has an added couple of feet here, an extra room or two there, and I love it! I am really excited to build this new house! I will make sure it has desirable amenities, like electric heating (despite it's expensive-ness) and more reasonable breaker divisions. Unlike my super-crap house, with a fridge, and washer, AND dryer all on the same breaker. For those of you who know nothig of which I speak of, that means, we plug in a can opener, and the breaker blows. It is Sucky McBlow-Ass.

Filming My Immortal

Yesterday, I was hit by a car. Four times. Or more accurately, I was asked to walk into a moving car, then roll out of the way, and act dead, whilst said car sped away. I took the first bus to Sean's house and cuddled with him as he woke up, and later that day when Devin arrived, we bagan storyline filming of My Immortal.

We started at Sean's filming practice scenes, where I was singing with Sean playing the piano, and I had to get mad at him, and storm out. That was fun! Sean laughed and ruined the shot like fifteen times! We did all sorts of rushing in and out, and running down the street scenes, and it was great!

Then we drove to Devin's, and did--dun dun dun--the bedroom scene!!! No, it was nothing like you're thinking, Devin does PG videos! Jeex, you dirty-minded individuals! So scandalous! Anyways, we changed into pj's, and did fun bed scenes, where Sean wakes up from a nightmare, looks over, and checks to make sure I'm still there. It was so funny, because he only had about four barrs to do all this is, so half the takes ended up looking like he looked over, and then, "meh. whatever, I don't care." watching the footage later, we had a good laugh over that. We also got some of the funniest bloopers ever. One was staged, where me and Sean were hiding uder the covers, and he turned out to be wearing a random Amish hat, and I was salivating over this picture of Devin. It was his BIG CAMEO in the film, and we laughed like fools over it. Also, there was one take where I accidentally ran my face into the pillow next to me, and even though the camera didn't catch it, it panned back to me, and I was laughing at my mistake, and staring at the camera, and it ruined the shot. twas amusing.

After that, his Mom got home with her boyfriend, and we all drove downtown to film the car crash scenes. Those were so funny! I couldn't handle the shots, weher Devin was trying to get the surprised, I'm-about-to-get-hit-by-a-car face, and every single one, I started laughing.

When we did the scene, Devin actually asked me to walk into the car, as it was moving, and fall over the hood of the car. According to them, I looked like a plastic dummy each time--but hey! YOU try walking into a moving car, and see how natural YOU look! One thing is certain, I am NOT a stunt actor! Anyways, passerby were quite confused, and Devin was in the midst of filming one shot where I was lying on the ground, "dead" and some guy walks up, and asks, "Did somebody call an ambulance?" We all just started laughing, and I stood up, and was like, "I'm not dead, thanks very much!" in this cheery voice, and he was so confused. Devin's Mom was like, later, "Yeah sure we just hit this girl, and we're all just sitting around watching her bleed! Devin's filming her for his own sick purposes!" We had a good laugh over that, though the poor guy was just trying to be helpful to what was supposed to look like an accident.

Anyways, it was quite interesting, and will be fun to talk about in the interview.

Alright, I am super done with blogging now! Goodbye, all!


Unknown said...

Agreed. Constantine was bad. Gabriel swearing.. come on! It could have been so much better. And the end- CHEESE!

Devin's mom is freakin halarious.

Beth-a-knee said...

I want to be in a movie

Kahloke said...

See, I always liked the notion that God was an inherently flawed entity.

Of course... I subscribe to the church of George Burns, so... :D:D

... "Oh God!"

VivaLaPinto said...

JEEX, Llowyn!!! GOD IS PEFECT! end of question...

amyleigh said...

jeez, I agree with you. What a depressing idea--a manipulative God. Thats just so wrong.

K said...

sounds like a fun movie to make & I can't wait to see it... rock on

VivaLaPinto said...

*raspberry* to that, Devin!