Tuesday, February 08, 2005

stealth blogging

BAH! I hate not having a computer. That seems to be all you hear from me lately, hey? Bah, I hate this! Bah, I hate that! Whatever. I’m negative.

So, life is entirely boring. Second semester has started. I have English with Mr. Perrett (random Australian; Brianna’s in my class), History with Tarwitz (switching out into Film and TV, also with Brianna. Mr. Sinclair teaches that.), and Bio with Rodgers. Super boring, also, super easy. Gator is in my class. D block is my spare, THANK GOD! Ahh, the glory of not having to go to a full day of school. Tis a wonderful thing, except for when you have no money, or food, and spend the whole time bitching to Laura about how much I hate my life.

I hate it when life is so negative. It feels like nothing is going right, and there is no hope at all for me. Hat’s a crappy feeling. I also hate this keyboard. The letters are sticky and it’s creating an anger hernia of magnificent proportions in my poor Pinto stomach. If you notice, the T is pissing me off especially.

Filming of My Immortal is this Saturday. Friday, I have to practice with the band, which is weird, cause I’m not actually singing, I’m just lipsynching. I think during filming, I’m going to do my best to drive Devin batty, and sing harmony, or something funny like that! (HAHA! The R sucks, too, and I just typed harmony as HAMONY! Yay, ham!)

So, I’m actually blogging at school right now, which explains the title. I have to type this on Word, then SUPER-STEALTHILY copy and paste it onto blogger. Except Word is fixing all my characteristic mistakes, such as not capitalizing, and NOT fixing my stupid sticky-letter mistakes! HOW INFURIATING! Good old copy and paste, always there when I need it!
Anyways, I’m boring. Goodbye. I wish I had food. Goodbye, again.


VivaLaPinto said...

hahaha! oh, how I understand that plight. however, I know o not have THREE INSANE CLASSES, so I'm sitting pretty. In fact the only frustrating thing is that









for shame.

amyleigh said...

"hamony" is the best word ever--I think I want to rape it. See, you're life isn't all negative! you help bring new, wonderful, great words into the world, if nothing else. (and we all know that "nothing else" is not the case)