Friday, February 18, 2005

that was a pig screecher

I actually hate Laura and Brianna. nto really. but they annoy me.

Anyways, I haven't posted in far too long, and I only am now because I really cannot stomach doing any more symbolic meanings of "non-descript rental houses."

Hey, I have a question: does anybody check my blog anymore??? I am not whining, I just want to make sure people are still interested, because I realize I haven't posted in a long while.

Yesterday, me and Devin had a huge fight. I am assuming he is not talking to me, so I shall post my side of the story here, in the hopes that he will read it and understand why I got angry. It goes a little something like this:

Yesterday at choir, Sean was there, adn him and Devin were discussing future filming times for the storyline stuff of My Immortal. I was in a somewhat bad mood because I had just found out that I'd gotten eighty nine in acting, (when Devina dn April got 99; that's enraging) and eighty six in choir (something I've NEVER gotten below ninety in), but it was contained, you know? I wasn't snipping at anybody, I was just a little broody about it. Anyways, I wasn't participating in the conversation, and Brianna came up to me and asked if I wanted to sing a few songs with her and Laura because they felt like singing some Collective harmony before choir. So I went sure, I'm bored. We got the piano out, and sang Sincerely, which was fun. After we decided to sing Lonesome Road. Halfway through the song Devin turns around and says, "Alleah, come here." I just shook my head, because clearly, I was already doing something else, and it wasn't like I was going to drop everything just to go see what he wanted. So I shook my head at him, and didn't stop singing. He gave me this look, and repeated, "Alleah, COME HERE," in this really offensive tone of voice. Now, I have to explain my reaction to this. To me, it was like, he was expecting me to jump like a trained seal at his beck and call, and the very idea of anybody, let alone Devin expecting this of me offended me insanely. And let's not forget, I was still upset over my report card. So I stopped in the middle of a phrase, and said, "Devin, I'm signing," thinking maybe he'd realize that I was in themiddle of something, and wait til the end of the song. Not a chance. He grimaces at me, and snarkily snarls, "I don't care." That absolutely infuriated me. If I had been close to him, I would have punched him. As it was, I snarled back, "Well, too bad!" Then Mrs. Sinclair tried to start the practice, because she could clearly see things were getting angry. So I stalked over to where he was, and just about blew up. For those of you who were there, who thought I DID blow up, no I actually didn't, I was restraining myself from even worse yelling. I told him, "Don't EVER snap your fingers at me, and expect me to drop everything to come running, I won't take that kind of shit from you," in not so many words, but I was so angry, I can't remember the exact words now. He just narrowed his eyes, and said, "Go away, Alleah, I don't have time for this," and that, nearly gave me a hernia. I have never been so angry at him. All I could get out was, "YOU don't have fucking time for this," before Mrs. Sinclair broke it up. By that time, everybody in the room was silent and watching us, kind of warily. After that, we began warm up, and Devin left the room. He didn't come back for a half an hour. When he came back, he said to Sean, as an aside, "I'm thinking about not doing My Immortal now," Now THAT is the most manipulative, evil thing Devin has ever said and done. NOBODY drops a bone in my lap and expects me to kiss ass for it. NOBODY. I couldn't stomach it from Ratbitch, and I will NEVER take that from someone who professes to be my friend. Never. Thank goodness I didn't hear it, but it just goes to show how wrong it was, because of Sean's reaction. He had basically been a neutral observer through the fight, and when Devin said that to him, he just snapped, "You damn well better, because if you don't I will be so pissed." And well, he should be! He wrote the fucking storyline! And Devin has no right to treat us as if we are his little entourage, and that we'll do what he wants just because he's making a movie. Now, this is true, also: I overreacted. I know this, and I apologize to Devin for that. But he said it on his own website, I don't take any shit from anybody. And what I felt he did yesterday was horse manure of the vilest variety. (that sounded pompous) It was absolute crap.

Anyways, I am hoping Devion will read that, and understand my point of view, and notice my apology as well. But let it be known, that I do NOT consider that fight to be my fault. And it still makes me angry when I think about it.

Other than that, yesterday was pretty good. I only went to one class (*cringe*) and had a great time at Country Club with Brianna, Katie Lloyd, Laurie, Chris Read, and Sean. After choir, Sean took me to see Finding Neverland, and we had a fabulous tme! It was such a great movie, I cried throughout. Even Sean had little puddles, which is cute! We saw and talked to the twins, and agreed to spend time together next week after they get back from Youth Conference. We want to see their new place, and they want to meet the birds...

OH YEAH! THE BIRDS!!!! Sean bought two lovebirds for our five month anniversary! The girl is mine, and she's yellow, with a red face, and she's feirce, and bites people if they come near her cage, or her mate! She's very possessive of her lover, and preens him all the time, which is absolutely adorable! And she'll click, and scold you of you have the audacity to put your hand inside her cage, and she'll bite you if you pick her up! But she hops on my hand all the time, and likes to nestle in my hair, and sit on top of my head! She's very loud, too! If her mate flies more than half a room away, she shrieks, and chirps in distress, and it is so sweet! Her name is Vee Vee. The boy si Sean's, and he is blue and green, with a peach face, and he is very quiet and shy! He shies away from people if they try to get him to hop on their hand, and when he bites it is very very light and unassuming. He cheeps if his lover flies away from him, and snuggles up close on the perch next to her! He defers to his mate all the time, who is bigger and stronger than him. Sometimes, he'll get in trouble with her, and she'll bite him, and he'll snuggle up ion apology! And when they're feeling affectionate, they'll just perch really really close, and nuzzle each other adorably! His name is Cocoa! They are the most FABULOUS birds EVER! The lovebird is a species of parrot, and they are so friendly! If you pick one up with your hands cupped around them, and nuzzle their head against your cheek, they are so soft, and wonderful! You can even teach them to kiss! I love them, so! Vee Vee's the best gift Sean has ever given me!

Ok, so I'm done now. In conclusion, let me say, I adore the failing blog, and Anon is a loser, and clearly obsessed with us, seeing as hpow he can't stay away from our blogs. I am still curious as to his true identity. And em-ekual, whoever the hell THAT is. btw, it is possible that they DON'T go to Welly, but they actually go to Dover, or Barsby, given that all of our friends are in different schools. I really am curious to discover who this undeveloped cretin is.

k, bye.


bradfurd said...

That is kind of a random fight, but I know how you feel. We are minors, so there is nothing that we HAVE to do really. There are somethings we can't do, but we aren't able to enter into legally binding contracts; therefore, if some random person says you have to do something, you can tell them to ..... you know.

K said...

Naturally, I check all the time. THAT was a post, if I do say so myself by the way, that you just wrote. A good'un. I've been neglecting mine as well, but in general it's not a comment-high environment. Though of course Laura always seems to get a ridiculous pile of comments whenever she posts. Hardcore it is.

rock on

Pineapple Princess! said...

I read your blog! yah Nanaimo Failers! I'm sorry you and devin had a fight, but I totally understand what you mean about the fina straw just makin you blow up. I been there hun. Dont foreget about our girly sleepover on sunday!

VivaLaPinto said...

don't worry about it Angie, I'm sure you meant that the way Rat-Idiot treats people is disgusting. because it is. and if I may say so myself, Ratlard is a sweet name!

amyleigh said...

hey! i check every time I have the chance (which, true, isn't often anymore...) but still! sooo aBOUT that whole thing about you guys seeing our place and us seeing the birds............

VivaLaPinto said...

WEDNESDAY! Wednesday, Amay! Please don't be working, and Sean and I shall come to your house at three after my school gets out, then we shall travel to Sean's for le birdies! sound good???