Wednesday, February 02, 2005

*whistle* pretty birdie!

Well, the past couple of days have been both eventful, and boring, if such a thing is possible. Tis now true, that I have not a single amenity in my home, and might as well be living in Afghanistan for the standard of living I enjoy. So I am blogging at Stinky Sean's, while he gets rid of his stink by showering.

Monday, I had my Socials exam first thing, and it was at a groggy six AM that my mother accosted me, and plied me with coffee. I got up, and sucked it back, whilst fighting with Sherayna. I went and did my exam. It wasn't too bad. The multiple choice took me about twenty minutes, a half an hour, if you count going over the answers I wasn't sure about. If you pretend that I got every single question that I wasn't sure about wrong on the multiple choice, then I got seventy five percent. Now I probably didn't get every single one that I wasn't sure about wrong, so I am pretty sure I did ok on that part of it. The essay however took me a full hour and a half! I didn't know a single thing about the topic, so I spent about fortyfive minutes just brainstorming for parapgraphs. I've learnt that I cannot write an essay without some form of outline. Then the next forty five minutes was spent bullshitting my way through a five paragraph essay on something I knew nothing about. However, it was worth forty marks, and there were four required subjects to talk about. So I figured, I would find ten points about each of those subjects, and then they would have to give me at least thirty five, even if a few of them were wrong. Then, I could make up the last five points with correct essay writing form, and sheer writing ability. One thing about me, I generally know how to put a sentence together. However, i couldn't get ten points for each thing, so I really REALLY bullshitted my way through it. I finished eight minutes to time. After the exam, I went to Tim Horton's with the mom, and according to her, these four gym teachers were checking us both out. Weird! I was just wearing jeans, a maroon sweater, and heels, and she was wearing jeans, a pink angora sweater, and a purple, blue and pink plaid blazer. An outfit that I picked out, if I do say so myself! So that was crazy.

After that, I went to Sean's house where--well, things happened, but I don't remember them, because they were clearly entirely uneventful. I think we might have gone on the trampoline. But that also might have been the day before. meh.

OH WAIT! I remember what happened! Sean had gotten a BUDGIE that day!!! woo-hoo, budgies! He named it Augustus, and I got to watch him being introduced to his cage for the first time. We played with him all day. (So yeah the trampoline WAS the day before then...)

Tuesday, I woke up at six am yet again. Woke up, made coffee, fought with Sherayna. Typical morning. Mom drove me to my Math Exam, which was surprisingly easy! I did the same thing, and calculated what my percentage would be if I got every single question I wasn't sure about wrong. I have AT LEAST eighty percent on the multiple choice. The written part, I got maybe a bit above fifty percent...*blush!* didn't do too well on that part! But I'm not worried. After that, Mom came and picked me up, and we went home. After that, i went to Sean's...AGAIN, and we did absolutely nothign all day long again. We watched part of a movie. Then I tried to cook him bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches and nearly burned his house down. And by that, I mean, some oil dripped onto a burner and created an inch high flame. I know, I'm pathetic, but I freaked out. I nearly dropped the pan, blew the flame out, and just started shaking. I nearly fell on the floor. I just told ean, "I can't do this--I can't cook for you, I have to go sit down." I don't think he realized how badly I was startled. He looked surprised that I didn't move for like five minutes.

After that, we played with Augustus, and watched Spiderman 2. Sean was sleepy and had a headache, so he pretty much snoozed beside me. Ian got home, and freaked out that the garbage hadn't been changed. Bonnie got home, and went out again with Tuula, and a couple of her friends. It was girl's night, and they were going to go watch Phantom of the Opera. Sean asked if me and him could go too, but go and watch a different movie. We've been planning on seeing White Noise for over three weeks now. But his Mom took off without giving Sean a difinitive answer, and he was steamed about that. I was a little unsettled with myself, because I was feeling like a crappy person yesterday. However, we didn't talk about it much. I don't know what to think about that.

Right now, Sean and I are supposed to be walking up to Brianna's, cause he has no bus money. For soe reason, I am not as enthusiastic about it anymore...

bah. life is so boring. I am going to go check out Brianna's linkies, cause she's insisting that I do. Remind me to update my own linkies. I only go to like half of them, and I also go toblogs that arent' on my linkies. So I'll do that. Soon. Prolly.

k, bye.


Unknown said...

Yeah! The written part on the Math final shocked me too! I'm sure u did just fine. It was just... weird. I spent a good while with a blank stare on my face and then proceeded on with solving the problems. So glad it's over now!!!

MattyRob said...

i hate exams! they sucks!

that's why I only have one exam this year! yay for slackers!

K said...

hooray for new content!

I had a 2.75 hour conversation with some girls (exchange students) which was very interesting today; however, I am not going to post about anything much until after I move... in like 14 hours (that is all the time I have to pack and sleep) bwah!


amyleigh said...

me too! even though I'm lame and don't comment much...heh heh

VivaLaPinto said...

Yeah, really PEOPLE! You all know why I am not blogging! I assure you, I would post more if, you know, IT WAS POSSIBLE! oh, blogging withdrawals times a million...