Tuesday, April 26, 2005

CCPA post...plus MORE!

CHORDGASM!!!! Actually, there is no music playing so I am having no chordgasms. However that is the only word that comes to mind when thinking about the crazy CCPA field trip of AWESEMITY!!!

ok, so yes, Me and Jen had ridiculous amounts of fun the whole day and were like we should hang out more. Which we totally should. On the bus ride home, we were playing charades with Gareth, Julia, and this random guy from Woodlands named Josh Madge. His new name is Dr. Zoidberg. Because we decreed it. He took the news surprisingly well, despite non-theatre-ness... This guy was super good at hip hop dancing! He told us he'd never taken any lessons anywhere ever, and yet, when we looked in on the hip hop warm-up, led by the studly one, he was basically doing the whole dance perfectly after seeing it once! Granted it was easy stuff, but I definitely couldn't have picked it up that fast! So he was super cool.

I suppose I should answer some of the questions posed on the last post about this field trip...Jen the fact that Dr. Zoidberg rides a motorcycle is TRES COOL, and would make me want to jump him, except for the fact that my boy ALSO can ride motorcycles, and would if he owned one. Amay, I don't have a job yet, but I have a job interview on Sunday at A+W, which is cool. However, if you feel like tickling your boss until he calls me, that's ok, too!!! And that's all I can say until D block cause I have a class now, but suiffice to say, THERE WILL BE MORE TO READ!!!! I promise you...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

supah tired.

yep. So I have found the place where I am going to go when I die. Yes, I have found heaven. It is called The Canadian College of the Performing Arts and it is held in a church. That's why it's heaven.

Yesterday was the super-incredible-mondo-fantabulouso field trip to CCPA in Victoria. It's right smack in the middle of Oak Bay, just a few blocks down from Oak Bay High School. CARAZAY! I swear the students were--breath-taking. Absolutely awe-inspiring. And the most incredible thing is that this is something I could aspire to! I could be THAT!

So we got there, and watched a ballet warm-up, which was crazy. There were quite a few grerat girls, a few meh ones and quite a few studly boys who weren't that fabulous. But it was ok, cause they were in a ballet class. That makes it ALL better!

Then we went upstairs to this gigantically wonderful studio that looked like a freaking gym. It was huge. There, we watched a warm-up hiphop class with a very attractive teacher. There will be more about this attractive teacher later in the post...hee hee! They were super great. The guy was practicing this combo, and then once the class had the combo down, he just kind of busted out for a couple seconds, worked more of it out, then taught it to the class. I swear, they were doing it perfectly after five minutes. SUPER CRAZY!!!! And the best thing was, it was SUPER EASY HIP HOP! Like easier than what Welly dance used to do! crazy crazy crazy!

Then we had a huge discussion led by Morganna! Yay! I can't remember if it was before that, or after, but we went downstairs to this lounge and watched a movay about the CCPA. Then we went back upstairs and watched more practice, but this was actual practice for their show on the weekend. They were doing a review of a bunch of different shows, one of which was West Side Story. They were doing this fantastic couples dance. Halfway through the director "freezed" them, and they all froze in this position with their arms above their heads and their hands kind of hooked out and downwards. The guys were supposed to have their heads tucked against their right arms, and super-excellent hip hop instructor was in a position right in front of where I was sitting. He was scolding the guys around him to tuck their heads in, and somone was like, "He looks like he's smelling his armpit" and I couldn't control myself, I was like, "He likes it." And he turned around and glanced at me laughing. It was great!

Then we had lunch, where I went with Gareth Jen Schaper and Julia from Musica Man and Copa and we wandered the streets of Oak Bay looking for munchies. We found thi8s cute little deli where they ordered bagels, and breakfast croissants, and I made messes with my pita from 711. It was tres fun.

Me and Jen had this great time all day long. On both bus rides we were just hanging out the whole time, and making each other laugh hysterically. She was like, "Why don't we hang out more" and I honestly didn't know. It was great.

....the bell just rang, so I'll continue this later.

Friday, April 15, 2005


This period of time is unhappy. Very unhappy.

First, all my good news. My interview with the Theatre Diploma program director is on the 21st during B block. exciting! The other day, I went and applied for a job at nine different places. Today, I might print off a ton more resumes and go job hunting up at Woodgrove, cause I didn't the last time. I pretty much went jobhunting from Country Club south. So there's a whole other end of Nanaimo still to apply at! Carazay. I shall go and harrass the places I've already applied at tomorrow. Anybody got any ideas about how to do that, cause I'm not exactly sure. I'm getting a B in Bio, and I think a C in English. Film and TV isn't even worth talking about. I may be dropping it. I won't lower my GPA because Mr. Sinclair is too lazy to mark things, and leaves the burden of determining student's marks with their group evaluation. Mom's convinced that she should go on the rampage, but frankly, I don't care. I want to be out of that class.

Bad news now. It is so fucking difficult to find a house with a nine hundred a month maximum with two dogs. Yesterday, (in the midst of finding out I was getting kicked out of Film adn TV) I pretty much broke down in the counselor's office because we're getting evicted on the 22, Mom is too busy fighting Moni for the damage deposit to spend anytime looking for a house, which puts that burden on me, plus I HAVE to find a job before we move out, because I have to share rent with Mom. Literally, there is no getting around it. A lot of parents say to their teenagers, you have to start paying rent soon, just to get them to move out. But Mom didn't even ask. I actually, literally have no choice. Paying rent is in my near future, or I will be homeless. I am trying to get Sean to come share a place with us, cause he's making some considerable coin at a place he really enjoys working at. I think it's a great idea, but he's gonna have a job convincing his Mom of that. For that matter, MY Mom isn't too impressed with the idea either. There is one place in the paper that has three bedrooms and allows dogs, but it's a grand a month. I dunno how likely it'll be that I can afford five hundred a month just for rent, which is why I am trying to convince Mom to let Sean move in with us.

Anyways, I am sick and tired of complaining, so I'm going to go check my email. Or...something.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I don't know what to do...

Ok, I had assumed my grad fees were paid for, right? Sherayna was nice enough in the beginning of the year to write out a check for the full $233. For some fucked up, only-could-happen-to-me reason, the fucking check just decided not to go through. Mrs. Peace wouldn't tell me if it bounced, or what, but apparently it didn't pay for what it said it would pay for. Which mean, I have to come up with $233 before the end of the year.

Now, that isn't the end of it. Yesterday, my Mom's truck got broken into, and a bunch of stuff was stolen. Right after that, we were served with a fucking eviction notice from Moni's pathetic little worm of a property manager, who kept trying to insist that he had nothing to do with us, and that he was only doing Moni a favor. Lets just say I expressed my displeasure with him to his face, and with NO doubt of my true feelings. Basically, the jist of it was that despite no communication between Moni and my Mom as to what rental arrangement we would take for the month of April, they just assumed we would pay our rent, and because we didn't cause we didn't know what to do, they are evicting up, PLUS slapping with an unspecified $300 utilities bill, which is BULLSHIT. I shall explain. We have to pay our own hydro, andour bill is run enormously up, because Moni has heavy machinery, AND computers running everyday in OUR basement, which is not only against the terms of our rental agreement (that the basement would be retained for storage purposes), but is also harrassment of us, because our guard dogs go insane at people coming in and out of our house all the time, and they leave things on, that are so incredibly loud that I can hear it in my room, disturbing our sleep, plus they leave the lights and computer running allt he time, which means we are paying for their employees laziness!

So basically, we are getting thrown out of our house on the twenty second, and the only rental properties we would have any hope of being able to pay for either will not allow dogs, or have already been rented. And you wanna know why they've already been rented? Because everytime I call that fucking company (Ardent Properties) they either have turned their phone line off, or are using the fax machine. It is just about impossible to get ahold of that fucking company. And God forbid, they should call back any of the millions of messages I left them.

So I ask you, how much worse can my fucking life get?

I Wish

I wish I was still a part of you
I wish I didn't say "What?" to every inside joke.
I wish I wasn't told I couldn't laugh, cause I wasn't there.
I wish I knew what your plans were.
I wish I was included in those plans.
I wish you hadn't changed.
I wish you didn't think the things about me you do.
I wish you would acknowledge my right to have other friends, too.
I wish you would stop making fun of me.
I wish you would stop making excuses, and tell me the truth.
I wish you still wanted me around.
I wish you supported my goals.
I wish you liked me more than people I barely know.
I wish it was still the truth to call you my best friend. I wish I knew what you were thinking when you read this.

Friday, April 08, 2005

holy crudmuffins, Batman!

wow, take a look a these! Brad is insane, and now I want to go to Hawaii more than ANYTHING!

Why I Want Prom to Die

I am not looking forward to prom. Despite the lovely yellow dress being made for me, despite my mom finally spending some actual money on me (buying my make up, paying for my hair), despite how gorgeous my wonderful boy is going to look.

If you read Barbara's blog, she is having a hell of a time with her Barsby friends (or not-so-friends, you might think, if you consider their views) and her prom after party. It's looking like they are going to boycott it simply because Dovers and Wellies will be there. Which I am starting to see a major debacle in, because as you prolly know, Laura McNought is also having a prom after party, which is Dovers only. But the remainder of Collective plus Gareth are all attending Dover prom, which means they'll prolly be invited to Laura's prom. Which means they probably won't attend Barb's. So Barbara won't have her Barsbies, won't have Collective, and I will have seen no one who I really really want to spend prom night with (save Sean, Barbara, and Llowyn) all night.

So this is making me worried for Barbara's feelings come prom night, and also feel majorly sorry for myself. I don't want my senior prom to be awful, but that's the way it's looking. Not only all of that, but I feel majorly unprepared; my dress is not even close to finished (the actual satin panels haven't even been cut out yet), Mom can't buy me any make-up until the twentieth, which means a minimum of practicing, I don't even know if she can afford the rest of the cost of my hair ($40; how sad is that?), I don't have a ride, I haven't bought Sean's ticket yet, I have no money for after-party goodies. There is no way I'll find work, AND get paid before prom. I am super fucked. I'm prolly gonna end up carpooling to prom in a minivan just like last year, with no friends to hang out with the whole night. And I'll look like crap because Estetica will probably refuse to do my hair cause Mom won't be able to pay, plus I'll have done my own crappy fucking make up. I am NOT looking forward to this.

This was a big self-pity trip. But honestly, I don't know what to do, given that half my friends have no intention of seeing me prom night, plus I am entirely unprepared.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

twould seem I have been on a prolonged absence, twouldn't it?

so I have. and I actually have no idea what I'm going to write in this post because in addition to not having a computer, or much access to one, my life is also super boring.

I do have opne or two things to say, however. Firstly, my life in a respectably interesting home is coming to an end. We were supposed to be out of the house by April 1st--and it's the fifth. So, we're kind of living in our house illegally right now! lol! but whatever. Mom may have found a place we could rent if the facking service would ever return our calls. Unfortunately, it's a dump. Worse than our old place somehow... Put it this way it's like fivehundred feet square, it has a kitchen, two teeny bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living--space. Not really even a room, except that it is. I just don't consider it big enough to call a room. It's like two feet wider on each wall than Quinn's famed mini-house. How pathetic. Thus comes to an end, the era of the Pinto-parties.

On a happier note, I am the smartest person EVER!!!! I missed every class of Bio in the first week back from Spring Break, and all of that was like this major section of the DNA unit, which everybody (except Courtenay) is saying is the hardest ever! So, yesterday, my first day back at Bio, I got all the material I'd missed. And it seriously blew my mind! I copied all the notes from Gator, and I understood NOTHING! It was a bunch of black and blue gibberish on a photocopied page. I was doomed!

But then today, I got Courtenay to explain as much as she could before class, and then copied down quite a bit of the review sheet answers first thing. After reading a bunch of that stuff over and over again, I started to get it! So I did all the old quizzes, I'd missed, and had a minimum of trouble with them!!! By the end of the class, I was mostly able to complete the quiz that the rest of the class was doing at the same time with NO trouble!!! How cool is that? There's like three things that I need to read up on to be completely ok with the subject matter. I'm missing the test day because of a choir trip, so Mrs. Rodgers said that I could do the test Thursday after school, with study periods during lunch today and Thursday. By that time, anything I DON';T knwo now will so be understandable by Thursday!!! Awesome!

I have nothing else to say. Actually that's a lie. I still have SO MANY errands to do by the end of this week. It totally sucks, cause everything I've had to do so far, I've completed pretty easily, but I still have so much to do. I have to set up an interview with the Theatre Diploma program director at Mal U, which terrifies me, I have to somehow prove to Mal U, that I'm getting at least a C in English by Friday, without having had gotten a single report card. I have my teeth bleaching appointment tonight, which sucks cause I hate trips to the dentist. It's made easier by Andre, who is awesome, and Sean's Mom Bonnie, who is also awesome. But it is stil;l not the most pleasant activity.

Ok, I am boring. I am going to go talk to Mr. Johnson, and find out how many theory hours I need. To not continue failing CAPP. buh bye.