Friday, April 15, 2005


This period of time is unhappy. Very unhappy.

First, all my good news. My interview with the Theatre Diploma program director is on the 21st during B block. exciting! The other day, I went and applied for a job at nine different places. Today, I might print off a ton more resumes and go job hunting up at Woodgrove, cause I didn't the last time. I pretty much went jobhunting from Country Club south. So there's a whole other end of Nanaimo still to apply at! Carazay. I shall go and harrass the places I've already applied at tomorrow. Anybody got any ideas about how to do that, cause I'm not exactly sure. I'm getting a B in Bio, and I think a C in English. Film and TV isn't even worth talking about. I may be dropping it. I won't lower my GPA because Mr. Sinclair is too lazy to mark things, and leaves the burden of determining student's marks with their group evaluation. Mom's convinced that she should go on the rampage, but frankly, I don't care. I want to be out of that class.

Bad news now. It is so fucking difficult to find a house with a nine hundred a month maximum with two dogs. Yesterday, (in the midst of finding out I was getting kicked out of Film adn TV) I pretty much broke down in the counselor's office because we're getting evicted on the 22, Mom is too busy fighting Moni for the damage deposit to spend anytime looking for a house, which puts that burden on me, plus I HAVE to find a job before we move out, because I have to share rent with Mom. Literally, there is no getting around it. A lot of parents say to their teenagers, you have to start paying rent soon, just to get them to move out. But Mom didn't even ask. I actually, literally have no choice. Paying rent is in my near future, or I will be homeless. I am trying to get Sean to come share a place with us, cause he's making some considerable coin at a place he really enjoys working at. I think it's a great idea, but he's gonna have a job convincing his Mom of that. For that matter, MY Mom isn't too impressed with the idea either. There is one place in the paper that has three bedrooms and allows dogs, but it's a grand a month. I dunno how likely it'll be that I can afford five hundred a month just for rent, which is why I am trying to convince Mom to let Sean move in with us.

Anyways, I am sick and tired of complaining, so I'm going to go check my email. Or...something.


amyleigh said...

hey--the theatre is hiring hardcore right now, because a bunch of people just quit. I will put in a very persistant good word for you if you apply

VivaLaPinto said...

I have applied! Persist, with your good words, Amay, persist, persist!