Tuesday, April 03, 2007

countdown to 500 posts! 49 to go!

*sigh* finally moved. I live with my sister now on Meredith Road...now THAT is interesting. I just got through the most tiring seven days of my life...

Sunday: after work in the morning, me and the bro walked around Maffeo Sutton, cause it was just too pretty not to. After that, I went to the Child on her Mind audition...pretty sure I already told you about that. Anyways, she called me back the next day, and I got the part. I really should start learning my lines for that... hmmm. After the audition, I had a rehearsal for Other Shoe. That was so brilliant. I loved everyone in that! Anyhoo, I got home at around six thirty. At that point I'd been up for thirty one hours. That was THE SUCK! Monday, I got up, went to school, went to the next rehearsal, and packed. Next day same thing.

Wednesday, I had to miss school, for the rehearsal, and reading of Other Shoe. I could have gone to theatre history, but I didn't think I'd have enough time in between rehearsal and call to go home and get ready and get back, and it turns out I really REALLY didn't. After rehearsal, me and Ace went to go get extra props, and got something to eat. We only had a half hour in between so we really had to hustle...definitely no time to get ready. We did the show which was a big success, every one loved it! These three shows of Michael's are going to be big hits! And this one is part of next season, which Burton already asked me to help with, so I'll be involved when it comes out onstage, or backstage, whichever happens! :) SO excited! After the show, I helped Ace with the load out, and after that we had drinks up in the restaurant. The show was in the basement of the ACME of course. Got home around midnight, went straight to bed.

Sherayna woke me up the next day at ten thirty-- MOVING day. She said, "we're almost done, we'll be there in an hour and a half. Be ready" and I went SHIT! So I fin ished packing in a hurry...probably four or five boxes left to do. Sherayna and Ken and Gramma got there a little while later and we loaded my stuff into the van. We got everything but my dresser and bed the first round. After that, we drove to Quinn's house and put most of my stuff into storage in his basement. Then we got lunch, and drove to Sherayna's new house. We ate lunch while waiting for the ex-tenants to come by with the key, and when they got there, we finished unloading the truck...the twenty-six foot moving truck, filled to the fucking brim with Sherayna's heavy-ass boxes! GODDAMN it sucked! I have never been so friggin tired. Thank god, I was exempted from the rest of her move (two vanloads, and cleaning) because of work the next day.

Friday, I was supposed to rest a little before work, and I did get a couple naps in, but Sherayna's kids woke me up at quarter after eight which SUCKED! I don't really remember what I did all day, but it sure wasn't restful! Anyways, go to work, super h-x-core lame. I got this guy banned from the store, who gave me hell a couple weeks ago, and has been back every week since talking trash about me to whoever served him. He came back, and accused me of saying I was going to spit in his food to Dan, and he gave the guy one look and said, "you can find another store. You're not getting served here again." Fuckin rights, BITCH! Got home to Sherayna's new place, went to bed.

Woke up--three hours later. Guess why? Yelled at kids, went back to bed. Woke up--one hour later. By that time, the whole family was over, eating chicken. And when I say the whole family...I mean the WHOLE family. Gramma, Grampa, Ken, Courtney, Quinn, Court's nephew Jase, and all four kids. So I said, fuck it, and got up and ate some chicken. Court, Gramma, and Sherayn a took off to finish cleaning the new house leaving the men in charge of the kids. BAD IDEA... I went to bed, and ended up getting up twice in one hour to tell them to stop hitting each other with sticks (LITERALY!). After that I got up to yell at the men for letting the kids run wild. I got another three hours of sleep after that, thank god.

Went to work, work sucked. Sherayna works Sundays, so the kids were gone to the babysitters by the time I got home, thank god. I got in a good six hours before I got up to go see an apartment. I want this place SOOOOO bad! It's so great! $550, all inclusive with laundry AND dishwasher! They're renovating, so it'll look great. Hopefully I'll get a call back by tomorrow about it. They said they'd let me know one way or another. Earliest I can move in is April 15th, so we'll see... Either way, I'm here for at least two weeks. boo! Oh well, Court said I can crash at her place anytime I need to, and Saturday/Sundays might be when I need to! Stayed up, went shopping for Court's birthday. While I was out, I bought two dresses and a skirt at this cute place on Commercial; they're FABULOUS! They're from England, and for designer clothes, they were SO cheap! I spent just over two hundred dollars, and they are AMAZING! One's this beautiful silver dress, with a Chinese-inspired cut and pretty black and silver flower decals. Then there's a black A-line skirt with pretty ribbons on it, and this adorable egg plant minidress (can double as a long tank top), and a beautiful flowy silver and egg plant knit thing that goes overtop...SO PRETTY!!! OMG, love. The lady knocked ten dollars off cause she couldn't believe I was buying all three! lol! I couldn't help it, they were TOO perfect.

Went to work, work sucked. Yesterday I got home, tried to stay up for class...fell asleep at ten. Slept until ten this morning, so I must have been tired. Considering how much my body obviously needed the sleep, so bad I slept through kids getting home, and going to school, I don't feel so bad about missing school. But I should call Jordan and meet him early to practice for our duologue. Also my research paper is late for theatre history, but now that Sherayna has internet, I can probably get it done by Monday. Seriously, have I EVER turned a paper in on time? Honestly now!

Also I found out about my settlement! Let's just say...my next few months will be--COMFORTABLE! :D *holds up both hands, palms outward, fingers splayed* I'll let you draw your own conclusions! ;)

So two things on my to-do list DONE! Three if you count work for the next while. I'm doing Catherine's show and then probably Mort's show, and Burton's youth company, hopefully, and then Theatre One's next season.

Remaining: 1) get a place. NOW!

2) do your goddamn school work! You only have about three weeks left, and you want a good GPA to brag about.

3) finsih your motherfreakin audition video! That means headshots, monologues, and DECIDING on your freakin songs. That means picking one and KEEPING IT, idiot! Go ask Sharon if you must.

Smaller list, at least! :)


Queen of Hearts said...

dude there is only like one week left of school. it might be a good idea to show up sometime soon cuz as of now we have pretty much taken your for DEad

VivaLaPinto said...

lol, I pretty much was dead... :S