Thursday, June 14, 2007

thanks for the wisdom, Dr. Nonconformist

who knew it would take over a month to get within thirty six posts of fivehundredthupdate? I know I know I haven't been online in fact in just over the month and a half I've been living in my new place!!! Which rocks0rs more hardcore than anyone can imagine! I love it, it's the perfect place!

Work is okay, I'm doing four shifts a week now. It is more brutal than it should be considering the fact that I'm still technically part-time... my sleep schedule has now lockd itself into an unbreakable patterns of midnight to noon days, and afternoon nights, causing havoc and mayhem with my personal relationships. I am not a flake, I am just night shift! Hopefully, in July when I don't have to babysit my neice and nephew anymore, I'll be able to break this stupid cycle, cause it is le suck. I miss everyone so much! Last night I mished to my work at two AM cause Dan was the only one I knew who was definitely awake. That turned into a drunken and high night with Davies and Devin after they tracked me down at home after Tim's. We drank a litle at my place and then mished to sevvie, and then to McDonald's who rejected us like the grease-coated scum that they are, and then to Burger King. It was aroun five by the time Devin cut out to crash, and Davies walked back to his car at my place with me, debating the politics of global warming with me the whole way (scary shit! watch An Inconvenient Truth with Al Gore; it will scare the piss out of you).

So. That's my life. Pretty freakin boring. I've been reading a lot and buying DVD's on my days off. Hangin out with Ace. Once in a while I'll see someon else, but not often. I'm super sick of the grind...I need to get out of this town for a week. I need Florida, or Vancouver, or ANYTHING! I'm so sick of everyday crap. The spat I got into with one of the supervisors over respect, babysitting four days out of seven, and working every other day of the week, plus one more, just to fuck my system over even more. I haven't had a whole day off since before I moved from AKA house. I need a vacation so badly at this point.

Anyways, I'm just a whiny bastard. I really need to focus on more important things like my head shots and getting ready for generals, and everything else that could possibly make me more happy. Enough talk. I'm ready to go do something. I'll post again when I get internet. Hopefully sooner, rather than later. BIG HEARTS!


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I made Alleah update


Anonymous said...

Good Times!

Anonymous said...

We miss the posts...Sexy Bitch