Tuesday, May 10, 2005

catch up post

it has been far too long, much has happened. but don't expect much coherency from me, nor interestingness because I am bone-tired. Since Friday, my life has been taken up with finally moving. Mom found a house way down south at the very end of Park Avenue. There are many trees and we have two acres, which is sweet. Also, the best thing of all is that Sean is moving in with us!!! :D No, don't be too scandalized, anybody, we have separate rooms on separate floors, and since he works and I have school we'll never see each other. And his parents (surprisingly) condone!

The shitty thing is, my retard sister sucks far too much at life to be able to take care of herself, and is living with us until she can find a house. That's right. In a two-bedroom house. Right now, we're living there wih me, my mom, my gramma (who is here to help us move), our two dogs, plus Sherayna, her four kids, and her dog. Sean isn't moving in until this weekend because Sherayna is taking up his bedroom right now. That means she has to be gone by Saturday. Basically, the only time his family has in the next couple of months to help him move is this weekend. I don't know what will happen if Sherayna is still there, which she will be, for no other reason than to simply piss me off. Today was the first morning we were all in the house together, and I lasted twenty minutes before we got in a fight. And it was about Sherayna trying to tell me what to do with my dog.

I have a job interview tonight. The A&W lady never called back, so that pretty much means I didn't get it. So tonight's interview is at McDonald's (please don't make fun of me!). After we finish moving, I have to go out resume-ing again. I also have to update my resume, cause I now have my Foodsafe.

Other awesome things about our new house is that it came with a couple of sheds that the landlord said we can do whatever we want to. So I claimed one of the for myself, for my crafts. The problem with mine is that it is set up on this rocky slope, with no path up to it. So I am going to gouge out a part of the hillside and put in stairs. Should be fun! Also, I have my lily garden to put in, plus the dog run has to go up post haste. Me and Sean will probably do that, because Mom and I fight constantly about materials, design, and everything else. So hopefully, while she recoveres from working forty-eight hours straight, Sean and I will quickly fence in the one part of the yard for the dogs. I also have a couple of tables my Mom wanted me to refinish with mosaicing. Those have to go on hold a while though, until I can afford the materials. I have the adhesive, but nothing else. So I have many projects to keep me busy after school ends.

If anyone wants to come see the place, let me know, and I'll organize a small cocktail thingy soon, ok? alrighty, I'm out. goodbye!


Pineapple Princess! said...

yeah I would love to come see your new house!!! who's betting you and sean are in the same room within a month? sex sex sex

Unknown said...

Alleah that sounds awesome! Your new place seems like it has a lot of potential for u to take your creativity and run buck wild! I can't wait to hear/see the projects you will be working on, such as those stairs. If you ever need a hand with anything, just let me know!

VivaLaPinto said...

haha! Mel, you're awful! I am super excited for it too. This summer is going to be filled with all sorts of crafty nonsense--and skinny dipping. ;D