Tuesday, July 05, 2005

ack! I have become high maintenance!

that's right. income=vanity. Pinto is a'goin to hell!

In other news, I am now graduated and mature. ffff-ch, yeah right. but I am graduated, despite many grad fee problems and a missing text. I have to sort that out this week, cause I KNOW I returned everything.

Dry Grad was fantastic. Tim won many unneeded dollars, as did Taylor Kulai. Tim I can forgive, Taylor can go to hell. But on a lighter note, everything was super cool! I went swimming, and skating, and ate a whole ton of food. I tried a bunch of stuff, like minigolf, and the fun thing that shoots you backward on a bungee rope. SUPER awesome! I also got my butt whipped by boy Spencer on the inflateable duelling thing. There was foosball, but I didn't partake. I wish there had been airhockey. That would have been sweet! There was also a psychic who told me that my plans for the future with Sean, and my career seemed over-all positive. This came as good news to me, because I'd been unhappy with me and Sean's relationship lately. One of the tarot cards was about letting go of small problems, and since I've started doing that more often, I've been a lot more happy with Sean. (except for yesterday when he was an hour late meeting me, and we only had an hour to spend together. that kinda ticked me off.)

Other than that, I've been working like carazay, and wasting my money on eating out and makeup. I've got the bar-none BEST idea for Sean's birthday, though! I can't mention anything here, because of course, he reads this, but suffice it to say, I'm aiming on the best birthday ever, and now that I have an income, I can supply it! I'm sorry, Geoff, and Chris, for being poor while I dated you. That made our relationships much crappier while they lasted.

I'm still obsessed with getting married. And the bad thing that's encouraging it all is that once I get my ICBC settlement from the accident, I can make that dream a reality! Scary hey? I was reading something on Barbara's blog about how we're all growing up, and moving away, and how weird that is. Imagine if I got maried! Wow.

It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm gradded. I won't be coming back. NOT EVER.

It's been almost a year since I finally wrote Geoff off. I don't know why that came up, but I just thought of that. I hope one day we can be friends.

So today, me and Sean are going to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I am so excited to be in a different theatre! Although I know I'll be watching the way they make the popcorn all scrutinizing like! I'm such a psycho. So I better finish this up, so we can go do that! I'm off!!!


MattyRob said...

YES! first one to comment on new post!

Can I come to the wedding!? Would give me a good excuse to go to Naniamo! Sure, I don't know you that well, and i've never met you, but it would be insane!

High five! GRADUATED!!!! WOOHOO!

K said...

hurRAY for new posts by Alleah. Now I am the unemployed one, yay.

I hope I can come to the wedding, or if you convert to LDS, at least to the reception. I like wedding receptions; they're fun.

Congratulations on finally graduating from wellington. Sure, our choir is fun and our school only rarely catches on fire, but I'm sure life is better free of things like compulsory education. Hope you learned something :p

Foosball rules the crap out of air hockey.

rock on


barbara_mary said...

Even if she did convert, she might not have the ceremony at their place of worship due to the amoutn of UN-LDS friends. *shrugs*

As for movies, I should see that movie, too!

As for gorwin up, HA HA!

Unknown said...

i miss u

amyleigh said...

hey, should COULD have two wedding ceremonies. It's been done many-a-time.

amyleigh said...

should=she could. sigh.

tkulai said...

Alleah I don't appreciate seeing my name in your blog. I have done nothing to upset or hurt you and I don't deserve this disrespect from you on your blog. Anyone can see this and as soon as I googled my own name this is the first thing that came up. Can you please kindly take it off. If you want to have negative feelings towards me go ahead just don't put it up on the internet. Thank you.