Wednesday, July 06, 2005

in the interest of fresh content

I have the opportunity while Sean butt-heads (that's the verb of being a butt-head) to blog, so I shall do so. Yeah. So Sean's being a butthead. I hate it when we're both snappy with each other, as now. It is something that must be stopped. Or at least refrained from.

Today I worked my first straight-through, with Amay in the morning. and others in the evening. I've never worked with Amay alone before, and it was awesome! We talked of boys, and movies (big surprise), and I screwed up the popcorn many times. I don't know why I suck at it so. I think it might actually be the oil pump though, because half the time, I'm utterly positive I flicked the oil switch, and the oil bucket is full. But no-one else does it, so maybe I'm just a lunatic. That's cool, too!

Amay tried to teach me ice cream, but it was not to be. Customers kept interrupting, and you can't ignore the popper. When it beckons, you obey--or else! But at least I learned how to make a sundae, and a pretzel! Only a few more things to go, and I'll be able to be a full-fledged ice cream person!

It occured to me while ordering a wrapzel, how Gator cannot order a single thing at the ice cream stand at my work. If it doesn't kill her (ice cream, cheese), it'll send her to hell (meat). Or at least make her feel guilty, for all the poor slaughtered whatever-it-is-that-is-in-pepperoni's.

So yeah, I had a seven-hour shift, and I breaked NOT A ONCE! I am an industrious Pinto. There was also a screw-up on next weeks schedule, so I might be getting a scheduled break double! WOO-HOO! This week I have nine shifts, and if I get the break double next week, I'll have six. Hopefully, my budget will pan out for Sean's b-day present, and tuition deposit. I'll have ZERO spending money, though, and if I do, it'll be spent on augmenting Sean's gift. I'm so excited!

I was thinking today, how cool it would be if one of my sisters married a Jew. Sherayna was interested in a Witness for a while there. She's so prudish, I think she might as well date him. Though I wouldn't enjoy being told I was going to hell daily by TWO different family members. That would kinda suck. But yeah if one of my other sisters married a Jew, it would be sweet! But Tina married an agnostic who she's on and off with, and Trish had two kids with some black guy I've never met. He COULD be an Ethiopian Jew...but I seriously doubt it. lol!

Ok, I'm random. I feel like cuddling a certain pigheaded boy. I do love him so!


Beth-a-knee said...

I LOVED popping popcorn. it was one of my favorite things to do. I'd always try and be the person to do it.

Unknown said...

i do miss popcorn. Lately All I am stuck doing is the Yogen Fruz, which smells so good and temps me so much. All that fruit YUMM

amyleigh said...

what--I hate the popcorn! It makes me feel so hot and oily! beetlemack I'm surprised at you. Ice cream is by far the best...(although it definately is tempting--that's a good point)

K said...

Yeah I feel like somehow I am missing out... most of my friends end up being agnostic, athiest, Christian, or LDS. Where are the Muslims & Jews? Where? I mean, I know a Deist / Universist, and a Baha'i guy, but am short on 2 of the 3 abrahamic faiths. wtf.

I still remember how Brad would often lick the wrapper when we popped microwave popcorn. I did once and it was pretty tasty, but I like just adding salt & vinegar. mmm... poison & acid, haha

rock on

PS drop over to my blog, I'm celebrating the one-year anniversary thereof. whee

barbara_mary said...


Unknown said...

.. he still licks the wrapper, and i hold in a giggle or 5. But when he makes it for us he does add in the vinegar in rememberance of you kevin and it is mighty fine.

Today I did popcorn and .. it made me feel hot & oily lol. I felt like jumping into the ice thing.

The Ice Cream place in Dep Bay is amazzzzing! Such a tiny cute little place and so many great things come out of it. I must go there when the weather gets nice enough to melt what I buy.

Pineapple Princess! said...

I LOVED yogen! it was my favourite place to work, not stuck cleaning everything, and making yummy ice cream treats for everyone!!! POpcorn was cool though, I never had a problem.

Alleah, you must call me or I'll hit you profusely the next time I see you

Pineapple Princess! said...

I mean it, you think I'm kidding, but I'm not, seriously, calling is in order, and if you try to say you dont know the number - the girls both have it!!!!!!

Beth-a-knee said...

sorry alleah but this content is no longer 'fresh'

Beth-a-knee said...
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K said...

I'll be back (in like 24 hours) ... call me sometime & we can hang out. I want to see your new house & your new boyfriend~ I only saw 'Ramagus like ONCE before at Dry Grad and I was like "who the devil are you?"

it was awesome (that moment, this taiwan year was mediocre overall though my exchange student friends ruled all hardcore)