Friday, October 14, 2005


no one reads my blog anymore. shame.


amyleigh said...

I DO! more like no one WRITES in your blog anymore, lame! And yet I still check it almost every day. give us another juicy post. we all know you got the juice.

barbara_mary said...

Exactly. I check it EVERYDAY, sometimes twice. I know you have periods of time where you are doing nothing and have access to a computer, so no excuses.

Laura said...

i check it almost everyday

you + no posts = lame

Unknown said...

yeah i check it every time i check everyone elses! ive read that last blog maybe 50 billion times just because alleah does not post no more.

MattyRob said...

I agree, Vancouver would post more, however, you don't post


Anonymous said...

SIS, I try