Wednesday, December 07, 2005

why, oh why did I ever choose the Vagina Monologues

shoot me now. please.

I have two papers to write tonight before the library closes at ten (it's eight) and my brain just isn't working. I've written half of my intro paragraph for the theatre history one, and I just don't know what to say. It's the lamest assignment ever. V-day should die.

I have cramps. They hurt like a bitch. They woke me up this morning, and I ended up missing the first aid course because I medicated myself to fall back asleep, and ended up sleeping through half of it. I threw up all day long, when I was supposed to be finishing research for both my papers. (both of which are late, btw)

I am such a lame college Pinto. I am a bad student. why can't I just work? I seriously wish that there were agents, and talent scouts at every performance ever, cause then I would know that I'm not succeeding because I'm just a bad actress, and I could change my career path. Then I wouldn't have to be sitting in this freakin library right now trying as hard as I am to write a stupid theatre history paper!

my back hurts. I'm hormonal and pissy. I want Ace.

Oresteia auditions are tomorrow. Jordan Gregoire wrote me a monologue to read for it. I'm so excited! Well, not for the auditions, but to read Jordan Gregoire's monologues. Friday, I somehow have to get up early for a This is a Play meeting, and do an English exam, which happens to be during the time when I'm supposed to be working. And I'm pretty sure that all my other exams fall during shifts, too! SUCKY! I don't know what I'm going to do! I have to call the office, and tell them that they'll prbably hyave to get someone else. They're going to fire me, I know it. I also have to sing for the auditions. Not looking forward to that. My voice is extrem-o substandard.

Hey, I made an msn space, and finally found brianna's! go me! I'm gonna go post on it. go procrastination! here's the link:

ok, off to finish my paper. before I wrote this paragraph, I did a bit more researching, and found this fabulous article by Betty Dodson that inspired me to do a whole new thesis! go me! unfortunately, there's this huge picture of a vagina, and a vibrator at the top, and when I opened it up, I thought it was porn, and nearly died, cause I'm in the campus library!


barbara_mary said...

Dude. Were you even PLANNING on asking me or telling me about the meeting? or am I not a part of it anymore?

Unknown said...

hey i work with jordan. Hes awwwwesum