Friday, September 29, 2006

I'm the Man!

I GOT VIOLA!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Alleah rocks, Alleah rocks, neener neener neener!!! *does happy dance*

I am jazzed and a half! Life is going mostly great right now, with enough of a small touch of suck mixed in to make me feel grateful! Party tomorrow, first rehearsal of The Trutch Street Women Sunday (for Theatre One), first rehearsal of Twelfth Night (I GOT THE LEAD!!!!) on Monday, and The Changeling goes up in a couple weeks! (which I ALSO scored the lead in!) Also I've been thinking about Know Why? quite a lot lately, and kind of thinking about physicality (I'm playing a young boy), and it's makign me even more excited for that! I can't wait for Leon to give me the script! Also, Alicia told me a little while ago that she had a role for me for the One Acts (also one with no lines) of this abused girlfriend...I'm so excited.

So, Twelfth Night is shaping up to be an EXCELLENT show! The casting is so second-year heavy! AKA House scored the three lead females! I'm Viola, Kaitlyn is Olivia, and Amber plays Maria! woo! Also, Brad 2.0 is my Duke Orsino, Alex is my bro Sebastian, Biffer got Antonio, Gregoire got Sir Toby and James got Sir Andrew (LOFUCKINGL!), Geoff got Malvolio, and Davies got Feste the Clown! My many second years! I cannot WAIT for the show!

And now we come to the suck...the smallest of my worries is that the first rehearsal of TN conflicts with my second rehearsal of TSW...I dunno what to do. I'm getting paid for one, but the other I have the lead role in! Amber thankfully is in the same predicament. I dunno what we're gonna do!

Secondly, my student loan was MIA this entire week, until I finally went to Financial Aid and found out I sent int he WRONG PAPERS! So I got the right ones sent in, and I'm not getting my $$$ until Wednesday of next week. Whcih means I'm going to be late on rent AND tuition, which means I have a ten percent late charge assigned to me. 200 extra frickin dollars to pay! MOTHERFUCKER. So that sucks a lot...not too impressed with my financial situation.

And the final bit of suck has to do with a lame boy. I was totally jazzed in the beginning of this week, because I spent some time with a guy who'd messaged me on nex and he seemed pretty great and he had asked me if I wanted to make this anything and I said yes. Things seem to be going well, no? Then..he doesn't call me for THREE days straight! WTF? I mean, I heard he was sick, which is fine, but I haven't heard ANYTHING from him. No messages, or comments on Nex, when I know he's been on, no emails, I left my msn on and nothing, I called him twice and both times his mailbox was full and he hasn't called me back. I haven't seen him on campus. I'd think he was dead, except he's been talking to other people on Nex...just not me. wow, that makes me feel like shit. whatever. I don't need some stupid boy to make me feel good, when I'm Viola! :D ;)

so that is my life right now. I kind of feel like crap now, so I'm going to send Garry Daveys an apologetic email, and then go read the Twelfth Night.

Jon, if you read this and give a shit, you should call me.


Megan said...

Wowzers Alleah I = very impressed.

Please post/e-mail me information on when some Mal performances are. If I'm able to be in town I'd love to come see some stuff your in. I'm so disconnected from theatre sucks a bunch.

Anonymous said...

YEAH! lemme know when the shows are i wanna see!!!!


Unknown said...

if his mailbox is full, arent the chances good that no one is getting ahold of him?

VivaLaPinto said...

actually, I finally got ahold of him, and he told me that he doesn't know how to check his mailbox...*eyes rollng* so that explains that.

what it doesn't explain is why he doesn't give a rusty fuck about me when if he actually does want a relationship these should be the giggly, excited, spending lots of time together days.