Thursday, October 28, 2004

I am filled with ravioli...

stuffed with it in fact.

you know what? I don't care about spyware. I just don't care. I want to sleep off my ravioli binge. I feel angst, and tiredness. I actually really don't have much to say.

Today was fun. I went to almost all of school for a change. Drama was pretty good, I am pretty sure I am getting the "drunk" role. Peer tutoring was peer tutoring. I gave notes. Shelby finally started treating me like a person. Socials was spent working like a crazy mofo, for I am super behind. Math was actually pretty good, because I found out that I got an ok mark on my test last week, and have brought my mark up to a low C. for now that is good enough for me! I shall endeavor to improve it, but not until I am caught up in Socials. Choir was great. I was totally hyper. we got student cards today, and apparently my new name is Allean. From now on I forbid anyone to call me anything other than Alien. I shall just not answer to anything else.

After that, Melly and I caught the bus downtown, cause she had Gondoliers at the Port, and I was goign to see Sean. We sat at City Centre, and laughed many times about ridiculous things. Then we went to Thrifty's and Mel bought fig cookies, and Purdy's Hedgehogs! I got three of my VERY OWN PURDY'S HEDGEHOGS! I am so priveledged. I saved one for Sean. Along the bus ride to Sean's house there was a very bad accident on the Parkway. one car had the entire front end ripped off. it was completely totalled. Traffic was backed up in either direction for over a mile. I hope no one was killed...

At Sean's house, we hung out, and talked, and cuddled, and we had an UBER TICKLE FIGHT in which I tickled him all the way across his room, ended up totally pantsing him, then chasing him into the bathroom, where for some reason he tried to drag me out, and I clung to the counter top for dear life! Afterwards, he flopped me down onto the couch where we laughed until our spleens ached! it was a belly-achin good time! (ha! get it? BELLYACHIN? *hard drive! CPU!*)

After that, we went upstairs, and made dinner which was insane amounts of ravioli, and strawberry milk. Sean's Mom gave me half a pomegranate! I love her! She's got braces now. She just got them put on. Sean wore her pants was really amusing! Somehow, he looked really good in them! Very That Seventies Show-esque.

Now I am home and very tired, so I think I may go to bed. goodnight now. *love love Alleah love*


K said...

Mmm... ravioli... I think I am going to cook & eat a lot of pasta in the future. I 'misunderestimated' the value & security pasta on demand can give one, and now it is only infrequently that I have the stuff. At least I get to eat a lot of rice, but still... pasta > rice, though white rice IS pretty kickass.

I am glad you are keeping up with the insane pace of blogging *thumbs up*. But it would be funner if you were to post comments on my wee blogsy. Because it's irksome, snapping the hilarious photos and trying to put a humorous spin on life & then not getting any response. Maybe I'll have to make my blog more controversial, with titles like "A high percentage of people are douches! Find out more below" or whatever.


Anonymous said...

I like ravioli.

- Angie H.

Beth-a-knee said...

post now or I'll...I'll shoot!