Sunday, October 10, 2004


has anybody else noticed that I seem to be posting less and less lately? this rather alarms me. I shall not attempt to remedy that with this post because I really have absolutely nothing to say.

However, there is something I must put forth into the world. And if people are lazy and just don't read my blogs well I can't say they weren't warned.

I seem to be venturing back into the realm of nazi...

yeah, I know, this is a really really really bad thing. I am not, as yet, fully nazi-ized, but I can feel the potential for total bitch burbling, and bubbling within. I shall do my very very best to keep this evil inside, but let it be known that it is there, and it may come raging to the surface very soon. Right now, I am in the depressed stage of devoloping nazi-dom. When I begin to lash out at people (as I did last night to Geoff on msn) then the ball begins to roll. I will try hard hard hard to keep my ill feeling out of school, and choir, and MuTh, but if it should arise, please tell me. Just don't be mean about it. Brutal honesty I can take, spite is too much for nazi-Alleah to handle.

If anyone has any advice as to how to maybe avoid this nazi-ness altogether, please please please drop me a line, because there are many times when my self-control fails me. And last year sucked, mostly because of me. I DON'T WANT that to happen again.

well, Gramma, Grampa, Ken, and Uncle Dave are all here for Thanksgiving and Gramma and Grampa brought down this beautiful drawing of Great Gramma and Grampa Stevenson that is absolutely gorgeous! It took place of pride above the brownish couch shunting the sailing picture to in the front hallway. It's so pretty, and Mom was absolutely thrilled. I have already claimed it for inheritance. Rather morbid, I realize, but if I don't end up with that picture, I am going to pitch a fit. That picture and the painting that Auntie Barb painted that lives in my grandparents dining room. If I don't get those two pictures for inheritance, I will seriously die. And then where will you all be??? I mean, really.

so I am absolutely disgusting, and need to do some serious laundry before Thanksgiving pictures, so I am off to do that. Bye bye, all.


bradfurd said...

It might be coincidence, but it is intriguing to mention the congruency between the german election of the national socialist party in one of their federal states and your said "nazi-dom". btw why did your last year suck?

VivaLaPinto said...

I was extraordinarly mean to everyone. maybe not you, but you and I didn't hang out as much as we do this year. but I was horrid to people, especially Collective, and my family. the closer you get to me, the meaner I am. beware...

barbara_mary said...

If you need to scream, that helps I find. So go somewhere, and scream. At everyone. That way you let it out, but don't hurt anyone.