Friday, November 12, 2004

hoo-HAW, boy!

I love Robin Williams. Mrs. Doubtfire was excellent.

So I have exciting news! I was speaking with Sean yesterday, and there is the smallest possibility that we could go to Disneyland for Spring Break!!! I don't want to say any more about it for fear of jinxing it, but let it be known that I have absolutely the best, coolest, awesomest, sweetest, most generous, hottest boy in the world! I love him so much!

yesterday, me and him hung out all day. I walked to his house around eleven (ugh!), and we hung out and cuddled for a while. I gave him a massage that he enjoyed, apparently. After that, we went on the computer, and Microsoft Paint-ed a picture from the set of Brand New Day into awesemity! Details soon...unless you're Lorenz. ;)

(oh, ack! I had the worst dream ever this morning! It started weird, and ended horrifying. At first, I dreamt I was some kind of wraith thing, and that I haunted Dover, which was kind of shaped like a castle. So I went around, minding my own wraith-like business, until one day, I discovered a lecture hall full of unsupervised students. So I played with the lighting system until they were good and terrified, and then ran around them shrieking banshee-like things at them. but unfortunately, THAT ploy back fired, because then they just thought it was one of the drama students putting on an impromptu show for them, and they started cheering. For some reason, all the happiness banished me, and I ran to the back of the room, and jumped down these ducts that were super super wide, and stone-walled. I landed on dirt floor, and then it was the first day of school. Apparently I had to take a couple classes up at Dover for some reason, so me and Gator went to an English class. And the teacher was Mrs. Tinnion!!! argle-BARF! then while she tried to start the lesson, a dog barking was interrupting her. And I recognized the bark as Ahrodie's. I was very confused as to why she was at my school, but in dreams everything is supposed to make sense, even if you are confused. so I walked over to the window, because she started barking harder when she heard me speak, and I discovered her, and about a dozen other doggies, including little Tika, in this chainlink fence cage thing. And they were huddled, and scared, and looked dirty and underfed. So I crawled into it, and gave my two doggies lots of pets, and lovins, and cuddled them, because they were both really frightened. Then I got really uncomfortable in the cage thing, so I took Ahrodie and Tika into the classroom with me. Tinnion tried to tell me that I couldn't have the dogs in the classroom with me, and I told her to shove it up her ass. Later, after the class was finished, I was standing outside with Gator, and the dogs by the chain link cage thing, and suddenly it transformed, and started folding up at the edges WITH the other doggies inside! And me and Gator were screaming "no" but we couldn't tell where the movement of the cage was controlled from, so we didn't know who to scream "no" at. And all the poor doggies that I didn't save got SQUASHED!!! And I started weeping hysterically. And then I woke up.)

I digress... so after making that picture, me and Seand ecided to walk up to Devin's house. There we watched some new footage that we hadn't seen before, and the footage of the Remembrance Day ceremony at my school. There's one part where it's so funny! Me and Devin have just finished "In Flanders Fields," and Devin says thank you into the mike all prima donna-ish, and I ROLLED MY EYES! And it's totally on camera! It was so funny! And we made fun of/picked to technical peices both of the choir songs. I am such a whore when I want to be. I am so hard on th choir, because that is where my perfectionist tendencies come out. And I get irrationally infuriated at anyone who is in choir who doesn't share those perfectionist tendencies. And btw, when I say "perfectionist," I mean I ALWAYS have something we can improve on. We can have just pulled off Loch Lomond, AT FESTIVAL with two cold-stricken soloists (like Grade Nine, when me and Mike both had colds at Festival) and still I literally have to swallow ALL of my perfectionist bile just to be able to compliment the other choir members on their job well done, wether or not I feel they actually did one. I always have to restrain myself from going up to people that I hear off key, or missing cutoffs, or whatever, and raging on them. Actually, with the girls, I don't restrain myself from that. Everytime we get off stage, I start critiqueing the performance we've just done. I am such a bitch. And boy did that ever come out yesterday while watching the choir footage. I raged about the tuning in the boys, and raged about the expression in the girls, I raged about the idiocy of Lee, and Kim to wear pants with white down the sides. I raged at my own stupidity to look so retardedly idiotic while singing. God, I hate what I look like when I sing! I think I'm giving expression, but really what I'm doing is giving the expression of a drooling, mentally-handicapped midget. BAH!

anyways...after watching footage at Devin's, him and his Mom gave us a ride to Tim Horton's cause I NEEDED my cappacino. Times an absolute lot. For some reason, there, I started to feel irrationally sad. I have absolutely no reason. At first, it was because I had to pay with change, and I HATE doing that with a passion. It's my pet peeve. Then, I dunno... It seemed like there was no reason for me to be sad, but I was. But that's kind of typical, for me. In Grade Seven, when I had my big ole depression episodes, I was diagnosed with chronic depression that could turn into bipolar disorder with time, which is kind of screwy, but whatever. So that's the explanation for that.

After that, we went and called Sean's Mom for a ride, maybe up to WalMart, and maybe to get some food. Ian ended up giving us a ride back to the motel. There we ate shrimpy rice, with sausage, and corn. And after, me and Sean watched tv/cuddled/kissed in his room. After a while it got kind of serious, and we were just staring into each other's eyes. For some reason, I felt this compellingly devoted feeling come voer me, and suddenly I felt the need to tell him everything that I felt. Now that was a little odd, because we've done that over msn, and crud, but there, it's a little clinical. Like, I can think about what I'm about to type, and think about the wording on msn. But yesterday, I just started feeling all these things, and had to express them. It was so brought Sean to tears! :D I love him so much! We exchanged some sentiments of love, and then cuddled until we fell asleep in his bed. And then I had to leave. :( *tear*

this morning, I am supposed to go to Bye Bye Birdie for the singing thing, but I am feeling SO sick. I also have to cancel me and Gator's appointments. Remind me to do that will ya? I think I am going back to bed now.

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