Monday, November 22, 2004

Moppet. Poppet. FOOL! Shall we dance?

*sigh* what a super-tiring day. Got to school late. oops. Jazz choir was jazzily jazz-aliscious. We had almost everybody today, which is a change. Trickle Trickle was great, and What a Wonderful World would have worked (what alliteration!!) had I not wallowed in walrus willies. (sorry, had to milk it for all it was worth!!!)

urgfh, everybody is talking to me. this is insane. as soon as I signed in about four people started talking to me. then after a while five other people started talking to me, and then a couple of people left so I could close their boxes, and then Barba called me, and then my sweetie signed in, and I HAD to talk to him...too many people. too many.

this post is taking me a retarded amount of time to complete. I blame it on my friends. Many many many of them are talking to me. Too many of them to handle.

I was going to talk about my day in this post, but I am so irked at this post by now that I have decided to make a quick exit, sign off of msn, and just leave. Goodnight. (what a pointless post)


amyleigh said...

i feel your pain! how dare so many ppl have the audacity to talk to you when all you want to do is write a stupid post! why don't they understand?! ;)

VivaLaPinto said...

lol! hey don't understand, at all. Even when they themselves are bloggers, and OUGHT to understand the pain the are still evil and crual, and TALK TO ME FAR TOO MUCH!!!

I am going to go read some monologues! *joy!*

Tim Banky said...

Sorry for talkin' to ya, Plebea.

Oh, and readin' monologues sounds like the most anti-social thing in the world. Just from a philosophical perspective.

barbara_mary said...

OR... ignore everyone and give your telephone calls more importance. As it was very difficult to understand you on the telephone.

VivaLaPinto said...

lol, Barba! The problem with that is then I get addicted to it and anytime I just don't want to talk to people I set my status to Away, and then I become one of those bastardly people whom you can never can tell if they are actually there or not!

barbara_mary said...

LOL, That's what I do!!