Thursday, December 09, 2004

so life kinda blows right now

we have mice. (excuse me mother, who is readin over my shoulder) mother-fuckers. And this is my blog and I'll swear if I want to.

I am in an awful mood right now. I don't want to go to Theatre, I don't want to talk to anybody (LEAST of all my sister), I don't even really want to see Sean, because I know I'll just end up making things stupid.

Somehow, the entirety of Nanaimo is angry at me right now, for one reason or another. For one thing, all the Dover people are angry about my rant post about the quality of their singing (which I do not apologize for, btw; I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't stand by it). Mrs. Tinnion believes that I am unrelieable because I forgot to prompt for Babel Rap, because I only learnt the afternoon of the dress rehearsal that I was supposed to, (she had a huge upsetting conference with me today, and apparently she has more to say to me after the show is over) , and is pissed at me because Sean showed up to see me after the dress rehearsal yesterday and crashed our pizza party, even though he didn't know it was happening, and I didn't know he was coming. Brianna, and apparently everybody think I am too clingy and have un-invited me and Sean to the Christmas party because at Brianna's birthday party we were feeling less than social, and hung out by ourselves, and with Gareth (and btw, Brianna, we were NOT making out). Somebody in the theatre class decided that me dancing (SILENTLY) in the wings, and acting Music Man-esque was "unprofessional" and decided to complain to Mrs. Tinnion, who proceeded to tell me that this show was the worst that I had ever done. My FUCKING bus driver yelled at me, for NOT running for his bus, even though he was at the Country Club Exchange, and is OBLIGATED to wait for me for as long as it takes me to get to the bus, and then proceeded to nearly go off the road like three times going down the highway. Yesterday, Ashley Bitch-hole Siniarsky decided to give me the bitchiest look I've ever seen walking by in the hallway, for NO reason whatsoever, and holy crow, I seriously had to restrain myself from chucking my pudding right at her face. That whore talks to me ever from now until the end of the year I swear to God I am going to pop her one in the face. I greeted Jordan and Jade in the hallway, and as soon as I walked by, Jordan whispers, for the express purpose of me hearing, stage-whispers, "God I hate her." And of course, there is Geoff, who never fails to express just how much he hates me on his blog, with comments about how pathetic my songwriting is (which btw actually made me want to kill myself; I don't think I have ever cried so hard in my life. and I don't know why I still read his blog...maybe because once upon a time, he told me that he would always miss me, and I like to think that he isn't that much of a liar). And not really last, and not really least, my family, is, as always, right at the front of making me miserable. This morning, a fight broke out for absolutely NO discernable reason, in which, once again I was called irresponsible, lazy, neglectful, and a bitch. A typical morning.

Honestly, what have I done to make everybody hate me so much? What can I do to just relieve everybody of my presence? I think I am going to go lock myself in my bedroom. And I am not being dramatic, this is how I feel right now. I am sorry if that makes you roll your eyes.


VivaLaPinto said...

Shit. this whole post sounds so pathetic and whiny. I hate myself so much.

Glenn said...

Piiiiiinto, you're my favourite!!! *Humps leg* You're the only one who knows how to scratch my nipples just right!

K said...

Usually when I hate myself a lot, I write it down in a little book along with everything else so I can laugh at it later, & just throw in a one-liner on my blog such as "I was feeling pretty bad for a while."

I don't hate you. but sometimes, it's nice to be far, far away from the squabbles that sometimes occur in my family. :p

April said...

It's ok Alleah, I still love U!!!!!! *hugs* !!!!

bradfurd said...

re: previous poetry post. I think we'd all agree that blank verse is where it is at: the perfect combo of structure and freedom. Yes, we are all due for a nice poetry skill honing duel.

punkerface said...

i still think yur the neatest shorty i know!

VivaLaPinto said...

thank you, all! I really appreciate your support, although I hope it didn't seem like I was fishing for it; I wasn't. By the way--actually nm, I'll just save it for my next post.

Ashley S said...

Excuse me, who are you? talkin shit about me. yeah my mom is nice.