Friday, December 31, 2004

super dictionarian

today's gonna suck...I have to be up at Brianna's by one to practice for tonight's pre show. then I have call for the first show at four, showtime is at fivethirty, and it ends at eight. we have a half an hour until call at eight thirty for the next show, show time is at nine, we have the preshow, which Collective is on first for, and we are singing two songs. The show goes after that until about midnight, we'll do the countdown to the New Year onstage. Then the banquet-shmoozie-thing at the Bailey goes until about twelve thirty or one. After that is Barbara's drunken cast party of awesemity. And prolly about five or six a clock that morning is when I will die. As in completely cease the living. Beathing, heart rate, all systems failure. I am gonna be SO tired!

But yesterday was a success! At two, a small number of my close friends showed up to Fast Eddies, and we ordered and ate. Laura, Tim, Devin, and Sean were there. I ordered a frickin three course meal cause I felt like splurging. (hey, it was only seventeen dollars with tax! I could afford it!) I ate most of it, and then started throwing the remainder at panto people who showed up after Phantom of the Opera at four. AAt four, Vanessa, Will, Jen Smythe, Nicole, Sasja, Brianna, Rosie, Mel, Niki, and Jen Schaper showed up, and we occupied this little corner of Fast Eddies that was filled with rowdy theatre kids singing, and throwing comestibles at each other! A grand ole time was had by all!

In other news I totally kicked Sean into the ground at Boggle! I think yhe ended up with something like twelve points after four games, and I had thirty! It was awesome-possum!!! He was embarrassed and tried to keep me from showing Mom his score...but I stil;l told her about it! lol!

After Fast Eddies, the people with cars went up to Woodgrove to go underwear shopping. I didn't buy anything, although I was tempted. Hey, I only had five dollars left!

After that, we drove to Panto, and we had a really awesome warm-up. The show started on time, and it was......... o k. It was NOT fabulous, although the audience started to give us a standing o at the end. The audience was really weird! They were a completely dead audience, just sitting in their seats, expressionless, while a few in front did the audience participation parts, and yet the worst expressionless ones were the ones that gave us the standing o at the end! It was carazay! Dean said, at intermission, they were just standing around as if they were at a wake! It was wierd. But Chapel of Love (the curtain call number) went really well, and Dancing in the Streets (the finale) went the best we've ever done it! In my opinion. We all had fabulous energy, and I dunno about anyone else (possibly with the exception of Nicole; her voice died halfway through that song) but I just belted that song out with all I had! It was TRES fabou, in the words of Mel.

Now it's ten, and Sean is coming at eleven, I think...*sigh*, that boy. I need to shower, and blow dry my hair, and hopefully straighten it. bigger, I don't wanna do that right now! I wish I had more time in between now and practice/show time...this is gonna suck times a lot.

well, anyways, off to the showers I go. Goodbye all. Oh yeah, and if I added you on msn, and you think that's creepy, it was only for the purposes of telling the entirety of Nanaimo about my b-day p-tay. most of you may delete me if you want, cause I'm really not on very much anyways. ttyl!


K said...

ooh crazy New Year's gigs I hear? Mine was kind of lame, but random & fun at parts. There were a **LOT** of people there, it was really, really crazy. Got to hang out with Yu-jing, Etienne, Ivonne, & Kenta, & some random guy so it was all good I guess.

Unknown said...

Did u have breadsticks at F.E?

VivaLaPinto said...

hell YEAH, I had bread sticks! I LOVE those things! And for some reason I had more of them than anybody else at my table...weird.