Wednesday, January 05, 2005

the day the Pinto died

Alleah Marie Poirier
December 29th, 1987-Saturday, March 12, 2067

according to

woot, how cheery!


VivaLaPinto said...

ack! You're to outlive me??? How distressing! *wrings hands*

K said...

"Pinto [9:05:42 PM]
five months and counting until this pinto is ejected from her home. i am determined to come through on this. if i don't do it...beat me!"

5 months... does that mean you are ejected *before* you finish high school? Decidedly odd... wherever shall you go, whatever shall you do? Tell me about it.

amyleigh said...

haha, that is morbid?

Amy Leigh Clarke
April 16, 1986-Sunday, June 28, 2067

amyleigh said...

oh and btw--if you can't find a place, bachfub and I would really like another roomate so we can afford a better place. sooo keep it in mind!we are not bad to live with...rather laid back. spread the word.

Brianna said...

Saturday, January 29, 2067 is when I'm kicking the bucket folks!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

lol.. guess i have to do the official name-putting thing.

Alana Rose Green
Saturday, December 4, 2083

Looks like I missed the global tragedy of 067'.. wunder what i'd be upto the friday night before i die tho... :)

VivaLaPinto said...

lol, you guys! There's a problem w/ the global disaster theory...we're all dying in DIFFERENT MONTHS! So unless it's radiation (which is very well could be, given the idiocy of our neighbors to the south) it's not quite a global disaster.

And Amay, I shall indeed spread the word. In fact, I can tell you right now, Sean is looking at moving out purdy soon...and you three have known each other forever and a day! Maybe that could work out?

Unknown said...

Dude i have a great grandma whoes 95 and shes just peachy!