Friday, January 28, 2005


*thinking thinking thinking thinking*

Ok, so here's my question. We all know that I am a Pinto, and we all know that I have been so named for the extraordinary Pinto-ness that my hair takes on when I have dyed it blond, and then not dyed it again for many months. We all know this.

But, Bloggers--am I a Pinto Horse, or a Pinto Bean???

Both have the two-toned qualities of Pinto for which I have been named. And I cannot think of any other qualities to link me to one, or the I fat and lazy, just waiting to be eaten, content with it's lot on life, like a Pinto Bean? Or am I--well, horsey?

I cannot decide. One consideration is that, if I am to be named a Pinto Bean, I may be infringing on the realm of the green bean, and snap pea we all know and love, Amay and Bethany. I should hope not. The last time that happened, there was blood and pain and suffering as you cannot imagine.

Anyways, I want chocolate for breakfast. I am supposed to go to Sean's this morning, but I prolly won't. I need to walk my doggy dog. hmmm, I wonder if he would like to come?

I dunno, ttyl...comment your feedback on my dilemma.


VivaLaPinto said...

lol, Sean!

Brianna said...

Laura, you know nothing, the car isnt two toned. Alleah, I named you after the horse, because at the time i had no notion of the existence of the pinto bean. But no, it is not because of horsey qualities.

K said...

I always thought it was the car too, but w/e. Click here to see my google results about Pinto.

Beth-a-knee said...

hey are you saying i'm fat and lazy?! :o


MattyRob said...

Well, I don't know you all that well so I'm going to go... I don't know! How about... nope, can't help you. But I finally have come to visit!

Beth-a-knee said...

hey, a bean is not bland. let's look at the pros and cons of both:
a bean: -is cute and chubby
-has an overall cheerful shape
-is edible
-is healthy
-is green
-it's a small, miniscule thing, easily overlooked in things like pods and soup
-it is, well...PLUMP
-lots of people don't like the way they taste

a pinto horse:
-is pretty
-good western horse
-can run, as opposed to a bean, which has no arms or legs
-has a mane and tail
-has a brain

-can be mean and vicious
-eats grass
-flies like horses
-people like horses

Kahloke said...

I always assumed that you were the car. *strokes his chin, looks at you for a sec* You know... you do bear a striking resemblance to a hatchback.

Come to think of it... You're small, you belong to a large family with little spare money, you (to prove I have no taste) you have headlights, you're a little quirky, you're delightfully trendy yet retro...

Really, the only thing that a Ford Pinto has that you do not have is that very distinct musky aroma that was only available in hatchbacks built between 1978 and 1988...

Brianna said...

All the Pinto cars were recalled because they blew up or something, just so you know.

VivaLaPinto said...

All I can say is, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You guys are awesome. Bethany, you are neither fat, nor lazy, nor bland. You have a very pleasing round shape! ...actually, I think I'll leave comments like that to Chip--or whomever! lol!

Llowyn: you mean, I have NO new car smell? You have just crushed my soul, and dignity. But it's all good, because, as you observed, I do indeed have headlights!

And, if you notice, I have new commenters! Woo-hoo!!! Prepare, for invasion, bloggers who have had the audacity to comment in my bloggy world!

In other news, Sean just bought a bird, but I prolly can't blog about it, because true to form, nothing works in my home, INCLUDING my internet now. So prepare for a blogging drought, faithful readers. I apologize. I shall tickle Sean to send you news of me, so read his blog, if you have Pinto withdrawals.

So, to finish up, the verdict is, I am either a car, or a horse. Never worry, Bethany, your title as a bean, however unnoticed in stews, is unchallenged. We shall analyse this subject soon. When I am in the mood. Goodbye fellow bloggers! I shall try to return soon!!!

VivaLaPinto said...

and, Brianna, there's no surprise there, I blow up constantly, remember?

VivaLaPinto said...

stupid bugger ass peice of SHIT! I just posted and the goddamn internet ATE IT! angst!