Monday, January 24, 2005


ok, so I know I have been neglecting blog duties of late, but is that any excuse to ignore recent posts??? I mean really people! Read! Comment! Let me know you're still there! rawr.

my coffee is extraordinarily yummy. which is weird cause I thought I put too much sugar in, but I didn't. So now it tastes like awesome!

Last night, the weirdest thing happened. I guess I had just started to fall asleep, when all of a sudden, my brain kind of SLAMMED into nightmare mode. What happened in my brain was almost like I kind of opened my eyes just a little bit, and I saw AN ENORMOUS SPIDER like half a foot from my head, dangling from a thread. And I freaked out, and jumped out of my bed, and ran out of my room, and turned the light on. Now, I only woke up by the time I was out my door, but I remembered the half-nightmare, so I wasn't sure if it was real or not. I was absolutely freaking out, like sweating, trembling, looking around in my room (even though I was blind cause my glasses weren't on), but, of course, there was no spider...

So, long story shport, I came downstairs, cause Mom heard me freaking out, and asked me what was wrong, and I was shaking so hard, that I couldn't even get the words out! I had to literally concentrate on every single word to get it out. It was pathetic.

Afterwards, Sherayna came up to my room, and searched it together for humongous spiders, and found none. I was still creeped out, so I took S.A.M. to bed with me. Who is S.A.M. you ask? Well, his initials are ment to represent the initials Sean Alexander Mantta! He is the teddy bear that Bonnie gave me for X-mas that is supposed to be be my Sean when the real Sean isn't there! Isn't that sweet?! So he did his duty and protected me all night long from bogeymen. However, his adorable shoes, and backpack, and PANTALOONS were just too awkward to sleep around, so I took them off. Yes that's right!!! I slept ALL NIGHT LONG with Sean's BEAR BUM right beside me!!! Mwa-ha-ha-ha! *shock and scandal* I left his hat on though. The modesty of the top of his head was protected.

oh! did I tell you??? Sean's dad finds things left behind in the motel all the time, and a little while ago he found this awesome pink fuzzy jacket! now given the fact that they live in a motel, and there are scandalous items found there often, such as pictures of girls who are topless, and the fact that prostitues and their johns rent rooms there sometimes, there is a very high probability that the jacket used to belong to a whore...that greatly amused Brianna and Laura when I told them! But w/e, I don't care, assumably, it's been washed, and de-liced, and un-grossed, so I think it's cool. However, now I get nervous when passing small prostitutes, thinking they may demand their jacket back...

(for all those people who DON'T know me, and have NO idea why I am talking about prostitutes and jackets...well lets just say, I live sandwiched between a good part of town, and a bad part of town. therefore, the livestock can swing to either persuasion: the good kind--or the bad kind)

anyways, this post is kind of incoherent, and I have to get dressed for school. I am sitting arouind in my scibbies and my whore jacket from Sean, with my coffee in one hand, and pretty ucky morning breath. I am, going to go employ the tongue brushing techniques, Sean told me about last night (oh how geeky!), and them sit around and contemplate just how nerdy I am. Sucks to be you guys reading my retarded morning posts of unintelligible doom. w/e, you forced me to do so, with your outrageous LACK OF COMMENTAGE! So lets remedy that situation, shall we?



Kahloke said...

I'm here! And I'm the first!!! Muah ha ha ha!!

Betcha didn't see that one coming, did ya? Nope, you didn't. You were all like "I wonder who'll comment? Probably Brianna, or Sean..." and then ¡BAM! You were all like "Llowyn?! No way! I thought he was killed by his own troops in Vietnam!!"

At any rate... I too have felt the harsh stinging of the blogdom's lonly wind striking my exposed flesh, constantly reminding me that my blog is unread, and unloved...

*hugs* I'm here. In a disgustingly diminished capacity, I grant you, but I'm here!

Mekni said...

I must say, I like the word shport. It reminds me vaguely of sean connery; "how shporting of you". I realized I'm only a part-time reader but I this post was amusing, especially the part where you cuddled with sean bear bum. Peace out yo!

Unknown said...

Is that the jacket i rubbed when i saw u in it? ;)
BTW! where are u in the class that is mathematics!?? We've been doing h-core review crap and tests and i have not seen u anywhere in sight! perhaps u passed out by the coffee maker listening to grondens never-ending drone? 4 more classes stranded in the makeshift classroom where no one can hear us screaming.

Tim Banky said...

Whore Jacket!

That is awesome.

VivaLaPinto said...

Wheeee! Here I am, Gator! Chip[, as soon as you said that about Sean Connery, I had an enormous urge to watch Finding Forrester. Alana, the official story is that I have the flu, but to be honest, it's more like I don't get out of bed in the mornings because the breaker in my room blew, so now not only do I have no central oil heating, and no hotwater, I also have no electricity to power my space heater with, AND some retard left the hot water kettle on top of the stove, and turned a burner on, so I can't even heat my hot water bottle. So pretty much, I am simply terrified of the cold in the morning. Last night I slept, wearing my whore jacket. *sigh*

um...I think that's it. Llowyn, if I have been ignoring you, I sowy, I just haven't really been blogging as often lately.

You know what, I think I'm just going to bite the bullet, and post.

VivaLaPinto said...

btw, thankee for commenting...keep up the good work!