Sunday, January 09, 2005

yummeh, yummeh, Danish butter cookies! Rasmus is a danish butter cookie. bend over!

So, if anybody can tell me why Blogger is being a piss-shit peice of whore to NOBODY BUT ME, give me a shout.

I finally got my keyboard back, but only because I whined at my sister because I couldn't sign into hotmail on this computer. Oh shat. I was supposed to call Sean sometime this morning until one to four (he's got church) but it's twelve thirty, and I just got up. Why I got up so late, I really don't know. Yesterday was a day of playing in snow whilst being videotaped (especially when I fell) and watching movie upon movie upon movie at Sean's. We got snowed in up at his Mom's place (which is up by Westwood) so I ended up staying the night, where I was plagued by nightmares caused by the LOUD furnace in his room, and those were interrupted by Sean tickling my feet, and me giggling loudly in my dream, and simultaneously in real life and then waking up. According to Sean, it was cute, however, never having seen myself giggling whilst dreaming, I am inclined to object.

I have been having nightmares a lot lately! Last night, I had this dream that went on, literally all night, AND all morning, about how, my Mom, and I planned to detonate a nuclear bomb in our old backyard (somehow the house was still there, and we still lived in it, but with all our possessions we have now). We were going to do it, because it would prevent some enormous earthquake from going off between the seismic plates that Vancouver Island is on, but unfortunately, it would kill everybody in Nanaimo and radiate everybody else on the Lower Mainland into mutatedness, even though it would save the entire Canadian coastline from this huge earthquake. I felt really guilty about killing everybody I knew, so I rationalized it to myself as, the bl;ast wouldn't actually kill everybody in Nanaimo, just the people within a two-block radius, because the nuclear bomb was so small, it was hidden in a tool box. But then, I asked my mum about it, to reassure myself, and she said that the bomb we were using was only a little bit less powerful than the one used at Hiroshima in the Second World War. And then I got really guilty, and asked to save a bunch of people. Mom agreed, but said, only four because we didn't have the room in our truck for our possessions, our dogs, our family, and lots of other people. So eventually, I decided to save Sean and his family, after going through so many choices, such as the Collective, and Sean, Devin, Geoff, and Sean (I have NO idea where THAT one came from! lol!) and Laura, Kevin Mantta, and Sean. As well as Sean, Bonnie, Ian, and Tuula, we also had me, Mom, Sherayna and her kids. The truck bed was too small for all those people to lay down under a tarp, so as not to be seen (people in truck beds is illegal) so my mom and I stole a canopy so everybody could sit up, just before leaving town. We had set the bomb for fifty minutes, so that we'd have time to get out of the blast range. But then after fifty minutes had passed, the bomb hadn't gone off, so for some idiot reason, my mom and I went back to check it. When we went back, I looked across the street to Beban Park (my old house was across from the forested part of Beban Park) and sitting on a bench was Geoff and Laura. And I felt so incredibly guilty that even though I knew they'd be killed anyways, they'd be killed first, and I couldn't bring them with me, and I couldn't save them, so I just hid when my mom started looking for me after she'd reset the bomb, and figured out why it didn't go off. So she had to leave without me, and then I died w/ Laura and Geoff.

This dream literally took all night to happen, because parts of it just happened over and over and over again, as if it was a tape, and parts of the tape had gotten stuck. It was the scariest dream ever, and I woke up crying. It was literally like a movie. You know what, I should write the screenplay to that, cause it was a freaky dream.

I am really hormonal lately, and it sucks. Plus that shot I got a little while ago is giving me acne. I am le pissed about that. And my foot is asleep, and I don't know what to do about it. I hate that feeling.

The kids are driving me nuts. This morning, they kept interrupting my psycho dream with completely SHRIEKING outside my door, literally as loud as they possibly could. I wanted to scream at them, but I wasn't really that awake, plus it was freezing outside my covers. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. My stupid oil is all gone again, so no more showers for Alleah. If I start to smell bad, I apologizeprofusely, but there's nothing I can do unless you want to buy me oil. I hate my life sometimes. Actually most times.

But at least I have Danish butter cookies.


K said...

That sounds like a freakin' scary dream. It should be pointed out that those prudent enough to have learned to drive/acquired driver's licenses could have driven themselves to safety. But sometimes, I am glad that I don't remember my dreams unless I try to.

Pineapple Princess! said...

Imteresting dream. I know you can analyse it better than I can anyways, so I won't bother showing off. We could hang out on thursday after choir maybe?

amyleigh said...

that IS a creepy dream--gives me that yucky-i-just-had-a-bad-dream feeling. there could be a lot of meaning in it though.
i know exactly what you mean with the kids! I can count on my nephews to wake me up every day at around 7. oy vey...

K said...

I just had an idea in the showers department... if the pool's open in the winter (I have no idea) you can have fun in the pool & a complimentary shower or two. Plus hot tub & sauna. And wave pool. And waterslides. teehee

Yeah I'm getting good at using my shower so I don't scald myself any more, yay. rock on

VivaLaPinto said...

I wish I could scald myself in my shower...actually no. lol! anyways, Kevin, that is a good idea, and I think I shall do that, because Sean wanted to go swimming anyways. The other thing is, about analysing that dream, I have been talking w/ me mummeh about it, and she seems to think it is kind of another representation of "tough love" and that her role is kind of like Joseph Mengeleh's in the second world war. (for those of you who don't know, Joseph Mengeleh was in charge of the Holocaust.) However, with generally analysing a dream, usually you use key elements, for example the fact that the nuclear bomb was in a toolbox could be analysed and would have some kind of meaning. But there weren't that many small detaily little things in it, so it can't be analysed quite as accurately. My mom's interpretation of it, had only to do with the general theme of the dream, but to get a good analysis, you'd have to have details, and I only remember the details one one part. Yeah, but other than that, apparently the dream generally represents tough love. I'm gonna have to do some thinking on that, and figure out it's relevance to my real life. That's the beauty of interpreting dreams! They always apply!