Saturday, January 22, 2005

painting and reading and lazing--oh my!

Today was spent esthetically ignoring every single bit of agenda I may have had. I was to do laundry--I painted a box, and one of the trays I got for X-mas. I was to practice for my audition tomorrow--I read a book about Titanic, and ate inordinate amounts of cheese. I was to clean my room--I...well, cleaned my room. And, if I may, it was fabulous!

I must say, though I adore my Sean more than he'll ever know, there are days that I just need to spend by myself. And I feel bad for saying that, knowing that he missed me today, but it's true. Above all, I DO NOT want this relationship to turn out like Geoff and have him hate me cause we never leave each other alone. I mean, look how well my family likes me and they're convinced that I'm never around! If I were constantly here, the way I am with Sean, or the way I was with Geoff...well the WORLD would hate me! You all have to admit, too much me is pretty difficult to handle.

In other news, I have been reading such blogs as Brianna's and have decided to prove my trend-whore-ness once again by ripping her off. These are the things I want out of life:

-to live out my life from now to death with one person. (even if that one "person" is a cat, and I talk to it, and feed it cheese gravy)

-to have a career that I love to do, which makes me a substantial amount of money.

-to have a home I can be proud of, at least in it's comfortability and beauty if not in it's magnificence.

-to do a good job of raising my children. I don't know how many, and I don't care if they end up filthy stinking rich, or working class, as long as they have a sense of humanity, morality, and empathy.

-to do something good for humanity. even if it's only as miniscule as sending money to reputable charities, I don't want to leave this world, having given nothing back.

-to be loved.

I think that that list is long enough. any longer, and fate might be tempted to slap me back down where I belong, because of my presumptions.

1 comment:

VivaLaPinto said...

as are you, especially me, my love!