Tuesday, May 31, 2005

guess who's NOT an unemployable Welfare bum?!

that's right! it's Glenn!

no, I'm just kidding, it's ME! that's right, my unending quest has finally been realized! I am now a proud concession--um--person at the Avalon Cinemas!!! Fancy, eh?! I work with Amay now. Too bad Bethany has moved (I think) or I would work with her too, which could only end in buckets of fun!

this is so super ultra fantastic! You know what this means, right? It means long-awaited financial freedom! No more begging for scraps at my mother's table of moooooola! (sorry, the o beared repeating) I can now buy myself an eighty dollar pair of jeans, a three hundred dollar dress, a twenty dollar lipstick, AND NOT GIVE A DAMN! How fantastic is that?! I can take Sean out for dinner, or up to Parksville for minigolf, on a whim! For that matter, I no longer have to absent myself from activities from a lack of cash! Have you any idea how happy that's going to make me??? My mood just went up for the next hundred years, and you have Kelly from Avalon Cinemas to thank for it!

For some inexplicable reason, I have started jonesing over X-mas shopping. I started a list of things I would like to buy eventually, and at least half of them were for other people! Like a stone mortar and pestle set I found at a kitchen store that Mom would love and this t-shirt I found at Woodgrove for Brianna. I'm so silly that way.

Wow, this keyboard sucks, I'm making a million mistakes.

Other than that, Sean may or may not be actually buying a weiner dog! They have them at Paws & Jaws in Rutherford, and I should have pulled Sean away while I had the chance, but I didn't, and now he has his heart set on the little boy! We got to go into the back room, and hold him. He was just the sweetest little darling ever! His Mom is opposed to it, and my Mom isn't too happy because the puppy HAS to be at our house, which means Sean HAS to move in, which means Sherayna HAS to move out. I'm scared of it, simply because between where to keep him, how my dog will react to him, and all the other problems inherent with a new baby puppy, it could very possibly not work out. And I don't want that to happen, for Sean's sake. He deserves something he wants this much.

I don't know what to do about it, other than just try to keep out of it. I'm not opposed to it, but I know how much trouble it's going to be. Instead, I'm going to let Sean, his Mom, and eventually my Mom work it out on their own. I'm tired of being the go-between.

Anyways, I'm getting picked up in about ten minutes. I work tonight, hee hee!!! I am so excited!!! Even though, I know in a week and a half, I'm going to dread it with a passion. But at least right now I'm looking forward to it. Wish me luck, all!


Unknown said...

CONGRATTTTTTS ALLEAH! I'm SO happy for you! I know exactly what it feels like to no have any money at all and having to cancel out on good times due to lack of cash... but then you get a job and its like, SUCH a blessing! Sure it has bad points... tends to take up a lot of time, but the fun times it creates when your off work is unbeatable! I am ecstatic for you! yayayayaya!

Were you typing on the crappy keyboard here in the career center by any chance... ( im using that one now and I cant stand it, but mrs/mr sinclair are taking up ALL the rest!)

Have a sweet night at work!

VivaLaPinto said...

no, there's one in the library that sucks bigtime--I don't know why I'm typing this, when you're sitting right beside me! For the benmefit of the rest of the blogging community, I suppose!

And thanks for the congrats!

Beth-a-knee said...

you know, I never once REALLY dreaded going to work there. it's an easy job, and the people there are so great that I usually had fun. So you might even look FORWARD to going to work.


amyleigh said...

yeah, it's the easiest, most relaxed job ever--completely stress-free. And all the people are awesome. and hey, I put a word in for you! I want some credit too! :P

K said...

Hooray! I have finally found the blog of Alleah... thought you'd dropped off the face of the earth for a while. Like the post length too :p

See you around


barbara_mary said...

Yay Alleah! This is tres fab.

Re: the weiner dog, tell Sean that it's better to NEVER get a dog from a pet store, as they apparently never work out nicely, due to something like being taunted all day by the customers, and basly treated and such.

VivaLaPinto said...

Barb, I agree with you. If was up to me we would have bought from a private breeder, and in a year or so. But, the dog has been paid for, and his accessoies bought, so now it's time to deal with the situation. Any puppy has the opportunity of becoming a wonderful dog, and I intend on making this one happy.

And Amay, I was planning on putting that in my post, but I spose I forgot. I sorry!!! What did you say, I am curious?

VivaLaPinto said...

the other two are both females, and the littlest one is really rambunctious, and liked to jump on her brother all the time.