Thursday, November 10, 2005

feeling guilty

about so many things. firstly how bad a student I am. I get home at night, fully intending on writing one essay, or another, and the minute I sit, my head is on the ground, and I am asleep. some would call that exhausted. I call that lazy! I am going to fail all my classes, and have no right to live. I have not turned in a SINGLE thing in English, OR frickin theatre history. And my big term project is due next Tuesday. oh, lord.

the second thing, which I don't feel quite so guilty about anymore is Sean. I called him yesterday, and invited him out to lunch, or whatever, so that we could talk, as his last comment on my blog quite upset me. I talked it over a long time with Ace, and although I don't want to go anymore, I am going to. All I want to come of it is understanding on both our parts, and I'm so scared that that won't happen. I don't know what I'll do, if he begins to hate me like Geoff did. (if I may digress, Geoff gave me a hug yesterday and said he didn't hate me anymore, and even apologized! w00t!) I read his blog today, and read all about his life since we ended, which made me feel a bit better. Apparently, Tuula has a new kitten, which is SO COOL! Also, he feels closer to his beliefs, which is wonderful. I'll not deny it, I was holding him back from that.

On a happier note, The One Act Festival has begun. Last night was auditions, and I may or may not have found my actors for This is a Play (which I am directing). I have yet to speak to Jess, my director for Philadelphia, which I am stage managing. And I somehow managed to be cast in three different plays, which is two projects over the maximum that we're supposed to be allowed. I am playing Marcy, the dope-smoking slut in Jack's Pants; Mimsey in Plaza Suite (a nice easy one liner); and I have a role in What Colour Animal Are You, though I don't know which yet. The director Ashley is going to get her first choices together for a reading next week and then it'll be cast. I'm hoping for Jill, the lazy hardware store inheritee who loves windsurfing. I have a feeling Ashley might have me in mind for Bonnie though, which is the main character, so that would be cool, too. I was also offered the role of Arboghast in Geoff's play, which I turned down, because it was a trifle too large.

So I am very busy, to the point of neglect, and may I just say, I HATE Voice class. Also on my plate is an arrangement with Collective to learn a bunch of Christmas stuff (maybe with boys, maybe not) and go caroling (maybe for money, maybe not). Ace says he can probably get us the stage at Mal for a full-length performance is we ever want it, and as President of Satyr Players, he has the ability to promise that. I don't think we will though, not for this X-mas. Maybe in the spring, I think that would be sweet!

Anyways, I have actors to accost, and promise sexual favors to if they do my play, so I am off. Happy blogging, faithful readers!


VivaLaPinto said...

PS, I am Duchess of Big Vocabulary Land!

barbara_mary said...

Yay for "This is a play" and un-yay for me having to get groped by Lee. Sheesh.

Queen of Hearts said...

yay doe more blogs to read! dududud *heart*

Laura said...

i'm doing a scene from this is a play in my acting class right now.

my name is scarlette sherwood. well, that's my stage name. (p.s. i decided that the play is actually a community theatre piece, and yet my actress still has a stage name hahahahhaa)
its such a crazy play to many layers to figure out! good luck with everything! i hope it all turns out great!

Unknown said...

how old is this ace fellow?

Anonymous said...

woot!! Im in "What Colour Animal Are You?" too!! its the only thing i got casted in eh. oh well im excited! I still dont get why barbara wouldny want to be groped by lee... or maybe thats just me hahaha luv ya huns!!


barbara_mary said...

Because I don't like to be publically groped. By anyone. lol.

Anonymous said...

But its LEE!!! Lee isnt just ANYONE

barbara_mary said...

But Lee is someone, hence equalling uncomfortableness.

Megan said...

OH MY GOSH YOU'RE DOING "JACK'S PANTS"?!??!?! I'm in the writing class of the guy who wrote that play, and you wanna know who played Marcy. That's right, Megan did! Wheee! Ok...I'm gonna go read the rest of your blog, but I had to comment cause I'm so excited becuase I loved that play.


Megan said...

Ok so there wasn't anything else for me to comment about, other than I love "Jack's Pants"...and Cody is my hero for writing it, so have fun with that :D

VivaLaPinto said...

lol,you guys! and I am playing Marcy, too, Megan! damn stoner slut! And in What Color Animal Are You, I'm playing Bonnie!!! JUST found that out, go me!!!

Akiyhrah said...


Anonymous said...

congrats darling! u are going to be a busy girl come January...

Barb.. i envy you

Anonymous said...

Just for your comment on my page i am going to give you a GREAT BIG HUG tomorrow!!

Unknown said...

i do with youd post more often alleah, you seem to live an interesting life.

VivaLaPinto said...

isn't "may your life be interesting" is a Chinese curse?