Monday, February 13, 2006

end of my rope

I have no patience for petty quarrels anymore. If you have something to say to me, call me up. Don't just stop talking to me, with no given reason. I thought our friendship was worth more than that.

Give me a reason to contact you. Although I don't want to lose you as a friend, I just don't have the energy for silliness. Either talk to me, or tell me that it's over. Don't just leave me sitting around, worrying about cryptic phrases that only hint about the very fact that you're angry.


Akiyhrah said...

*hug* I still love you!

VivaLaPinto said...

I wasn't talking about you, but thanks for that anyway.

Megan said...

Ok Alleah, I know we don't chat much and I try to keep up on you via your blog. It's hard cause you don't post much. I also never see you at school and I have zero social life because of work so I can't see you out of school so...ok I'm rambling now on why I don't see you/talk to you.

Can I just say, and I hope this may sound funny to you one day even though you were depressed about it in your post..."But then you started dating Ace" is now the ultimate phrase to make me laugh. I read your before story with the Girl C and Boy B etc and I literally burst out laughing when the third one rolled around. You were really good at leading up to it you great story-teller you.

Anyways. Hi Alleah. Glad to see you're alive. Hope to see you about sometime.

VivaLaPinto said...

hahaha! how I miss you Megan! We should hang out, post-haste!