Thursday, March 02, 2006

be-ringed Alleah

I bought a new ring a couple days ago. Now I have three. they are so pretty, and make my little Pinto fingers look sooo elegant.

So, my life will never be undramatic. It's just not fair. I got a call from my ex-sister-in-law a few days ago saying that my brother had disappeared with his little daughter, and April thought that he'd just taken off with her. So that was fucking scary. She had the police looking for them, and everything. It was awful. Then that same day, I get a call from Constable Joe Blow from the Waterloo police asking if I knew any relatives in Elliot Lake (in Manitoba) cause that's where they thought Quinn was. I said no, which is true, I dunno who the hell lives in Manitoba. I called Gramma, freaking out, because I didn't know what to do, and long story short, I was told that he was expected in on Tuesday, the 28th. So I guess he'd been in cahoots with the grandparents, or something. Then on Tuesday, I stayed home as long as I could waiting for him, but eventually I had to go to school for my call for the Oresteia. No Quinn. The whole day. At this point I'm pretty worried, which sucked considering that I'm depressed and exhausted as well. This week has not been a good one for me. Finally yesterday, I find out from Sherayna that Quinn had an accident on the freeway outside of Chilliwack, and although he and Lily are ok, Lily's been taken back to her mother, and Quinn is coming home, albeit in a foul mood over his daughter, and his car which has been totalled. I don't know what to think. I'm glad Quinn is coming home. That's all I really know for sure.

Life kinda sucks a little right now.

"Don't be embarrassed by your trouble with livin'/Cause it's the ones with the sorest throats who've done the most singin' "
-Conor Oberst

1 comment:

Joe Guitar said...

Hurray, for bright eyes quotes. Boo, for your Brother getting in an accident. It's good he's unscathed. Yeah it's a sweet ring.