Thursday, March 30, 2006

the fun never stops @ Mal-Freakin-U!

Theatre Quotes Prt III (these are from today's drafting class; somehow the best ones always come out of these classes!)

Amber: "but my box must be beautiful!" (that girl can never stop talking bout her vagina, I swear to goodness! ;))

Alex: "I feel surrounded by G-isms." (pronounced 'jism', of course. We were discussing Geoff-isms, and what to call them)

Geoff: "if you eat a doo-doo brain dead [stutter stutter], s't st'll c'nnb'lah blah blah blah [stutter, etc]"
Alleah: "k--learn how to talk, THEN tell jokes!"
(Geoff was trying to say, 'if you eat a brain-dead dude, is it still cannibalism?')

Other exciting events from this class included me taping a random butter knife we found to the chalkboard, then to the door (we were in the music building), kicking Geoff, and having an us-them war with the right side of the class. Tensions ran high, but I still enoyed myself.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Somebody gonna get hurt real bad

I dunno, I'm a white kid, and my mom beat the stuffing out of me a couple of times...go here.

party planner extrordinaire!

ok, so my next few weeks are packed to the max, and me being me, of course thats nowhere near enough! this Friday, there's a tea party of Carolyn's @ noon and then after that is my Bonfire party of excellent doom. The weekend after that, the MalU theatre department is having their annual year end camping trip at Nanaimo Lakes, which will be sweet. The weekend after that on the Saturday, the famed MattyRob of Whatever blog will be in nanaimo, and I promised a kickin' p-tay, so I gotta put my brain powers to work. If anybody has any ideas, give me a shout out, cause I gotta fix up something super cool just for him!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

now this is more like it!

You scored as Exciting. You are exciting, people want to fuck your brains out and you know it. Whether it's in an airplane or on the back of the bus, sex with you is always exciting.

















What is your sexual style?
created with

stupid shit times a million!

So I'm doing some super duper productive and interesting quizzes, and I just got voted Popular Bitch! Never thought that day would come!!!

aren't you glad you AREN'T helping me with my Vancouver pics right now, and get to read all about my interesting life?

voicemail hijinks

today I listened to an old voicemail from Brianna in Vancouver when she thought she saw me, and went, "oh, maybe that's you--oh--oh wait, no it's not" and it made me laugh hysterically for like a full minute.

i hope I've grown up a little

after having spent the last litte while reading old posts I have to say I am disgusted with the human race. I just read the whole comment war back from last year, and it's disgusting. Not just the tards with no life displaying their low IQ all over the internet, because they just don't know any better, but because of how their hijinks made members of no less than three circles of friends turn on each other, and start making wild accusations, and painful incorrect assumptions without even talking to the person they had a beef with. I don't know about anybody else, and I don't want to mention names, but rereading those old posts, all I remember was how hurt I was that nobody it seemed who was my friend, except for those who barely knew me were willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. It's such a sad observation of the world that pathetic losers can make such good friends turn on each other like that. It wasn't even about the perceived injustices and insults that we flung at each other. It was all because we had been targeted by some mean-spirited people with no sense of humanity, and it smarted. So what do we do? Instead of weather the storm, and come out on top, we took it out on each other. Looking back (hindsight is 20/20, of course) it makes me hope that we've all grown up enough to be able to step back when we're offended, identify the main problem, and deal with it in a civilized manner.

(of course this is slightly hypocritical, considering the immature conversation I just had with Ace on msn...tee-hee! Cyber-five, Ace! We're going to hell!)

In other news, I've decided to not blog about anything important until somebody helps me get my Vancouver pics on the old blogeroo. So prepare to hear about anything and everything from my shower routine, tohow many scars I have until those pics are posted!!!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Incredible MisAdventures of Brianna and Alleah in Vancouver--NOT!!!

I've decided that instead of one big mega-death post of trip story doom, I am simply going to wait until someone with a scanner gets all my pics on a computer before posting about me and Brianna's excellent Vancouver trip. So no details for you, biz-nitch, until someone helps me scan my pics!

And in Soviet Russia, SHIRT WEARS YOU!

Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm gonna bend you over and make you see rainbows!

Ok, I have to pontificate, for the benefit of certain Libratorbs, about the rules inherent with fucking around with theatres. Yes. There are rules.

You see, when a normal first attends a theatre party, most likely they will be surprised at the apparent amount of promiscuity that we indulge in. But, woe on the poor uncool sap who thinks that that means we are easy lays. Because with certain exceptions, we aren't. We have rules, and they are understood by all, and shall be learned by those who want to tap that. Rule number one, there is such a thing as party monogamy. Seems silly, but once you dick around with somebody at a party, there can be NO ONE ELSE. They are yours for the night, and that's all there is to it. Even if you never see them again after that night, it is still acceptAble, as long as the rule of party monogamy is observed. You start fucking around, they're your party spouse, and that's that. Rule number two: gossip is bad, but unless you intend to be a bad friend, pay attention to what your friends do at parties. This also happens to be part of the Girls' Code, so the fact that I have to repeat it is just sad. (Barbara, this isn't aimed at you, I *heart* you) It's like stealing a bag of oranges from somebody's grocery cart. Or being adulterous with a party spouse. youhave to ask yourself, "who is this person affiliated with? have I already seen them going at it with somebody else?" and never ever EVER, under absolutely NO circumstances is one friend allowed to tap that which has already been tapped by another.

Now I feel impelled to point out (ha! impelled by Laura) that all of this pertains to Second base and beyond. What makes a theatre party a theatre party, as opposed to a particularly slutty normal party, is the fact that we allow our people to make out with as many of each other as they wish. But the minute the bikini rule is broken, party monogamy is in effect, bitch. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, touching above clothes is classified as second base.

This is kind of like rule number oneA: don't fucking hit on everyone, you big sluts out there. Theatre people are randy, we are not loose. Or at least we shouldn't be. Ok, as much as theatres adore their sexual intercourse, we understand that emotion is involved. And nobody wants to feel like a peice of meat. We at least, if nothing else, want to know that you want us for our particular awesemity, NOT because we are the first person, or drunkest person you see. Nobody will will tap that for you, if you just macked on the BFF. (I am the grandest of grand; sorry, had to insert that in there.)

Certain Collective feels the need to add to the list not having sex while the BFF is asleep beside you on the bed. But she has been overruled two to one, so we are going to ignore her.

Collectively Written,
Yours Collectively

The Collective

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Theatre Quotes Part 2

These were too good to wait to post them!

"Can I pet your fuck fuck?" -Alleah (on the Apollo Code; one fuck means fuck, two fucks means dog, three fucks means cat)

"*clap* whoops!" -Amber (she's a retard)

Alleah- "You look like a bag lady!"
Amber- "It's like...the Princess...bag...."

"You can't hit The Clit." -Becky (on a little dragon fly made out of burlap strings who we named The Clit)

be-ringed Alleah

I bought a new ring a couple days ago. Now I have three. they are so pretty, and make my little Pinto fingers look sooo elegant.

So, my life will never be undramatic. It's just not fair. I got a call from my ex-sister-in-law a few days ago saying that my brother had disappeared with his little daughter, and April thought that he'd just taken off with her. So that was fucking scary. She had the police looking for them, and everything. It was awful. Then that same day, I get a call from Constable Joe Blow from the Waterloo police asking if I knew any relatives in Elliot Lake (in Manitoba) cause that's where they thought Quinn was. I said no, which is true, I dunno who the hell lives in Manitoba. I called Gramma, freaking out, because I didn't know what to do, and long story short, I was told that he was expected in on Tuesday, the 28th. So I guess he'd been in cahoots with the grandparents, or something. Then on Tuesday, I stayed home as long as I could waiting for him, but eventually I had to go to school for my call for the Oresteia. No Quinn. The whole day. At this point I'm pretty worried, which sucked considering that I'm depressed and exhausted as well. This week has not been a good one for me. Finally yesterday, I find out from Sherayna that Quinn had an accident on the freeway outside of Chilliwack, and although he and Lily are ok, Lily's been taken back to her mother, and Quinn is coming home, albeit in a foul mood over his daughter, and his car which has been totalled. I don't know what to think. I'm glad Quinn is coming home. That's all I really know for sure.

Life kinda sucks a little right now.

"Don't be embarrassed by your trouble with livin'/Cause it's the ones with the sorest throats who've done the most singin' "
-Conor Oberst