Tuesday, March 28, 2006

i hope I've grown up a little

after having spent the last litte while reading old posts I have to say I am disgusted with the human race. I just read the whole comment war back from last year, and it's disgusting. Not just the tards with no life displaying their low IQ all over the internet, because they just don't know any better, but because of how their hijinks made members of no less than three circles of friends turn on each other, and start making wild accusations, and painful incorrect assumptions without even talking to the person they had a beef with. I don't know about anybody else, and I don't want to mention names, but rereading those old posts, all I remember was how hurt I was that nobody it seemed who was my friend, except for those who barely knew me were willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. It's such a sad observation of the world that pathetic losers can make such good friends turn on each other like that. It wasn't even about the perceived injustices and insults that we flung at each other. It was all because we had been targeted by some mean-spirited people with no sense of humanity, and it smarted. So what do we do? Instead of weather the storm, and come out on top, we took it out on each other. Looking back (hindsight is 20/20, of course) it makes me hope that we've all grown up enough to be able to step back when we're offended, identify the main problem, and deal with it in a civilized manner.

(of course this is slightly hypocritical, considering the immature conversation I just had with Ace on msn...tee-hee! Cyber-five, Ace! We're going to hell!)

In other news, I've decided to not blog about anything important until somebody helps me get my Vancouver pics on the old blogeroo. So prepare to hear about anything and everything from my shower routine, tohow many scars I have until those pics are posted!!!!


Laura said...

now thats a way to get people to help you.

VivaLaPinto said...
