Wednesday, August 30, 2006

little ball of wretched

naw, not really...I pretty much titled this post the first thing that came to mind. So, the plan for Saturday is...Kelly (my Timmies manager) rock-s0rs, so she let me only work a half day, so I'll be able to clean my house and whatnot. I'm not coming into my shift at Food Co. that night...cause I don't wanna. Sucks to be them. And for the rest of the night, we shall all have much fun, drinking and whatnot. If people have fun stuff to do, they should bring it...just to have something OTHER than drinking games to play! I mean, come on, it's either that, or we all get nekkid, playing strip poker!

I am unimpressed with Brianna as I don't think she will be coming...if anyone else isn't coming, please RSVP! And Ryan (who is lame-ass and in Vancouver) gave me the brilliant idea of getting Libratorb Dave drunk and filming him making out with a theatre girl! So that is my devious plan for the evening. Amber, Donna I am counting on you two to help me make it happen! :P All y'all who are coming, feel free to bring randoms, cause there'll be some there anyways. And digital cameras are a MUST! I want excellent pics from the only party I got to host this summer!

So, in other news, I quit Food Co today...I felt so bad giving my notice to Sue!!!! Her face just fell, and she gave me a big hug and I nearly started crying! :( I'm going to miss working there so much...I chose Food Co, because I can't count on Marty to give me the right shifts off, and if it comes down to it, if I have to choose between a rehearsal and work, I'm obviously going to go to rehearsal. So, that was the basis for my final choice. Watch me regret it in two weeks when Pat decides to release her inner succubus now that I am trapped in Timmies' Hell.

Ok, I think that's enough post for you. Last thing: Ontario and Denver SUCK for breed specific legislation! They shall be annexed into my new country, called Alleah-Loves-Dogs-Land. Whereupon, all their laws shall be amended to say, "dogs must be loved" at the end.

Speaking of laws, did you know that it is ILLEGAL to ride your horse into Nanaimo's court house? what a freakin gip! I'm mad about that. And it's ESPECIALLY illegal to ride your horse into Nanaimo's courthouse and discharge a firearm while court is in session?

Now where's the fun in life???

Monday, August 28, 2006


BSL: Breed Specific Legislation. In ontario, pit bulls are being exterminated.

For being Pit Bulls.

As a staffordshire Terrier, that means if Quinn had stayed on Ontario, my baby Clovie would have been put down. Now all of you know Clovie...what has she done to deserve that? In Ontario, pit bulls, and all breeds related to them and all pit bull crosses are taken from their owners, stuck in a dirty, uncaring, cruel facility, left to starve, rot away from disease, beaten and mistreated, neglected until finally they are murdered. Family dogs, therapy dogs, even frigging police dogs are taken. Why? Because they are pit bulls and pit bulls are vicious child killers. Heads up: more people are attacked by other kinds of dogs each year than pit bulls. Why not just murder all dogs?

Now what...what does this remind me of? hmmm, let me has something to do with death camps, and six-sided stars....

if you want to see something that will make you cry, go here:

if you don't agree with me and think BSL is a good idea, take a look at the photos above and tell me exactly what is so vicious about this beautiful, loving, obedient, devoted family member. give me a shoutout, whoever you canine-rascists are, and I will show you more proof of your own head up your ass than my dog being a child-killer, or most pit bulls, for that matter.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pinto really IS emo!

oh no!!!!!! I have fallen into the Pit of Despair!!! HELP MEEEEEE!!!

BAH! I HATE emo people! I don't wanna be one! But I've noticed a distressing tendency in the past couple weeks to constantly bitch about how much my life sucks! And, yes it sucks. Quite h-core, in fact...but that's NO excuse for Alleah to sink as low as the beer-cryers and start moaning and dripping about it!

wtf is WRONG with me??? How the deuce do I FIX it???

I've burned no less than FOUR emo cd's in the past two weeks! Granted, one was for a friend for work, but it was nonetheless EMO, and did NOT portray me as the super-excellent partying Pinto of Awesemity that I am!!! It's all Modest Mouse's fault. The music is just so goooood, it makes me want to lie apathetic on a couch all day and listen to it, while thinking about how screwed up I am.

I need some Jefferson Starship. STAT! oh well...Feist will have to do.

EDIT** I went to see Snakes on a Plane yesterday w/ Geoff and Monkey and Kemal. good movie, although the band that sings that stupud song is THE ugliest group of people I've ever seen. And this is after four years of Jessica Scott and her friends! wow.... (haha! Laura--"it must suck to be that gross" you are the meanest ever!)

And party THIS Saturday night at MY place! Be there, or I will KICK you!!!!! Help save me from my own emo!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I will be the richest of all

I was surfing old Failure post, and decided to redo this quiz to see if I beat Jordan Davies yet! lol!

Add up the things you've done.Scale of $1-$5, depending on how many times:
$0- never
$1- once
$2- 1-5 times
$3- 6-10 times
$4- 10-20 times
$5- 20+ times

had sex-- $5
only went to first base-- $5
smoked-- $5
got drunk-- $5
went skinny dipping-- $2
kissed someone of the opposite sex-- $5
had more than one bf/gf at the same time-- $1
fell asleep in class-- $5
cheated on a quiz-- $5
been expelled-- $0
been in a fist fight-- $1
stole something-- $5
done drugs-- $3
dyed your hair-- $5
done something with someone older-- $5
cried yourself to sleep-- $5
said you love someone but didnt mean it-- $2
been in love-- $5
got arrested-- $1
madeout with someone at the movies-- $5
played spin the bottle-- $5
"borrowed" something from a friend, not intending to give it back--$0
skipped school--$5
had a naughty dream--$5
bitten someone--$5
created a sex cd--$0
seduced someone, intentionally--$5
gave oral--$5
recieved oral--$5

YAY! I beat Jordan! $112!

...I can't believe stuff like had a threesome and slept with someone BESIDE YOUR BEST FRIEND isn't on here! Then I would be like, Bill Gates in terms of naughtiness!

PS: today was the worst day EVER. Today in a glance: worked with the most annoying two ppl at Tim Horton's; spilled a bucketful of dirty mop water all over myself; got blamed for breaking a tea pot, when it was smashed by the manager in full view of everyone; knocked over a bottle of ice tea, with a cutting board, and smashed glass and ice tea everywhere; and topped it all off by slicing my finger almost to the bone of the meat slicer at the deli. My fingernail, and self esteem is shattered.

Monday, August 21, 2006

mozart season

so I found a new band last night, whilst downloading some classical music. They're all scream-o and stuff, but they're actually prety good. They're from California. Anybody heard of them^^^?

I went nuts and downloaded a bunch of Modest Mouse, Elliot Smith, Sigur Ros, Motion City Soundtrack and some more Bright Eyes. I found one of my favorite songs by Bright Eyes, and immediately burned a CD, lol! I also burned a cd of indie and emo for a guy I work with, John. He also gave me a couple bands to check out. Between Us to Hold--Hayden, anyone?

wow, my computer is super slow right now.

in other news I love my boobs. Like...really really love them. :) They're just great! Just super you might even say.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

legal tender

I caught a fake bill yesterday! it was so cool!

me and Barbara had this conversation a couple weeks ago about checking bills, and how she checks all of hers. I thought, the only fake bill I've ever seen was a doesnt it make sense that I should check every bill I'm given? So I started checking compulsively, right? Whenever, I get a bill, I'll scratch the shoulder of the person on it, to see if they're raised, and if it's a ten or a twenty, I'll look through to see if I can find the face, right? It takes me ten seconds to do, an then I put it away. I mean, I get some pretty funny looks from people when I check their fives, but whatever. I mean we all have these little notes recently about checking large bills, so I just refer to that as my excuse.

well, anyways, one of Sarah's friends came through yesterday, and she gave me a five that felt smooth when I checked the shoulders! hello! so I tilted it, and I couldn't find the maple leafs, this time, my eyes were all wide, and I was like, whoa! So I took it to the UV light, and it had TWO bar codes!!!!! OMG! So I took it to Pat, and said, I dunno what to do with it, it's fake. So she took it out to the til, and said, we can't accept it, it's fake. The lady was so pissed, she was like, I got this from YOU this morning in drive thru! And Pat just looked at me, and I was like, I'm really the only one who checks small bills. I'm probably the only one who would have caught it.

So she was out five bucks, and I was in Pat's good graces! :)

My other klegal tender story is hat someone tried to give me a Euro instead of a dime, yesterday, and I was like...hey buddy? this is gold. I need real money. he laughed at me and found a dime.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

*love in a nutshell*

so, I've discovered I am incapable of having a good time at work before 1pm. that's about it. for six hours of my shift, I suck at everything, I fuck up orders, everyone gets mad at me, and I get mad at everyone else. And then from 1pm onwards, work is sweet! Everything I do is smooth like butta, all my customers love me, and I have so much fun w/ my coworkers...weird.

me and Whitney's awesome headset convo:

"Alleah where are you?"

"Far end of front. I'm sweeping, why?"

"Come to the freezer."


"You'll see"

I walk in, and she has this lump of chocolate chip cookie dough for me, and she's like, "your turn, I'm finished mine!" it was THE funniest thing!

then later, just before we got off shift, we were talking about acting, and she takes lessons from Adrian Hough, the actor I was in love with at the Being Frank workshop, and I confessed my huge crush on him, and she was like "he has a wife and kids you know" and I was like "I know" and pouted. We had a good laugh, and then served some customers. Apparently she's waitlisted for the program! WEIRD! I told her to go to the classes anyway, cause there'll probably be like three twinks who drop out...

I went to this crazy spot at the river way out past the Bungy Zone yesterday with Ace. It was sweet! Way long hike all the way down and back, but it was such a pretty spot. We bought a case a beer, and some chips, hung out for a while. Good times! We went back to Robin's, and I stayed over in his sexy ghetto van! :P I want him to come through drive thru again, so I can be like, "That comes to blah blah dollars and blah cents. You live in a van." :D

Oh yeah, I guess no one really knows...Ace's ex roommates suck, and stole his rent money, so now he lives in a van that his Mom bought him! BURN! He can never call me ghetto again! Also, Ace = Beef Dip. So it has been prophecied...

Friday, August 11, 2006


This is a plea for Brianna to start making comics again! I MISS them so! or...y'know...just POST...ANYTHING! Just let your online readership KNOW you are still alive!

it's like dark'o'clock when I'm woken by...

a retard alarm clock that I am growing more andmore convinced has had a lobotomoy! Somehow the stupid thing is running an hour ahead! So when the fucker woke me up this morning, I couldn't figure out why it was so dark out, but it read six eighteen and I HAD to get ready to leave at six thirty....long story short I finally figured it out by feeling sorry for myself about having to walk to work in the dark, when I remembered yesterday when I woke up, I slept in a little to six thirty but thought I'd slept in til seven thirty. Thta was thankfully not the case.

...I just realized there isn't a single one of you who needs or wants this much detail about my waking habits... :S

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

yet another stolen time-killer (this time from Donna)

1. We Want Fun--Andrew WK

2. but if they give medals for honkytonk wars/hell I'd keep mine in my chester drawers/with my RRSP bills and divorce papers and all that stuff

3. I Believe in a Thing in a Thing Called Love--The Darkness

4. Instant Pleasure--Rufus Wainwright

5. Hurt-Johnny Cash

6. True Blue--Bright Eyes

7. Do You Want To--Franz Ferdinand

8. Bowl of Oranges--Bright Eyes

9. Break My Stride (aka Gotta Keep on Movin) --Ace of Base

10. Anthem of a Teenaged Girl--Broken Social Scene

11. Little Black Backpack-Stroke 9

12. can't think/can't drink any more whisky/I coulda drunk a river dry/This old boat she's just sittin in the moonlight/catchin the gleam in her eye

13. All These Things that I've Done--The Killers

14. The Luckiest--Ben Folds

15. We Built This City (on Rock'n'Roll)--Journey

16. Stickshifts and Saftey Belts--Cake

17. Age of Pamparius--Turbonegro

18. Existensialism on Prom Night--Straylight Run

19. Lime in the Coconut-Jimmy Buffet

20. What Ya Waitin For-Gwen Stefani


PS: I've noticed EVERYone has different versions than me! the Ace of Base, Jimmy Buffet, Journey, Johnny Cash...jeez, peeps! what the deuce?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am a raw exposed nerve. I am a gaping wound.

I am FUCKING pissed at Food Country. They are Ass Bastards of the HIGHEST caliber. They all must die. Suffice it to say, I think I'm quitting, and if they give me one mother-fucking excuse, I'm taking them to the labour board. And I'm talking ONE. One inappropriate comment, one check missing, ANYTHING, they're ass is grass. And I will make it as public and painful as I possibly can.

In other news, I'm reading the most excellent of books right now. It definitely deserves a mention, in this, my bloggy blog of wonder and joy. The main character kind of reminds me of Gregoire...if he was gay, and living in the eighties.

I have a big problem right now. I have not one single area of my life that brings me any kind of happiness or satisfaction. At all. That is not a good way to be, and may either be a side effect, or the cause of how depressed I've been lately. Like, debilitatingly depressed. It sucks. Work makes me want to throw things, and I only like the people some of the time. I have no boyfriend, never see my friends, and am getting more and more exceedingly unimpressed with my conduct at parties. I don't like how I treat myself. My home life has never been more unhappy. My roommates treat me like an errant child. The other day, Courtney got home from Vancouver a day earlier than she said she would, and because I hadn't cleaned up my camping-on-the-couch-crying-for-two-days mess yet, she threw all of it in my room on the floor, including a pizza box with leftover pizza in it, and a little container of ranch dip, which proceeded to explode all over my carpet without her noticing. I flipped, and she flipped back, saying, "Why should I have to clean up your mess" and I was like "You DON'T. We are roommates. I pay for this house too, so my shit has as much right to be lying around as yours does! Don't insult my intelligience and think I won't recognize spite cleaning for what it is!" I mean really, as if it isn't what I did every day to Sherayna at Hecate.

So there you go. Alleah is completely, unrestrainedly, overwhelmingly unhappy. As I said to Sherayna, life is more than just having awesome goals, or how likely you are to attain them. It has to be great RIGHT NOW too. And mine has never been more unsatisfactory.

What am I gonna do, you guys? Help...