Thursday, August 24, 2006

I will be the richest of all

I was surfing old Failure post, and decided to redo this quiz to see if I beat Jordan Davies yet! lol!

Add up the things you've done.Scale of $1-$5, depending on how many times:
$0- never
$1- once
$2- 1-5 times
$3- 6-10 times
$4- 10-20 times
$5- 20+ times

had sex-- $5
only went to first base-- $5
smoked-- $5
got drunk-- $5
went skinny dipping-- $2
kissed someone of the opposite sex-- $5
had more than one bf/gf at the same time-- $1
fell asleep in class-- $5
cheated on a quiz-- $5
been expelled-- $0
been in a fist fight-- $1
stole something-- $5
done drugs-- $3
dyed your hair-- $5
done something with someone older-- $5
cried yourself to sleep-- $5
said you love someone but didnt mean it-- $2
been in love-- $5
got arrested-- $1
madeout with someone at the movies-- $5
played spin the bottle-- $5
"borrowed" something from a friend, not intending to give it back--$0
skipped school--$5
had a naughty dream--$5
bitten someone--$5
created a sex cd--$0
seduced someone, intentionally--$5
gave oral--$5
recieved oral--$5

YAY! I beat Jordan! $112!

...I can't believe stuff like had a threesome and slept with someone BESIDE YOUR BEST FRIEND isn't on here! Then I would be like, Bill Gates in terms of naughtiness!

PS: today was the worst day EVER. Today in a glance: worked with the most annoying two ppl at Tim Horton's; spilled a bucketful of dirty mop water all over myself; got blamed for breaking a tea pot, when it was smashed by the manager in full view of everyone; knocked over a bottle of ice tea, with a cutting board, and smashed glass and ice tea everywhere; and topped it all off by slicing my finger almost to the bone of the meat slicer at the deli. My fingernail, and self esteem is shattered.


Anonymous said...


aww alleah

what a terrible day!!!


Anonymous said...

hugs indeed.

Laura said...

haha i totally made up that quiz! you may add it on if you like next time its passed around

Joe Guitar said...

I highly doubt you've been in love 20+ times liar!!

Joe Guitar said...

you've played spin the bottle 20+ times...sure.

Joe Guitar said...
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VivaLaPinto said...

:O are you serious? I've played Spin the Bottle about a hundred times! That's all we did at Collective parties! I mean really, how do you think I got to ONLY first base with over twenty ppl? Do I look like a first base kinda girl???

And the in love thing was a brain's more like six to ten times. but please don't move the love discussion from Geoff's blog to mine.

Anonymous said...

Wow I'm such a virgin to most of those apparently lol.

Richard said...

It's funny cuz If you get really high amounts your a sleaze bag, but if you get a low amount your cheap.
that quiz just isn't fair.

<>< mantrain

Unknown said...

Get these Mother Fuckin; snakes off my Mother Fuckin plane!

Anonymous said...

Hey you, I'm back from England! That sounds like one sucky day. And I can back Alleah up on the spin the bottle issue--she's played it at my house at least twenty times.

VivaLaPinto said...

:D yay, Laura!!!!!!