Wednesday, October 04, 2006

leon has reached godlike status in my eyes

so...halfway through the week from hell! thank god, this week is almost over, I can't take much more of it. so stressed right now. between money issues and all my scheduling conflicts, and feeling shitty about shitty boys, Alleah is plain worn out.

Ace and I had coffee here this morning, and we were discussing my boy troubles and I think I figured it out. What I want is someone who I find more fun to hang out with, than to have sex with. Or at least, equally as fun. (it's funny, I'm having this epiphany now, because I bet ten bucks y'all are thinking "duh, Alleah!") But honestly, it used to be ok to date normals, because then I got to be the fun, exciting one in the relationship and I wouldn't have to worry about them finding me boring. But now...I want to be the entertained one. I want someone who can hold up their end of the conversation, keep it alive, and JOKE. Be FUNNY. I need to be attracted to them, and they have to be somewhat exciting in bed. But I want that area of the relationship to come SECOND. I feel like that hasn't happened in the past.

It has now been like seven months, since I was last in a relationship. I miss being in love.

I dunno. I'm obviously doing something wrong with this whole relationship thing. Too bad I just don't know what it frickin is.


Megan said...

Just be like me and stay single forever, cause then you don't have any relationship problems.

No relationship, no problems!

Misha said...

i did talk to my friend today...will fill you in full details but basically he still loves his ex....


VivaLaPinto said...

mmmm, butthead, he is, yeeeesss....

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie, keep in mind the great advise you gave me not too long ago

(this isn't it, but u know what I'm talking about)
Your funny, cute, sweet, genuine, and just so fricken amazing, you have interests, and you are not bOOOOORING (like Connan) so wtf, who cares about loser boys who blow their chances, fuck around and what not, how many lame ass girls have I stayed the course with, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Just Fucking enjoy life, you're 18 its too early to worry about the rest of life, or even the next 5 yrs, just worry about being happy today

on a lighter note, I am so comming to party very soon, and yes you do get a huge bear hug :D