Thursday, October 19, 2006

now that you've all given up checking my blog...

...I think I'll post! because I'm contrary that way, y'know.

So Twelth Night is moving right along, we have our dress in just over a week. SO excited! I'm almost completely memorized, for lines, so I've been getting actual, real live direction from Jerry, which is the most exciting thing EVER! Today, he creatd the msot beautiful scene from Act 1, Scene 1, with me, and the girls who play was gorgeous. We got outta there and just wanted to do the scene again, and CRY! It was so sad, and glorious.

Toda was auditions for Levis' A Christmas Carol. Not worried about those callbacks. Pretty sure I got Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come...not that I'm counting my chickens or anything! :P But come on, there were four ppl at the auditions I went to, Alex, James, some dude named Peter and me.

Auditions for B2B's Urinetown are this glad they don't want us to work up anything. Just remind me not to lose my voice before then, ok? Sweetness.

In other news, Allen and I went on a date. It didn't work out. I was with him exactly three hours. Not the most exciting time, unfortunately. I dunno what to do...Alleah gets no boys ever.

That's about all I have to say for now. And yes, there is something on my mnd and no I don't want to talk about it. All Mal Theatres who read this, keep that in mind at school, k?

Love you all.


Anonymous said...

will you talk about it with your wonderful roomies!?

Megan said...

I've asked before but got no answer. WHEN are the performances for Twelfth Night?! I was KIND of thinking of trying to see it you goob.

Akiyhrah said...

November 2-11th

Richard said...

I'm not a mal Theatre,
Therefore I am +1 cool... becuase I write poetry instead?


I'll let that question answer itself.

<>< mantrain

Anonymous said...

i still care...

Anonymous said...

hey hey now, lets not be too hasty, Borat still loves you...and if he not take over the world in 3 weeks, he will be execute!


in other news, gotta try and book some days off work to come see ur show, I'll call u with updates