Sunday, December 03, 2006

happy camper what I am! And in celebration of this fact, I am going to copy Amber! YAY! I am a happy copycat camper. Say THAT ten times fast!

I like my new coworkers, I like my castmates, I like theatre, I like audiences and how they're different each day, I like philosophy, I like thinking about acting, I like talking to people I haven't met, I like people, I like my life, I like me, I like my friends, I like my friends' opinions of me, I like religion, I like animals, I even like the little mousy that has found it's way into our house and shall be caught and sent outside...or it will be poisoned, I like camping, I like dogs, I like hot dogs, I like eating, I like sleeping, I like music, I like dancing, I like daydreaming, I like my walls, I like my memories, I like my mirror, I like my eyes, I like massages, I like being cuddled, I like me and Biff's scene in A Christmas Carol, I like Whitfield, I like the shows I'm doing right now, I like promoting the shows I'm in right now, I like my sister, I like my whole family, I like where I feel I'm at in my life right now, I like where I'm goign with my life, I like feeling like I've earned what I have, i like feeling on top of things, I like being busy, I like blogs, I like people reading my blog, I like the people who do read my blog, I like my laptop, I like cooking, I like being content, I like central heating, I like baths, I like cleaning, I like things being clean, I like the fact that I cleaned the inside of the donut rack today at work, I like that I liked work today, I like my rings, I like my tattoos, I like being spunky and courageous and NOT timid and limited, I like green, I like pink, I like movies, I like sports, I like playing, I like dressing up, I like getting paid, I like people liking the work I do, I like making people laugh, I like making people feel good, I like making people feel GREAT.

hmmm....I think that's it for now...I'm sure there's more... wait, hang on.,'s coming....

I like Dave. I like Amber and Kaitlyn, I like the way we coexist together, I like having parties, I like empties money, I like financial security, I like architecture, I like astrology, I like emotions, I like personal growth, I like money, I like chili, I like the sea, I like islands, I like sun, I like heat, I like clothing, I like road trips, I like eating bad food on road trips, I like sleeping in cars on roadtrips, I like having adventures on roadtrips, I like going to Vancouver with Brianna, I like trucks, I like four-bying, I like beer, I like coolers, I like Jack Daniels (he is my friend), I like 70 Below, I like Kylan, I like rehearsal, I like cuddling at night with boys, I like waking up next to a boy, I like pajamas, I like big beds, I like sprawling, I like grass, I like tag, i like wrestling, I like late night mishes to sevvie with Amber (sometimes! :P), I like emoticons, I like when my computer doesn't die long enough for me to post on my blog!

On that pragmatic note...

(I like pragmatism)


VivaLaPinto said...

I like cackling, I like hyena laughter, I like gopher laughing, I like wheezy I-can't-breathe laughter, I like feeling comfortable with people, I like The Collective, I like singing with the Collective, I like inside jokes, I like that I can't stop this list, I like that it's almost five thirty, I like that I got off work today at three am, i like the mood I'm in, I like the guys I've been talking with on POF, I like that I told off that forty-year-old bitch and got away with it on POF, I like POF, I like Nexopia, I like the Satyr Player forum, I like Satyr Players, I like peeing, I like how time flies when you're drunk, I like garlic bread, I like getting free food at work, I like the graveyard shift, I like the regulars at my new job, I like fake days off, I like faxing...

ok, I REALLY need to go to bed now. GOODNIGHT!

...I like stars, I like wishing, I like birthdays, I like that it's twenty-six days until my nineteenth birthday!, I like asterisks, I like creative use of punctuation, I like that Gregoire likes my creative use of pun ctuation, I like how people call me Pinto on the blogs all the time but never in person, I like being a Pinto, I like having a shirt that says Pinto, I like calling myself *A* Pinto but not knoing if there are other Pintos out there that I am only one of...

wow, I'm disgusting...

I like disgusting combinations of food! I like cheese/mayonaisse/garlic sandwiches, I like the typo SNADwiches, I like how when I was a kid I called them sand-witches, I like how when I was a kid I used to believe in sand-witches, I like the memories of early elementary school, I like the idea of reading in a bath tub full of pillows, I like old bathtubs, I like old houses, I like ghosts.

THATS ENOUGH! I'm going to be now...

VivaLaPinto said...
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Anonymous said...

i like reading this...truly was awsome...i like that you liked dogs and hot dogs after one another...

if you like ghosts...come to my house...there is a really creepy one here

Anonymous said...

geeze alleah most people stopped after they posted their blog and didnt run into their comments

i like that you chose to be different

ChaoticEggplantQueen said...

Alleah, I suggest and end-of school get together. Maybe not a rager! But like, friends just hanging out doing something corny like sharing their favored memories of this school semster.

OR just a chance for me to drink and sing a sea shanty.

Akiyhrah said...

I like that you like my forum ^__^

Akiyhrah said...

PS I like you too!

Anonymous said...

I second Nathan's idea!
I like Pinto, she is le rock.

VivaLaPinto said...

:) wheee, so much love!

I must amend my post to say that I am starting to not like that little mousy in my house anymore, because he freaks out Kaitlyn and that freaks out me.

Someone help me get rid of the mousy! Then we can have a nice mellow end-of-semester p-tay!