Thursday, November 30, 2006

shameless plug

WHAT: A Christmas Carol to the Rock Stylings of Whitfield, Youth Genius Productions
WHERE: Malaspina Theatre, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC
WHEN: December 20-22, 2006, 7 PM
HOW MUCH: tentatively at $10 a ticket. We will also be selling Whitfield band merchandise at $10 per CD, and $15 per t-shirt. All prices are tentative as of yet, and there may be a student discount.

Ok, buddies! Above is the important info! Here's where I promote the sweet-ass band we are working with! Whitfield is an incredible group of four guys, originally from Kamloops and the UK respectively, based out of Vancouver, which played at Malaspina on the 24th, and loved it so much, they just wanna come back to Nanaimo! Various ideas are being thrown around at this time, a couple of which involving additional live performance, and I would be willing to bet that if this show is a success (which depends on YOU!) they would be more than happy to come back to Nanaimo and do another performance! If you weren't lucky enough to catch their show here in town on the twenty-fourth, you can listen to a taste of their sound at their Myspace, which can be reached through their official website! As you can see above, their CD will be available for purchase at A Christmas Carol, so if you missed out on buying one at their last gig, they will be here for the taking once again at A Christmas Carol!

A Christmas Carol is a Youth Genius production, directed by Ryan Levis, of Hey You Improv Club notoriety, and produced in cooperation with Malaspina Theatre. Everyone involved with the production are locally based, and chances are, you're going to be seeing a lot of familiar faces! Liberties have been taken with the script, and it has been placed in a 1980's setting, with the classic Scrooge character the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation in downtown Vancouver!

In conclusion, the success of A Christmas depends on YOU, so come see a timeless Christmas classic, with a modern spin provided by the mellow sound of Whitfield! This is going to be a party and a half, so come out on December 20-22, and tell your friends, family, and the guy who delivers your mail to come, too!


Anonymous said...

nicely said.

Megan said...

I'm totally there if I'm not working. Sounds like it'll be a blast!

VivaLaPinto said...

it'll be fucking sweet!

Anonymous said...

I'll be there in spirit from way up in the BL =)
By the way, I am marrying Jobie. He is not aware of this fact, but he will be... he will be ;)
<3 Jilly

Olives said...

If I can make, I will. Sounds awesome.

Anonymous said...

I will be dreaming of watching it while I soar through the sky in a plane...