Monday, March 26, 2007

la vie bohemme!

I totally have RENT stuck in my head. boo! thanks, Amber and Kailtyn! *rolls eyes*

Thinks are going pretty good, I guess. In the middle of the new Emerging Voices workshop, The Other Shoe, by Michael Armstrong. I love him! :) I actually really like the script a lot. It's a murder mystery, with Errol Flynn, and a dead (and pregnant) teenage girl, and fifties, film noir, awesomeness! I think it's really fun. It's being directed by Burton Lancaster, and in it as well are Mort Paul (I love him!), and a couple others I don't know well. Drew, the guy who plays Errol Flynn is fabulous! He studied in New York, and we had a good talk today about schools. I think I HAVE to find a really great place to continue my studies. We all know I'm not as good as I like to think I am! lol! Plus Michael Armstrong was telling me to go somewhere good the other day, and Burton made a pointed comment about the NECESSITY of good actors finding a really good school where they will tell you the truth, while staring me down, lol!

We go up on Wednesday, the day of Hitchhiker's second show. I'm really REALLY regreting not auditioning for that. I could have worked around the scheduling conflicts. I COULD have. UGH! I'm going to kick myself for that for a long time...I just threw away my only chance for working with Leon before the end of school. And it's a paying gig, which I'm not going to get another of, until summer. BOO!!!

I got cast in A Child on her Mind, for some women's conference beginning of May. Should be interesting. Bad script, don't know any of the other actors. Mostly doing it because of the director, Catherine Caines. She's big on methods, and I'm counting on her teaching me a lot before this is over... you can study the methods all you want, but you only really learn them in real practice. I think this will definitely help! She was supposed to be in The Other Shoe with me, as well, but she got ill. I'm disappointed, and not the least because I find her replacement a little irritating to work with...but we won't talk about that anymore!

Also, Mort Paul apparently saw me in Urinetown, and thought of me for a role in his new show coming up, Blood Brothers. He told me a little about it tonight, and it's a musical type thing about twin boys separated at birth...should be fascinating! I'm not sure if it's an NTG show, or not, because he mentioned them, but then he was talking about rental fees in the Bailey today, and that confused me. Because an NTGer shouldn't have to worry about renting their own space for a show! But we'll see. The auditions should be in May, right around the time I find out about Burton's youth company. Hopefully I'll be doing two or more shows this summer, and probably at the same time!

So, I'm busy busy busy, as always. I seriously got steaming mad at myself in class today, because I realized I'd slept through a ten AM doctor's appointment that I was supposed to have gone to for my settlement, but come on, give me a break! My yesterday, as such, started at noon on Saturday--AND IT'S MONDAY! for goodness sake... oh well, I'll just have to make it up. boo. This whole settlement thing is stressing me out. I just want to say fuck it, and ask Sandy to just settle for whatever they offer. I don't care anymore. I don't want to squeeze them for all they're worth, I just want to get my money, get it over with, and pay some fucking bills!

So that's where I am. Life is great, but I'm tired. Tired of lots of thing. Tired of boys and their poo, tired of not being able to find a nice happy middle, where I'm doing enough, and still being happy at home, and not bored like there's something I should be doing. Ever since I finished reading LOTR, I've been at ends. And that kind of blows. Tired of thinking months ahead in advance. I'm at that place again, where I've lost spark. I've lost that sense of, life is good. That's what sucks about being single. You can blame losing your mojo on that. When you're attached, and you get that feeling, you know it's all you. Oh well. I'm gonna go play cards with my gramma and sister, at her soon-to-be-ex place.

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