Saturday, April 07, 2007

home search (47 to go)

I dislike searching for apartments. In fact, it kind of sucks h-core. However, once in a while, while house-hunting, you come across someone who just kind of makes your day--even if you don't get the place.

I called a number about a one bedroom suite in the college heights area. Sweet deal, it was, furnished, with ocean and city views, $600, all inclusive, and didn't say word one about smokers or pets. However, when I called the guy, I found out it was taken, via some crazy dude with a crazy accent. But then, he asked, in his foreign kinda way, "how much money you pay?" I'm assuming he meant what I was WILLING to pay, so I told him "my limit is somewhere around $400 -$600, but I'm willing to go up to $700, if it's all-inclusive" (I'm not, but there's no harm in bargaining). It would have to be a pretty sweet place before I'd go up to $700...but hey, if it's sustainable! And if theatre work is slow, I don't really mind getting a second part time job to keep the bills paid.

Anyways, after I said that, he said, "well I have your number-RA here, so I call you back-ka when we have-a something...we no have houses right now, butTUH, if anything else comesup-PA, we call you back, ok?" And I went oh, that's great, I'm an easy sell, young, working, no pets, I don't have too many needs other than utilities included, and he went, "oh, sure sure, we find you something--I give-a you a call" and I went "great!" And he went "sure sure" and we hung up. And then I started visualizing Jilly in Power as a foriegn crack whore...that would have entertained me muchly! :)

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