Tuesday, April 24, 2007

i like to match, ja!

I saw the cutest old ladies today...they were waiting at a bus stop with me, and they were practically identical! They were both short, skinny, with cotton candy white hair and Germanic accents, orthopedic shoes, pristine windbreakers, and matching coke-bottle glasses. One was smoking and mentioned the other lady's jacket, and she replied it was twenty years old, and when the smoking one complimented her on how her turtleneck matched her jacket so well, the second replied, "Vell, I like to match, ja!" in the cutest little tone... Then the matching one asked the smoking one, "How long you smoke?" pointing to the cigarette she'd lit up after sitting down next to me and my ubiquitous cancer stick. The smoking one replied to the matching one, "I haf been quitting for many years, but I start again maybe ten years ago...but I only smoke two or three...or MAYBE four if I haf company--and NEFER in the house. There big sign in my kitchen, saying no smoking, so they know not to smoke in the house." It was a reality check... that's going to be me eventually. But it definitely made me smile!

So, I got tenants insurance today. Good rates, I guess...I'm covered for pretty much anything that could ever happen to me for way more than my stuff is actually worth! And it's pretty affordable. Less than twentyfive dollars a month. So one day this week, I'll stop by my new place and sign the lease. After that, I have to call BC Hydro and get the hydro switched to my name. After that, I'm laughing. :) I want to move in before the twentyninth, just because I work the night before and the night after that day and I have a rehearsal that day, and I'm just not strong enough to stay up that long. I've learned that about myself after the past weekend.

I did not sleep nearly enought his weekend. From Friday morning until Monday morning, I maxed out at eleven hours of sleep. And all of it was broken... why? A) kids. B) rehearsal. It's impossible to take care of myself in this house. I HATE it! But I have less than a week before I'll have my own space again. Life will be ok again.

I'm pretty excited about Florida! There's a lot of things that have to happen before I go, mostly financially, just to make sure I'll be ok after the trip is over. Stuff like paying off a few months rent at once, putting away some money, and convincing Mitch to give me full time after I get back. I did a budget plan a couple nights ago at work, and with five shifts a week at my current wage, I'll have enough to cover all my bills that I have now, and some that I don't have, with quite a lot of money left over. And now, because I am bored, having completely packed myself for Moving Day Pt II, I shall post my super-fancy budget!

five eight-hour shifts per week = roughly $1480 per month before taxes.

- 50 (taxes)

- 625 (rent)

-200 (hydro, cable, phone)

-100 (student loan payment)

- 25 (rental insurance)

- 50 (groceries)

- 50 (transfer to GIC savings account)

400. And that's it. Unless I get a car, in which I could bet on around $150 for insurance and maybe another $50 for gas. That still leaves me $200 for whatever money. And that's also before settlement money is factored in, and before whatever I make acting this summer. Not a shabby living, I tell you what!

So yeah, I'm pretty jazzed all over the place. I think, to celebrate, I shall buy a new bed. :)


barbara_mary said...

50 dollars a month won't last you for groceries, and if it does you're not eating enough.

VivaLaPinto said...

you'd be surprised. the only thing I buy with regularity is coffee, milk, cheese and bread...I don't buy a lot of perishables.

barbara_mary said...

Then you're not eating healthily enough...

Anonymous said...

she never did eat healthy barb

VivaLaPinto said...

lol, this is also true!

Anonymous said...

That's very cool that you're doing the budget thing, thinking ahead and what not. I'm glad you finally got ahead a bit Alleah, you deserve it for sure. I know what it's like to not have much on your plate, so kudos to you! On the same note tho, be careful about how you spend, because it can be gone as quick as you had it! Luvs Hun :)

Joe Guitar said...

ummm 50 for gas at 120.9/L = one tank per month on a 4 banger. lasts me about a week and a half.