Wednesday, August 11, 2004

happy days are here again...

I've been sitting and ruminating over that post I just did for about a half an hour now, and I am SO done with moping around and hating myself. I want to have fun. Now I feel rather defiant about last night. I am sixteen years old, and I have at least another school year of going out and getting stupid all I want. So yes, making out w/ Foo all night was idiotic idiotic, but I DON'T CARE!!! well, at least not enough to keep feeling bad about myself.
so let's start with the good news. I have a head for alchohol rather like my big bro's. He gets drunk, passes out as if he's dead. Like we're talking a full brass band could play in his face, you could destroy his hearing with a fog horn in his ear and he wouldn't wake up. But he wakes up the next morning, just POPS out of bed, and goes and takes care of business. He's never missed a day of work after going out to get smashed, he's said. Well, thankfully, I am blessed with the same head. (except for the F of M + CdA cast party. I hadn't eaten anything the night before so I had a yucky hangover the next morning) However this morning, I was up and at 'em at a lovely 8:45 in the morning! I don't get up that early when I'm sober! And aside from a nasty case of dehydration, I have lived the morning with nary a headache, vomiting spasm, or even a nauseous burp of grossness! Life is good.
next happy thing to talk about: dogs! I love my dogs so much! We let all of them in the house today, and Sensei got in insane trouble cause he chewed up a new pair of my mom's sandals. (I was sad, they were nice.) Ahrodie got to stay in the house for a really long time after that, and she was just being a total sweetheart! She was all affectionate, and pet me, and I'll lick your hand! It was so sweet! Eventually, Mom made her go outside, though. Then we were talking to the cute dogs from inside the sliding glass door. And I opened it up to talk to Sensei, and he just jumped right in the house! It was so cute! And then Ahrodie jumped in, and we gave them intense pets. Poor Tika, though is still too small to jump through the windows, so I had to go outside and invite her in through the back door. However, she rolled over when I was petting her, and rolled in some pee, so I had to wash her in the bathroom sink as soon as we got insode the house. Finally she was clean, and I let her run around int he hose, but Ahrodie was being a total bitch and was growling at her, and being all jealous of me, so I had to whack her nose, and send her outside. Once there I put her on her chain, and put the muzzle on her. She was so miserable! I felt bad, but dammit, she's gotta learn! But when I came back inside, what did I find? intense intense adorability, that's what! Sensei was playing with Tika, and he's always SO GOOD at playing with puppies! You wouldn't think so, cause he's such an enormous dog, right? but he's always so gentle, and he lets them fight back just enough to make them have a good time! he's so patient! I mean, it's sweetness times a million because he's so gigantic, and you know that if he tried, he could break her little neck without even thinking about it. But he's gentle, and loving, and patient, and long-suffering with all the ankle-biting that she does. I'm always so proud of his for his wonderful virtues when I see him playing with puppies!
so, one good thing to come out of last night (don't get your hopes up, this is minor minor) was that we ordered pizza. And they brought us the wrong order, cause we'd ordered a medium Hawaiian, and a medium meatlovers, and they brought us a Canadian instead of the Hawaiian, so we got a FREE Canadian pizza out of it! score! and as an added bonus, the pizza boy rated around a nine to nine-and-a-half out of ten! double score! yeah I know I'm shallow, but wtf/e. hahaha!
Anyways, I don't really have much else to be happy about (oh how depressing) other than that judging from Kevin's blog, and Brianna's enjoyable phone call that she just made to me, my friends do not appear to be murderously enraged at me in any way. So thank God for that. And, Kevin, and Brianna, I love you guys tons, and I'm sorry sorry sorry! (repitition makes it more believeable! *wink!*)
So I'm off to check my email. ttyl!


amyleigh said...

haha! i love dogs...they equal endless amounts of amusement and fun. you should try to feed your dogs peanut butter sometime. i am afraid i do not understand the want for a dog that herds you. ah well...whatever lifts your skirt up (as my ex bfs mom would say). lol.

VivaLaPinto said...

hahahahaha! omg, I'm going to say that saying for the rest of my life! I will do my very best to embarrass my children's friends with it! Our saying used to be "whatever musses your turd" (you, know: musturd! ha!) but now it shall be that. and peanut butter + dogs = peeing-my-pants-I-am-laughing-so-hard!

Brianna said...

Whatever Alleah, its okay. As long as it doesnt become habit, you drunk! :P

amyleigh said...

haha i KNOW it was sooo hilarious when his mom said it, because shes all reserved and stuff....ahhhh great times.

Anonymous said...

sweet! I love it when people go out and do silly things. it's fun.