Saturday, August 21, 2004

my armpits are desensitized!

sorry, Gator-Bator, you are too late to recorrupt me with granola! tonight I hung at Barb's house with her, Gareth (my little rutebega!), Geoff, LLOWEYN!!!! and other random Barb friends. Oh, Laura-Gator, I am SO sad you were unable to attend!

so the day started out pretty normally with the Mom accosting my comfortable foot under its warm covers, and forcing me to get up, because her and Sherayna were "going out". It still defies my understanding how one separate entity's geographical placement on this earth can affect the physical and psychological needs of another separate entity. In other words, goddamn, I wanted to sleep.

But I love my mom, and she didn't get mad at me for being an irresponsible jerk of a teenager, so I obliged her. I made my way downstairs, and promptly bitched, and moaned and dripped at every single thing in sight, but at least I made an attempt to do it in a charming manner! That makes me...kind of cool, doesn't it?

That day I really did nothing but blog all day, talk to Foo a couple times on the tele (poor Foo who has been extraordinarily grounded with punishments equalling those of the Apocalypse to come), blog some more, walk the annoying dog of irritating death, blog some more, clean the dining room floor, and vacuum the whole house. I had intended to get to the dishes eventually, and I did put one load in, but in this load of dishes is never enough. So kitchen is still revolting pit of grossness.

...when suddenly there came a ring of the phone! It was Geoff! And Lloweyn screaming random obcenities in the background! no, just kidding, all the embarrassing first impressions are my forte, thank you very much. All he screamed in the background was, "wow I can hear you from all the way over here!" not much of an obcenity, is it?

anyways, there had been a tad bit of a scheduling conflict, with myself overbooking myself. I had agreed to Barbara to come over to her house for this random party-type thing she was having, but I had also agreed to Geoff to come over and hang out with him and Lloweyn. So, having a small conendrum, I made some calls, and typed on some Messenger, and eventually worked it out so that Geoff and Lloweyn could come over to Barb's! Everything worked out.

So Lloweyn came and picked me up IN HIS CAR! THAT IS HIS! AND NO ONE ELSE'S! AND THAT HE CAN DRIVE WITHOUT HIS PARENTS PRESENT! sorry. not trying to make a point to Geoff or anything...

I finally met the Lloweyn, and know what I did? urgfh. this was an all-time low. Sherayna had just arrived home, and I was already a tad resentful from having to pick up her children's crap all day. And she arrived with a friend in tow, who had another enormous load of children with HER!!! I mean, she brought this poor woman to a house that is festering with ill feeling, all the kids have colds, Sherayna hasn't done a single dish since we got home from Virginia, (it's been entirely myself, or Mom doing everything) and they're supposed to interact there? so, suffice it to say, my patience was a tad strained at that point. I mean, gimme a break. I did spend that afternoon cleaning the house, and with roughly--eight kids I think there was--storming the house? Well, the last thing I said to her on my way outt he door, was "don't mess up my house!" what a first impression for Lloweyn, hey?

however, it seemed not to matter, as we arrived at Barbara's (after some tad bit convoluted directions from yours truly) in the middle of a heated game of asshole. the energy having already been raised, I of course jumped right in, and Lloweyn got to see all of us right away at our best--worst?--but all was good, because he was amused and entertained by us at our best--worst?

there were some serious hijinks that night...among the best were Llowyn and Gareth acting out advice from the Kama Sutra, Trish dressing Gareth up in Barbara's clothes, and us taking pictures of said events. Also, Llowyn exposed me to the wonders of twentieth century classical violin. lovely lovely lovely. I've been listening to some classical guitar lately, but that's pretty much because of Paddy. I forgot just how much I love violins. Bach's Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins is one of my favorite concertos. To be honest, I just love the entire string family. My old frined Wilson Pascoe should be releasing a CD soon compiled entriely of songs performed by himself, and a cellist...should be orgasmic in it's awesemity.

Anyways, I started this post like two days ago, but I am going to finish it now. I have been blog surfing for a while. I always enjoy reading the blogs of the twins, Amay, and Bethany. I dunno what it is, the way they write is so unique to's something in the delicate touch of the language that is so relaxing to read...or I'm a freak. That's possible, too. Sorry, if that creeped you out, Twins!

Silly silly Geoff says I am being weird because I have been hanging out with Foo lately. Admittedly, I am reacquiring habits which I thought I had surpassed...but I don't particularly consider it a danger. I personally think that Geoff is being a little psychotic about the whole deal. And he's blaming a lot of it on Foo, which is entirely not fair. I mean, Gator hung out with me and him the other day, and she's not hard core against him! And at this point, I'd trust her judgment a lot quicker than I'd trust Geoff's...

I'm totally jonesing over classical music right now. All I want to do is go out and buy some Bach. And some Mozart. And others...if I could just walk into Sound Heritage Music downtown, pick up a bunch of CD's and listen to them, and decide if I want to buy them or not, I would be in heaven. Actually, I'd also like to find some good barbershop that I've never heard before. Maybe some jazz, but not as urgent a priority as classical, or barbershop. I dunno. I just really really want to start filling my CD collection out again. It's been almost six months since the fire, and I still only own two CD's to my name. And I'm sorry, the Arrogant Worms, and local band Last to Leave (gotta love 'em) are just not enough to listen to every single day.

Anyways, I am done ranting about music. Actually maybe I'm not. I really wish I had a CD burner. Actually, if I knew how to use one, I could probably just ask Laura to use hers all the time, provided I supply the CD's. I have this huge list of songs that I want to burn. I mean, hey, I am not going to go and buy an entire CD for one or two songs, now am I? There are only a few bands whom I can lusten to from start to finish. It's part of the criteria for something to be one of my favorite bands...:) I *heart* music. I also need to find a really FANTASTIC choir to find some CD's of. For instance, if I could ever listen to Wellington Choir without pointing out all our flaws, I would probably buy a CD of us. But I am in Wellington Choir so I am required to be le perfectionist du annoying. But...I really love harmony. Other than certain barbershop groups, and A cappella + (who do not have any CD's out), I have never been able to find a good vocal group that I could just listen to. It makes me a little neurotic. Actually, that's a lie. Almost any true Southern Gospel Choir is up for dibs in my book. Gospel is pure orgasm in glorious glorious harmonic form (is that sacriligious?).

So, really what has this outpouring of desires accomplished? What have I learned? Well, for one thing...I Apparently of every kind imagineable. And for another thing, I would like to own...a lotta music. A lotta lotta music.

My mom is sulking cause I won't let her have the computer. meh. She'd probably fall asleep on the keyboard anyway. Yes, that's me, I am an Internet Tyrant.

ok, I'm really just nattering about nothing now, so I'm going to go play a couple web games, and then slink off to bed. goodnight, bored bloggers.

(good god, I'm spreading the bored disease!)

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