Friday, August 13, 2004

I need interaction...Collective, save me!!!

so lazy. I'm such a lamer right now. Have not hung out with Collective in EVER!!! they must save me from my substance-abusing ways. *for shame*
anyways, I have also been neglecting my lists of late, so I shall resolve that conendrum now.

two days ago...
i wore: my black sports tee, and scanty scanty denim shorts. and white sandals.
i ate: I think that info was stored in the brain cells I lost over that past three days.
i did: a hell of a lot of being embarrassed, some more hanging out with Foo, and Kevin, some attempted sleeping-over at their place that was confounded by their suspicious suspicious mother (who has great taste in reading material!), and finally some more dope-smoking with Paddy. thus resulting in more brain damage. me+Paddy Barry=brain death.
i liked: the fact that I was totally irresponisible the night before.
i disliked: the fact that I was totally irresponisble the night before.
brag moment: having a fifteen minute shower. (seriously that's an impressive new time for me)
cringe moment: I swear, all the cringe chi from the previous day maliciously saved itself for this day. goddamn cringe chi.
granola moment: spending all day in front of the computer.
i planned to: not get high with Paddy that night, but look how THAT turned out!!!

i wore: blue adidas shorts, and a black tee. slippers I believe for footwear.
i ate: coffee, popcorn, and a LOT of water.
i did: a whole lotta nothing. slept the day away. oh, and earned ten bucks for babysitting, even though I slept almost the whole time.
i liked: sleeping
i disliked: being disapproved on.
brag moment: patting the sick baby back to sleep WHILE standing, AND sleeping! bitch!
cringe moment: the enormously huge fight with my sister that resulted in our current avoiding of each other. it continued into today.
granola moment: drinking coffee underneath the maple tree.
i planned to: get up and be productive eventually, but failed miserably.

i wore: a housecoat ALL DAY LONG!!! (I am Laze-bot. Fear me.)
i ate: coffee, and a casserole-like thing with noodles, and chicken.
i did: some bouquet-making, some sleeping, some wishlist making, and a lot more fighting with my sister. seriously considering taking Ahrodie, and my pictures, and becoming a hermit on Mt. Benson (note to self: stock up on shampoo). that's teach them!
i like: the idea of music. (I have none of my own since the fire, and the Final Great Geoff Breakup)
i dislike: being the crappiest person in the world.
brag moment: my lovely lovely creation that is sitting on a table in the front hallway right now. roses, cosmos, dahlias, and yarrow fronds. I was proud.
cringe moment: saying a couple things that were entirely cruel to Sherayna.
granola moment: hanging out in my room in my housecoat and slippers. hugging my teddy.
i plan to: maybe go hang out with friends. it'll take some serious motivation on my part however. I seem to have lost some of that lately.

there, happy? my unhappy unhappy last three days in organized list format. my shoulder hurts. off to blogsurf, now.


Anonymous said...

know what I realized readers while typing those lists? I keep forgetting that the day exists! I cannot remember anything that I did in the day anymore. All my memory starts at about eight'o'clock each day. yikes.

Brianna said...

hey, we can do stuff on Wednesday.. but thats it for a long while.