Thursday, September 30, 2004

too drugged up to think of a title

it's official. I am ill. to the MAX!!! seriously, I dunno what's wrong with me, I woke up this morning, and my entire body felt like I'd run an eight thousand mile run, then swam an ocean, then climbed a mountain or two, then put myself through a meat tenderizer, and THEN, to top it all off, hit myself over the head with a mallet, and allowed myself to be beaned by three trains and a bus consecutively JUST for good measure. plus it hurt to swallow, my nose was all stuffed, my head had turned into a giant cottonball, and my hair was super-dirty. so, no doubt about it, I was miserable.

on a good note, my tongue injury is starting to go away...

so, a lazy morning getting yelled at for not being at school, plus two cold pills that made me high and did nothing for any of my symptoms, and a LOOOOOOONG shower later, I feel maybe a quarter bit better.

Sean's in--well somewhere, working. I'm probably going to miss all of school again, and choir, because seriously, the thought of leaving the house actually makes me fall over (I've done it twice, and another time, almost down the stairs). And to top it all off, I am randomly nauseous, but only in ten minute bursts. Like, this morning, I almost puked at my coffee, then in an hour, I ate revolting canned fruit, and was fine. Now I feel vomit-y just at the taste in my mouth. That is the one thing I haven't done yet is brush my teeth. really really REALLY gotta do that. and it isn't even fair, cause Sherayna is making spare rib tonight which is one of my favorite meals in the world, and I probably won't even be able to eat it, let alone keep it down. and my mummy won't even let me stay home. well, boo on her, I'm staying anyways cause she's left somewhere, and Sherayna has taken the kids--somewhere. Prolly to school. Which is where I should be. but am not.


what an irritating pathetic post. :(

I think I shall continue this complaining streak, cause I am unsatisfied with fifty percent of my life right now. My entire house is broken. Entirely, completely, indoubitabley BROKEN. The cupboard doors are falling off their hinges, the paint is flaking, we have about four leaks in our roof, the entire upstairs bathroom is hell on earth (the tiles are all ripped up, and Shawn, our landlord's husband, actually BROKE our toilet. and by broke, I mean the ceramic is actually is peices. Not only that, there is grout dripping down the tiles on the wall, and the mirror is broken in peices, and the medicine cupboard door doesn't even close all the way), the electrical is absolutely haywire, the fuses blow EVERY SINGLE DAY, our kitchen outlets don't even work half the time, we're not allowed to have more than ONE appliance running at a time, AND our house is infested with giant wolf spiders. And when I say giant wolf spiders, I mean there are TWO wolf spiders that are both larger than my FACE--MATING on my deck right now. I mean it! they're freaking MATING! Which means even more enormous wolf spiders who exist for the sole purpose of terrorizing ME! I have seriously been attacked by no less than THREE huge spiders while in this very room. Now I can't go out on my deck anymore because of the monster arachnids that have made their home there, and now that there are going to be even more spiders in my house, I am seriously going to go insane.

And ya wanna know the peachy keen part? Moni and Shawn won't do a THING about any of it. know why? cause they hate the world. Moni is a freaking succubus bitch who doesn't give a shit about what goes on in this house so long as we stay out of the basement, and clean up our doggies' poops. And as soon as one of her whiny elderly tenants complains about our dogs barking (our GUARD dogs barking at HER people who come and go in and out of OUR house at all hours of the DAY AND NIGHT), she threatens to evict us, IN SPITE of our one year lease. Not only that, she agreed to have people come in and help us move oil tanks so that we could build our dog run behind the house by the bamboo patch. They were supposed to come on three different days. They didn't come on ANY of those three days, and then when they did come, they left the oil tank sitting in OUR driveway. We had complained about tiles coming up in our bathroom floor for months. When she finally had her husband come and "fix" it, he pulled up EVERY SINGLE TILE, and then LEFT IT THAT WAY!!!! And now he's BROKEN OUR FREAKING TOILET!


wow, am I ever going off.

and mom freaking wonders why I never come home. it's because I prefer to avoid the fifty percent of my life that is crap. If I choose to spend my free time with people who are awesome, and in places that don't make me hate myself, well too bad. I choose self-esteem, thank you.

and yes, I am weird enough to relate my living space that I have almost nothing to do with to my self-worth. That's right, if Sherayna (or her kids) makes a mess, that means that I get to hate myself. if my mom won't clean her room, it means that I get to feel bad. know why? cause I am the only one who says anything about it. they are perfectly happy to live in quasi-mess. they don't care that there are clothes on the floor, and the dishes aren't done yet. these things make me crazy. and yes I know that I rarely actually DO any of these things, but during the summer when I did do them, nobody gave a rusty fuck! The kids came home, and messed my house right back up again! I told Mom and Sherayna, 'listen I cleaned up this area today, try to keep it clean while I am out.' what do I find when I get back? pig sty. like always. so yeah. screw them. I shall concentrate on musical theatre, and panto, and school, and choir, and Sean, and friends, because at least I get a little reward from that. they can clean up their own fucking messes, cause I refuse to do it anymore. I get mad at them cause the house is messy, and they say I am being unreasonable cause I'm "never home to contribute to the clean up, and upkeep of this house." well screw them too, because if I'm never home, it also means that I am not the one making the messes, and I am completely finished with cleaning messes that I didn't make. when I make a mess, I clean it up, right away, always. on any given day, if you count the things I have lying around? MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE one. my packsack. and even if my room isn't clean, at least I confine my mess to my room. I don't leave my door open for everyone else to look in and be offended at. I don't show my mess to the world. my family does not seem to understand that. and so, I think--my point was, I get to feel bad about their mess because somehow, according to them, it's still my fault that it exists. I am weird. and I don't care.

holy crap, I dunno even what I am saying anymore.This post is one big frustrated drug-ridden rant.

k, I'm done with this now. I feel like brushing my teeth. and doing some laundry. washing some floors. and something else. what was it? i have forgotten what it was. it better come back to me, or I will be crazy for the rest of the day. wait a second, I already am crazy.

ROAR!!!! grrr... *bad bad bad mood*


if I was a cartoon, there'd be one of those anger squiggles above my head right now.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

real quick blog cause it's four minutes to bedtime

today again kicked a whole lotta ass, but I can't explain all in as much detail as I'd like to cause my mom is being a bitch, and threatening to unplug the computer if I don't go to bed before she does. She also says if I sleep in tomorrow, then I have to ahve a ten o clock curfew. And since buses, and my life both suck, I have to plan an hour for travel ANYTIME, so basically, my life would consist of three hours of hanging out, which is not sufficient, times a million if it's Sean.

k, so today in a nutshell: ached real bad, skipped morning with the mom (bloody hypocrite), went to school, hung otuw ith Brianna, and Gareth during their spare block and my drama class, then went to Dover in C block. absolutely NO school! I'm such a freaking slacker! Then went to musical theatre which was INSANE fun. I'll tell you more tomorrow, mom's a nazi. then went to Sean's and was intensely happy. I was so happy for absolutely no reason, either. Like seriously, it might not even be healthy to be as happy as I felt today...

for those of you who know, no I didn't give those things I bought...

\crap, she's coming to get me, BYE!

bombarded by love and aliens

last night was sweet. after choir I called Sean's house to see if he wanted to do anything but he wasn't there, so I just went home. and then what did I discover when I got home, I signed on to msn, and right away, Spencer Myers invited me to see the Forgotten with him and a bunch of people!!! woo-hoo! I didn't think I had money, but then I realized that I had some stashed away from getting paid a while ago. I looked for it, and found it, but then between rushing out the door to catch the bus, and talking to my evil mom who was trying to slow me down, I totally forgot it on my desk!!! bummer! I got there, and panicked when I went to buy my ticket, but luckily Spencer and Katie saved me by chipping in for my ticket. I vow to do something nice for them. Or you know just pay them back, that might be an idea! So we went into the theatre, and found everyone sitting way down at the front. talk about a crick in the neck! oy!

the movie was crazy!!! I was making fun of it for a little while cause the beginning was so cheesy, but then it got really really good. They were running from NSA agents, and I was like, "excuse me? you expect me to believe that a crazy woman is actually part of a government coverup???" I mean, she was just so believeable as a delusional freak. I totally could have seen it. But then she turned outt o be right, and then as she was running the sky did funny things, and I was like, "WHAT??? Now it's going to turn into an alien movie???" i couldn't believe how cheesy the plotline was turning out to be. But then to my amazement they actually pulled it off! Unfortunately, they used formula scare tactics such as this NSA agent whispering something in Julianne Moore's ear, and then the roof of their cabin blowing off VERY loudly, and intimidatingly. At that point the ENTIRE theatre screamed! I am not even kidding, and I laughed at them all, especially the dumb ones like Sarah Boyce, and Leah Ferguson, and Brian Brooks that i saw there. That happened a couple of times, and everytime it did, it was strange, and so intimidating, it was like, now the roof of their cabin is blown off, obviously the idea of them "hiding" anywhere is complete bollocks, cause they can see and hear everything they do! and if they can blow up a cabin like that, just randomly, then they must have felt so exposed, and vulnerable. Compared to something who could do that that quickly, they were absolutely nothing, and completely insignificant. And at the risk of ruining it, don't worry anybody who hasn't seen it, it's the movies, and even the miniscule and insignificant triumph over all-powerful aliens. Very formula.

then we went to Timmy's, and I had nothing cause I was super-dumb, and forgot my money. seriously, I refuse to let another person pay for anything of mine in the next fifty years, ever. if it's a gift, maybe. an exorbitant gift, no. I am sick of borrowing off of people. it shall not happen again. I vow to HAVE money in the next couple weeks, and spend it ALL on my friends. being poor blows monkey ass. but anyways, Timmy's was ultimo fun of course. It was me, Spencer, Katie, Will, Jenn, and Tasha, and we had so much fun just talking about everything. Spencer shoved his foot in his mouth by telling Tasha that she looked weird without makeup, and then opened it up a little wider and shoved the other one in by trying to continue, and saying, "it's not like it looks bad!" that produced lots of hilarity and amusement, and all enjoyed themselves. It was kind of funny, some person who apparently plays in a local band (if I were a true local band fan, I would know who he plays with, but I am not, and I am a theatre kid and I am PROUD OF IT!) came up to the table, and they were all talking about which bands were doing which shows, and his whole vibe was all ultra hardcore, and I got to thinking about Collective shows coming up, and then I felt like a nerd! I said that to Jenn, I was like, "ok, now I feel like a geek!" she's like, "why?" and I said, "cause this guy is all like, 'I'm h-core', and I'm sitting here, *nerd voice* 'i like to sing with my friends! we do HAR-mon-eeeeee' " and she laughed lots. Then we got to talking about how when you are an alto, at least you have some opportunity for depth of tone, and (*hey, I found a Wallflowers CD! frickin AWESOME! where the heck did that come from? probably April's.*) then we started making fun of being sopranos. It just fit my mood right well! I got to be weird and nasty.

oh yeah, did I ever tell you? I was in the strangest mood yesterday. I felt totally pissy and odd for no reason, but it didn't come out in a bitchy kind of way, it just kind of made me say nasty things to myself. I swore inside my head a lot yesterday... Like, for instance I was waiting for the light to turn in the morning with my mom on the way to the bus, and it just wouldn't turn, and I pitched a fit standing at the curb. It wasn't like I was serious, but it was just satisfying to stand at the curb jumping up and down. like I said, I was in a strange mood yesterday.

then everyone had to go home, seeing as how it was a school night, and no one could drive me home cause it's WAY downtown, so I had to wait at the despised Woodgrove bus exchange, insulting everything I saw to myself and giggling like a little girl for fortyfive minutes. It was freezing cold, but my own nastiness warmed me some. Finally me bus came, and going from North to South is entirely unpleasant! It took like fortyfive minutes, an hour to get downtown. The monotony of it all totally scrambled my brains into submission. I waited at the 5/6 stop, and some stoned guy hit on me. Well, hey, it's partly my fault to be downtown at eleven thirty at night, isn't it? His eyes were practically glued shut, I was like, "wow, that's attractive." and again, the nastiness kicked in! And you know the scary thing? As soon as panto starts that's going to be my life on Tuesday and Thursday nights! ick! Panto goes until ten, and then the next bus comes at like ten thirty I think and I end up not getting home until eleven, or eleven thirty. That's on school nights. Have fun with homework, Alleah Poirier. Maybe it's good I only got chorus, I don't have to make as many practices until like, November, plus I don't have to put out as much energy when I am there. being chorus is good, cause if you need to you can mark everything.

Well, anyways, i finally got home, and what did I discover? a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE, that's what!!! That is definitely enough in one night to make Pinto feel appreciated! being invited to a movie, AND being called very very complimentary things by a very very cute boy! Nastiness has effectively been exterminiated! And you shoulda seen the email he sent me!!! I melted! into a little puddle at the foot of my computer! wait a minute--my computer doesn't have a foot. If it was a clam it would. But it's not, so it doesn't.

Enough of that.

Suffice it to say, that I am waiting for the next time I can see Sean, because I want to give him lots and lots and lots of love back...


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

big pile of pain

I must have taken all Sean's potential for soreness from biking yesterday into myself, because my shoulders, and back ache so bad!!!

So the Pirate Party was sweet. I've already told you most of what happened then. I wore a slutty dress, finally got to see Llowyn again, smashed Tim's face into the floor, and felt as low as a slug for it. Operation Yo-Ho is proceeding on course. We should be seeing some results soon... :)

After I blogged that night, I went upstairs and fell asleep almost right away. On the couch. Mean old Brianna and Laura woke me up numerous times by throwing things at me, wherein my vocabulary ceased to consist of any words beyond "fuck" and "you". I fell back asleep (this was around two) and apparently they talked and laughed and had a good ole time until around four and then they went to bed. I guess I woke up at like five or six or something, and discovered I was alone, so I took my nice pillow into the fuzz-buzz room, and squashed my way under blankets at Melly's feet. The next morning I awoke to being raped by Brianna and Mel's feet. How disturbing.

That morning, us girls hung out, talked some more, scarfed Cinnimon Toast Crunch, and generally were gross, post-sleepover lamers. That part is always enjoyable. I discovered I'd slept in my clothes and this frightened me. By last night, my jeans smelt so bad, I am not even kidding! I refuse to wear clothes again until those jeans are washed. um, I mean...I think I have other pants. I have been wearing those jeans so much lately, it's like they're my skin now. Very baggy skin. Rather dumpy around the butt. But wait, that's normal!

ew, I am going to stop now. I'm sorry, my brain is still scrambled from Pirate party, and yesterday!

So then yesterday, I caught the bus downtown, and of course because I was on a stupid slow bus, and stupid slow people kept stopping the stupid slow bus to talk to the driver because all of them are too stupid and slow to look for the information they seek IN THEIR SCHEDULES...I was a half an hour late for filming.

(hehe, I like that paragraph!)

well, I got to the bowl, and watched Sean do tricks, and joked around with Devin a lot, and got filmed (eww!). mmm, yummy post-sleepover Alleah. that's hot. There were these STUPID little kids there that were just pissing me off! Then one of them fell off his bike, and I nearly peed laughing. I am turning into a bitch. yikes! today at school, the next person who pisses me off--I am going to buy a chocolate bar. To escape bitch-ness.

after that, we went to Devin's house to watch the trailer (which turned out AWESOME btw) of "the Mantta" video. Devin should be able to put together something really sweet, cause he has some really good footage. He filmed yesterday, and the day before, and Sean brought withhim some footage taken the day before that at a much better park down in Victoria. There is some really great footage, there, I can't wait to see the video. I am going to buy the DVD, cause I want the special features. I swear, there ought to be a rage section. From all the times Sean freaked out, and kicked/fingered his bike, or made hot sound effects, or screeched "fuck" at the top of his lungs if he couldn't do a trick, or if those idiot little kids (ha! Napolean Dynamite! "idiot!") said something stupid to him, and he mouthed them off. Seriously, there needs to be a showcase of those, cause they're awesome! Or wipeouts. Any good biking/skateboarding/snowboarding video requires wipeouts. hmm, I should talk to Devin about that...

aww! The kids are making me pictures again! Kaelyn colored me a picture of the house burning down (:S), and Rob made me a Valentine! isn't that cute? Or as Kaelyn said, "balentine." The kids have their moments, I have to admit. Except for that irksome baby who is cutting teeth right now. He hasn't stopped making noise since before I woke up this morning. He is quite perturbed at those teeth who have the audacity to force themselves through his poor little gums. (but still, is that any reason to irritate the rest of us into an early grave??? I ask you!!!) whatever, he's a baby, I suppose I must submit to this auditory torture. *sigh*

anyways, at Devin's house, we hung out with Kevin from Musical Theatre, and watched more videos. Then Kevin had to go home, and Devin showed us how he took pics from video. I was extremely tired, and the kitchen chairs in Devin's den were "hurting Sean's bum" so we migrated back out to the living room where we "watched tv." And no there was no scandalosity, as I am sure all of you are thinking. You dirty apes. At any rate, "watching tv" was very comfy and enjoyable. I didn't want Sean's mom to come.

Alas she did, and we went on a quest for tooth brushes, and milk. Sean and I stayed in the car, and had a close encounter with aliens commonly known as "chip", and "bethany". scary. I was frightened badly. But it was all good, they appeared to be benign. (wow, now I am in a straaange mood!)

They left, and the car was filled with canoodlage. (heeheehee) but not too badly. don't forget, I am dating the Mormonorb. then his mom returned, and we traveled back downtown. he dropped me off, and I ate chicken, and fruit snacks while talking on the computer to Laura, him, Brad Mackey, and Brianna. then I watched a dog training competition with the mom, and stumbled off to beddy-bye. now I am avoiding entreprenuership, and getting ready to go to school. erm. i feel in the need for a shower. I am going to go do that now. bye bye.

PS: post some damn comments! it's all well and good for you all to neglect your own blogs, but extending that mistreatment to my own is just cruel! I expect some attention by this time tomorrow!

k, I'm done now. goodbye.

Monday, September 27, 2004

so tired, I am a waste of human being

bllaaaeerrgghh. that means tired-ness in the parlance of sleep-deprived Pinto. Tonight was the pirate party, as well as hanging out with Sean and Devin, and panto read through. panto read through: meh. boring, I didn't get a script, I learnt of extra casting ops that I will probably not benefit from, basically a total waste of time, when I would totally rather have been with Sean, and Devin watching Sean rage on annoying little buggers at the bowl. I got to see footage of it later on, and it amused me so!

then Niki gave me a ride to Devin's house where I waited ten or twenty minutes for Sean, and Devin to show up. no biggie, it was actually quite enjoyable in a mindless kind of way. We watched the Lakehouse vid (first people ever! how priveledged we are!), and the "day in the life of welly" vid that a quarter of my head was in for half a second. joy. then I watched all the biking footage, and was sad that I wasn't there. they are filming again tomorrow, and I am really excited!

Then I took the bus to Gator's for the Pirate party, and Sean went to seminary-for-adults thing that his mom was apparently forcing him to go to. Then later on, during a very malicious, hate-filled game of LCD, Barba, Llowyn, and him showed up, and I was happy! the three people I had been looking most forward to seeing showed up at the same time, and it was so thrilling that--Gareth stepped on my toe. gotta love being me.

Gator's basement smells like dog pee.

I am still at the Pirate Party, but now I am exhausted, so I have decided to be antisocial. I actually went down here, merely to change my msn name, but the lure of bloggy blogging has kept me here. Pretty much everyone has left except for Brianna, Aden, Lauren, and Mel, so now we're just hanging out drinking tea, and insulting each other. (*get back or I'll fart on you!*) yes I realize that's not an insult. get back or I'll fart on you.

I am the only person ever who would actually say that on the internet. doesn't make you feel great to be my friend?

yikes, I am random. it's cause I am tired. maybe I'll just give up now. nighty night, all, I am off to jump on Brianna. cause I wish to.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

if this song were a woman, and I were a man, I'd want to marry it, or at least get it drunk and take it home...

I bet Kevin knows where that's from.

well, today was interesting on SO many levels! I was extremely late for practice with the girls, and God punished me by making me take the same bus as these extraordinarily obnoxious male American tourists who gave me a strong urge to take a pencil, and poke them until they died. Seriously, you don't understand how much I wanted to eat their eyeballs. They saw this random girl walking on the side of the road, and leered at her like the dirty old men that they were. One of them was like, "she looks like she has places to go, and people to see." (and yes I am using fat rat voice as I recite this memory). And the other one was like, "actually, she looks like she has BEEN places, and DONE people" and they all laughed evilly, and I wanted to punch them. They had these boy children with them, and you could tell, they were hiding in embarrassment from their fathers because the one kept saying things to his kid, and the kid was just ignoring him. I wanted to be like, "hey kid your dad is a prick." but I think he already knew that. the one guy was like, "hey Taylor, have you ever seen Canadian people before?" and the kid just looked at his dad, and turned around, didn't say a word! I was like, good on ya! I am glad you recognize the fact that your dad is an asshole.

anyways, I shall discontinue going off about them now, cause I believe I have established their idiocy. then I went to Gator's and we sang and sang and sang to our little heart's content. When I got there, they were finishing up "When I Fall in Love" (the harmonic version!) So I jumped in, and we finished that up. That was quite fun. Then we sang a couple of songs that we already knew, but we just wanted to sing, like Sincerely, Chattanooga Choo Choo, and Scarborough Fair. We had to do some serious work on Scarborough Fair, cause we'd added some stuff to the key change, and it just wasn't working any more. For some reason, that song just eludes us. It is so infuriating. Then we learned Carol of the Bells which is the best song IN THE WORLD to sing, even though when you listen to it, it is pure terror. and by that I do not mean it is bad, I mean it is frightening to listen to! And yes, I realize it is September, but Brianna really wanted to start learning Christmas songs, and I condone because if we get all the learning out of the way now, Brianna will be more receptive to the idea of doing some Christmas shows, because they will require a minimum of preparation... Anyways, we learned that, and I LOVE IT!!! it is one big sacriligious orgasm in Christmas carol form. (lol! L + B! "blasphemy! sacriledge! heresy!") then, Brianna wanted to sing that old Elvis song we learned when we first started singing together, Can't Help Falling in Love, so we did, and it was so orgasmic, we spontaneously decided to sing our ENTIRE REPERTOIRE, and I was happy just to be alive. Then we wrote our repertoire down, and decided that there was nowhere near enough songs in it. So now we are on a learning mission. Brianna eventually had to go home, and me and Laura hung out talking about music. We got on the topic of releasing a CD, but the prospect of paying for the rights of ALL those covers daunted us, and so the conversation switched to maybe arranging one of my songs. And so we did. Totally spontaneously, me and Laura sat down and began arranging a song that I wrote. It used to have a title, but I decided to change it. And I have to rewrite the last verse to make it more a cappella friendly. All we did on it was the chord progression, (or melody to be honest), and we arranged the first verse. But it sounds totally cool, and I am really excited about it. I am going to search my brain, and see if I can remember other stuff I wrote. I am so sad; ALL of my songs burnt with the house, and I have been writing since I was nine years old. Actually, when it happened, Laura came and sat with me the whole time the house was burning and after, I kept remembering things I'd lost, and ironically, it was Laura who remembered my songs, not me! She just got this pained expression on her face, and was like, "Alleah--your songs!" it was one of the worst moments of my life.

anyways...that was ultimo cool, then I left, and waited for the bus for a retardly long time. very unpleasant. once on the bus, I saw a guy who I kind of know. His name was Phil. I first met him when Meagan Morris dated him. Then I would see him all over town for a period of about two years, and he would know who I was, but I wouldn't know who he was. He was also best friends with Chris after me and him broke up, so he got to hear all of Chris' spiteful bile about me. in fact, there was a time, when the only thing he knew about me was one of Chris' evil nicknames for me. However, then I am assuming he learned good things about me, cause the next time I saw him (he was drunk, and talked to me and Lewis a long time on skinny dipping night) he was quite nice to me. So anyways, tonight I saw him on the bus, and we talked for a long time about mutual acquaintances, the army, other people he knew. He was quite interesting to talk to! He said something about me that I found kind of interecting. I mentioned that I'd failed a couple of classes last year, and his jaw just dropped, he was like, "YOU failed something???" and I was like, "huh? yes, I failed three things last year", and he was like, "omg, i am shocked, everybody always told me that you were like this huge good smart girl", and I was like, "not at all." he asked me, "I bet you don't even drink, do you?" I was just like, "!" lol! It was quite funny! anyways, I talked to him the whole way home cause he was on both my buses, and that was fun.

now I am, just blogging, and talking to ppl. Geoff, and Devin to be precise. No pissed-ness yet, with Geoff! That's a good thing! (haha, Phil totally thought that me and Geoff were still going out, and I was like, "nope!") So I am off now. Jeez, I haven't even read anybody's blogs yet today, except for Tim-Tims! nighty night bloggy boos!

a post of necessity.

this post continues the idea I had started on Chip's tagboard but had to cut short because of blogger being a number-of-characters nazi.

Anyways, as I was saying: I value my sleep dearly, and highly love to engage in it, but life would be so much easier for me if I could just invent a pill, or some such that negated your need for sleep, and gave you back that eight-to-twelve hour period that you waste per night. Think of how pro I could be!!! I could school myself all day, then go to rehearsal and kick some serious ass, then hang out with me buds all night, and still have energy for homework, and house cleaning, AND still be able to veg for a couple hours in front of the tv, and/or computer! How frickin SWEET would that be??? I ask you!

however, not even the Borg have left their frail need for rest behind in their search for technilogical perfection so I am pretty sure that living my life twentyfourhours a day is pretty out of my reach for at least another ten thousand years or so.

btw, my kitchen is broken. yes that's right. all of it. that makes me very angry! *fear me I'm little*

Friday, September 24, 2004

well slit my wrist and pull up my bra!

wow, plans for this weekend have just been jumbled all around. originally, the plan was on Friday, Sean would come to rehearsal, and then we'd hang out. Saturday, we'd have breakfast with the mom, and I would stay home that day. And Sunday would be huge filming, adn hanging out with Devin and Sean day! Thigns have totally been switched around! Today, Sean came to rehearsal, but then me, him, Brianna, Laura, and Gareth all went to Rosie's after rehearsal, and we all hung out, and ate pizza, and sang a little, and then watched this awesome show about a dead girl. Yeah, I know w00t. But it was actually really cool! Now tomorrow, breakfast with Sean has been cancelled, now it's just me and the mom, and after that is practicing with the girls for this benefit concert coming up in a couple weeks. (Amanda, you better have mentioned us, cause the girls really want to do it now, as do I!) Then Sunday, since I got into panto, I have a read through at Kiwanis Lodge, Building K, from 1-4, so I am going to go to that, then head on over to Devin's, hang out with him and Sean, then steal Sean away and go to the Pirate Party! aaaarrrrhhh!!!!

hmmm, busy weekend. makes me sleepy. g'night, bloggers.

*yawn* that literally happened.

Thursday, September 23, 2004


that's right! ME!!! I'm in the children's chorus. :P blech! but it's more in the panto than I was an hour ago! I am counting my blessings, wether I like the role or not! I have certainly learned my lesson about assuming that I am in shows! lol!

although, you know what this means, don't you? it means that if I don't get a lead, or principle role in the Welly production, I can kiss a bunch of musical theatre scholarships goodbye. Devin told me that Tinnion asked him to direct Babble Rap, so hopefully (I want to audition for that one, cause it looks really funny) I'll get a role in that. And there's only two roles in that play at all, and NO opportunity for chorus at all, so hopefully things'll work out for me. I am really looking forward to that show if Devin does end up directing. I know how fabulous he is for film, and television, I am curious to discover what his vision will be like for theatre!

and all who are wondering, I am sure he does read this blog, and NO, that comment was NOT for the purpose of brown-nosing my way to a role. although...that might be a good idea! lol! nah, jk. I'll get a role at Welly through hard work. And the fact I have a lot of experience I am sure helps. Dev said he was looking for a girl, and a guy to play in Babble Rap. Not sure who he'll choose. Of course, it also all depends on who auditions...

EEEKK!!!!! I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to this semester! it is going to be awesome!!! Welly choir, Bye Bye Birdie, Panto 04, Babble Rap (hopefully) with Devin, Sean (haha, he's his own category of awesemity!), it is just goign to be a freaking SWEET sememster!!! I cannot wait!

look out world, here I come...!

guess what I found???

The Narcoleptic Muffdivers!!! woo-freaking-hoo! beware of the entrance page though, it was rather assaulting to Pinto's frail sensibilities. and DON'T GO if your parents are in the room, cause I gaurantee they'll get the wrong idea. (See, Sean, THESE are the kind of people I hang out with! :S) however the guest book provided me with some much-needed entertainment!

anyways, I have been adding people like crazy, and--get this, this is how bored I am--organizing my address book. (*eye rolling in enormous quantities*) Yeah, seriously, I need some entertainment. I HATE staying home sick! I wasn't going to, but then I fell ill in the early afternoon today, so I stayed home. I am missing choir and I feel terrible.

does anybody know who all is in Chasing Chester??? I have some idea, but not too much. someone, fill me in, please.

so I am boring, and bored, so I am out. save me, someone, please!


current state of mind ^^^. yeah, I know, intelligient, huh? Slept in today again (*cringe*), but I have non-academics in the morning, so it's all good.

last night viruses ate my blog. I was frustrated and sad. In fact, I spent all lot of yesterday frustrated. school was boring, and frustrating because of it. In musical theatre, we learnt lots of music, which was irritating because I was one alto out of three in a chorus of forty. Eeek!!! Seriously, it was rough, Rosie, Mel, Brianna, and Laura (the really loud ones) are all on the "adult" character line, and Nicole and Lauren, and other good singers are on the soprano "teenage" line, leaving, me, Laura McNought, Jenny (I think...what's her name?) and a couple of guys who have no idea how to sing period let alone sing harmony on the alto line. So I was trying really really hard to get my line, and although it's thirds, and supposedly really easy, the music teacher isn't very good at teaching harmony. And on top of that, Brianna, Laura, Tim, and Megan were all talking really loudly and irritatingly. I spent the entire rehearsal trying to ignore them, but finally, the alto line sucked so back that we had to go over it repeatedly with Mr. Irving, and that group was STILL talking loudly, so I finally released the song nazi within, and told them all to shut up. I had to specifically single out Brianna (even though it wasn't just her talking) before her group even realized that we wanted them to be quiet. That was extremely frustrating, and made me feel evil inside. Then Tim made fun of me for it after rehearsal, and it made me even more crazy. Just wait. They haven't seen anything from the nazi self yet!!!

(mmm, yum yum, my mummy just gave me a pepperoni cheese stick!)

then I went home and procrastinated, and talked to Sean for a long time, which was unbelievably nice! I--*giggle*--love him. :) Then my stupid computer decided to spurn it's internet connection (I guess the internet must said something mean that hurt my computer's feelings. I wish they would just play nice!), and my msn signed me out, and my internet explorer wouldn't conect, and I was saddened in the extreme. It took a half an hour, and a phone call to--someone to figure it out. It was during this point in time that my previous bloggy blog entry was lost to the frailties of technology. I finally got back on, and apologized profusely to all who I had unintentionally shunned. Sean's and my conversation got even nicer! (if that's even possible) and me and him, and Devin tried to figure out the logistics of Sunday. finally Devin and I decided to cut dinner, and do it another day. Which spells relief for fund-challenged me. Gotta get a job. gotta gotta gotta.

then to top of my (mostly) frustrating day, I didn't get a call from Dean Chadwick, and EVERYBODY else did!!!! :( Almost all the Griffiths family did, Jen Schaper got Robin, Elina got Marion *eye rolling*, other people got roles, and I have not had a call yet!!! I don't think I got in! :( and so that makes yesterday almost entirely a waste. Except for my lovely lovely conversation with Sean which just made me amazingly happy!!! Also I had my second conversation in a week with Geoff that didn't involve expletives!!! Woo-hoo! Though I can't say we didn't argue any. We pseudo-argued about something he said on his blog. But there was no intense offending going on (I was hurt about some things, but I was trying to be objective). hmm, I wonder if it'll be possible to actually hang out with him anytime soon. I am curious to find out.

my poor dogs. I suppose they are lonely. They have been acting very strange today. Sensei totally gave Ahrodie beats today, and that just NEVER happens. They were fighting over a stick as usual but usually Ahrodie just over reacts, and squeals to everything he does, but today, he chased her right up onto the porch, and started biting her neck really hard! The whole thing happened right in front of me, and I was screaming at him to get off, but he didn't notice me at all. Mom came to the window, and started yelling at him, but by that time he'd gotten off, and my STUPID sister, is like, "yeah, well, Ahrodie probably deserved it," and I was like, !!!!!! Excuse f***ing ME???? I was right there, I saw it happen, my dog did nothing! Sherayna thinks that just because Ahrodie didn't take to motherhood very well, and nearly rejected her puppies that she is just a bad dog in general. Well half the things that happen, I witness, and she doesn't, cause I am out there with them all the time, and my dog is NOT overly bad. She used to be mean to Tika, but now it is Sensei. Sensei must be feeling neglected because of his lack of walks due to the rain lately. He can be such a prick. So just now I spent about a half an hour out there with them just petting them all. It's so cute when they are all being good. Tika always comes and sits on my foot and bites me if I stop petting her, and Sensei yodels at me if I stop petting him, but Ahrodie just sits there looking cute until I start petting her again, at which point she waggles her little tail, and looks so joyous! I love her so!

yeah, you can tell I am kind of obsessed, hey???! lol! whatever. my dog is the best EVER!!! (btw, all newcomers to my blog who didn't get the lowdown on my dogs from my summer blogs, Sensei is my mother's dog, and he is a English mastiff/Belgian shepherd cross, Ahrodie is my dog, and Sensei's daughter. She is crossed with pitbull, and Rottweiler on her mother's side. Tika is Ahrodie's daughter, and my sister's dog. She is crossed with pure-bred Rottweiler, though she doesn't look it.)

k, before I forget, Laura McNought has a blog now!!! I hope that linkie works, cause I just typed in the address without checking what it was. :S as does Chip, Bethany's bf, there is a link to his blog on Sean's. also, Sean is making a new site, address is forthcoming on his blog, k?

on a closing note, I am endeavoring greatly to not turn into the same nazi I was last year, ok? Now I know I may have bad days, but when they happen, I ask people to not just assume that I am lapsing back into my old ways, and to tell me that I am being mean/a bitch/stupid, ok? however, occurences like last night's rehearsal episode generally do not come without provocation, so although I encourage you to take what I do with a grain of salt, also try to think about whther or not i have a point.

is that reasonable enough for everybody?

k, gotta go get dressed now. haha, I am so late! and sick. I am really starting to feel sick again. urgfh.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


gotta make this link into a post, otherwise I'll forget it. yes, I am blogsurfing again. found a serious theatre/opera junkie. Left a huge comment on the pros, and cons of choosinging careers in opera, versus careers in musical theatre.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

poor Sersephagus.

tonight, while I was talking to him on msn, Sean found out about a good friend of his who had died. I felt awful for him, but I had no idea what to do. Like I didn't know if he wanted to talk about it, or just be left alone, or what, and I had to ask all these questions like "do you want to talk about it," and I felt all aWkward, and stupid. I wish I'd handled it better. I hope he knows I'm there if he needs me. *hugs for Serseph*

I was also thinking tonight about something Laura said on the bus yesterday on the way to Bye Bye Birdie. I'm sure a lot of you know that me and Brianna have been fighting like cats and dogs lately, and Laura said something about Barbara having made the observation (it might not have been Barb, I can't remember) that every single time I start talking about Brianna in my blog, or in real life, I say something mean about her. Well, I researched this statement in my back blog posts, and I cannot find more than one mean thing that I've said about her. In fact, most of the time I'm complimenting her. Maybe it's in real conversation. But if any of you have spotted something that was kind of bastardly that I said about Brianna, kindly mention that to me so I can make restitution. Otherwise, I refute that statement. Maybe in conversation, I do that, but for sure, I do not "insult" Brianna or anything else in my blogs (specifically in my blogs, at least).

that's pretty much it for me. I had a very nice, but boring day. Except for Serseph's bad news. That was horrid. I just ate a very yummy, very domestic dinner of chicken (haha, Sean!), mashed potatoes, and corn, with yummy thick gravy. nighty night, all. Feel better, Sean!

ultra happay today!

last night was fantastic!!! Bye Bye Birdie was normal, Honestly Sincere is almost finished. Tony said today, "Wow, it's really good I didn't get a fattie, cause if my back is hurting this bad with Alleah..." I wasn't sure if that was a compliment, or an insult. Either way, I hit him for it.

But THAT was minor on the happy scale! After musical theatre, I hopped on a bus, and traveled from Dover all the way to Westwood to see Sean! I got there in the middle of dinner (oops!), but Bonnie just invited me to sit down and eat with them, so I ate salad, and water and potatoes. Hmm, at this rate, I'll be thin in NO time!!! Anyways, after dinner, me and Sean went and watched Men in Black 2, cause I haven't seen it yet, either. jeez! I haven't seen anything!!!

We cuddled up on the couch, and it was so nice. We would curl up beside each other, and he would place his chin on my head, and comment about how comfy he was. He was just engulfing me with his arms most of the night, and it was so perfect, it seemed like it was made for me! I loved it so much!!! Everytime he moved to touch my hand, or shift a little, I just closed my eyes, and enjoyed the feeling...:)

I am really happy! Every chance I've been getting to wish on a wishing hour, or on a star, or on an eyelash, I've been doing so...well, I can't tell you my wishes but the gists of them were that Sean and I would be together for a long time. *giggle*! I'm such a goober, but I don'tcare!!!

he said the absolute sweetest things on msn last night! No one else ever said things like that to me... All I could think of when I read them was just how good they made me feel!I won't tell you what they are, because some people who read this blog are meanies and don't want to hear about it, but if you should like to know, I am only too happy to talk about it with you!!! lol!

So that was my silly, happy post of awesemity. I'm going to go hug myself at the memories, now, k?


Sunday, September 19, 2004

linkie linkie

it's that time of blog again! for Pinto to imply everyone's ass into realizing that NO ONE HAS SHOWN HER HOW TO MAKE PERMANENT LINKS YET!!!!! I am proud to admit it! I am an HTML retard! save me from my own deficiencies, please!

Sean -- Sean is my new boyfriend of AWESEMITY! he bmx's all pro-like, and has been featured in magazines before! that's how cool he is. He likes to discuss the physics of dating short people in his blog. w00t!
Laura --Gator, one of my two bestest friends! One third of Collective, and the coolest person on the planet. Theatre-y, and part of the actual singing group, The Collective.
Brianna --Beebur is a homework nazi now that she's back in school. Other third of Collective, and copious amounts of fun always. I wish I had her laugh. I am developing her cackle, though...
Barbararara --the sweetest girl in the world! she's going to play Annie, and be the best one ever! better even than the one who played opposite Victor Garber! Adorable red hair, and gives me information about mouth herpes.
Llowyn --DATING the sweetest girl in the world! the second newest audition to our crown, Llowyn hails from Vancouver, which Collective also seems to be taking over. It seems Nanaimo was simply not enough to satisfy Collective. Llowyn plays violin, and likes to drive trains in his spare time with sadistic old veteran bastards who compare the size of their elderly penises by driving their trains recklessly.
Kevin --how I miss him! He is in Taiwan right now, spreading the Collective disease. Taking over China with his stunning good looks, and sudden loss of hair. Kevin and I spent the whole summer together, going places in the club wagon, taking multiple pics with his handy dandy digital camera, and meeting new people. I hope he brings the same joy to the lucky Taiwanese he is interacting with!
Brad --B-rad, the Piano Man! Welly Choir's fabled accompanist as well as grunge rock musician extraordinaire! throws kicking parties while amiably allowing people he doesn't really know to attend! Tall as trees, and cool as anything, Brad rocks my f***ing socks off.
Amay --just recently started getting to know Amay, although I've always known who she was. I mean, come on, it's kind of hard not to know, when she has an identical twin! Amay is a piano playing, Mormon-born snap pea (who's tagboard isn't working! *tear!*), who has delightful turns of phrases, and entertains me with her wittiness, and amusing nicknames! Can't WAIT to sing "The Garden" with he rand Amanda!
Bethany --Amay's twin, the formidable Green Bean. likes to bully snap peas into submission. has garnered the name Beefers because of this. Bethany is also Mormon (obviously), also piano-playing, and has troubles with her choir teacher who likes to steal her page-turners from her. Never give up, G.Bean! Never surrender! dates Chip, who takes amusing pictures while half-asleep.
Sasja --Conchita, the beautiful Matriarch of the Tropicana nightclub. Welcome to Havana...Sasja is awesome, and quite younger than me, and yet, oh-so-much taller than me. Ridiculously gorgeous, and quite the horny little bugger. Bisexual, and owns the most lovely jazz voice ever. And it's natural, too! You should pwn Emma Love, Sasja, you should pwn her good.
April --April became my friend this past semester in The Festival of Mime and Commedia dell'Arte. We came together through our mutual hatred of certain rat-like creatures that try to teach us acting, and mutual exasperation with Tony Bernardi, who has played love interests to both of us. urgfh, Tony, urgfh. Amazingly talented at hair and makeup, I remember in Grade Eight she did my hair and makeup for the PNE Talent Show. Awesome girl, hysterically sarcastic.
Amanda --Appulorgee-Us! The third pea in that pod with Amay and Bethany. Loves her neice so. Going to Malaspina now, studying music! She's in the chamber choir now, but forgot to tell me so I could come too. *sad face!* just she wait! Next semester I'll chamber choir her!!!
Ted --Littlest brother of B-rad. Likes video games, and got beaten up by a pop bottle at the Lake House. Also fell off the dock, and into a tree while scooter-ing on the dock, cause he's "talented". Plays every instrument imaginable just like his big brother(s). I wonder if he'll continue the family tradition of accompanying for Welly choir after Brad, and Little Brad are gone? Likes to describe items as "crap fricker things". This amuses me.
Nicole --I'll give you Nicole...(and the "bend over" is implied). k, so that one didn't work. but w/e!!! met her this past summer, and she has turned into an AWESOME friend! Hanging out with her and melly belly that one day was freaking sweet, we laughed ourselves silly! *Silly walks everyone!* Molesting Dan at his house. That was awesome. I like how I just barged into his house, and flopped onto his bed. And no it wasn't as comfy as you guys said it would be. *shrug* Prettiest girl ever, Nicole is the epitome of the adjective, "lovely."
Geoff --my ex. need I say more? well, in the interest of diplomacy, I shall. we had a great year together that unfortunately ended badly, but during that time I learnt a lot about him, such as he falls in love with every girl he tickles almost; he is somehow able to get through the entire Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkein without going blind, which is a feat and a half; he is unnaturally obsessed with KD; he doesn't like people seeing his baby pictures; he likes to beat his bed with a stick when he's frustrated; he knows more about akido then he probably should...; he is cuddly; and he is extremely sentimental. All in all, a good character.
MattyRob, Stephanie, and others --more Vancouverites! these ones are hard-X-core Christians, and love theatre ALMOST as much as Collective does! woo-hoo! One of them is quite deep, and likes to post song lyrics a lot, and another is OBSESSED with trains, and has a car named Speedy Reidy. quite fun, still waiting for a chance to infect them with "Island cool", as MattyRob so eloquently puts it!
Spencer --My dear is the sweetest girl ever. Biggest brownest eyes you ever did see, and loves to have fun. Went skinny dipping, and even took her bottoms off! woo-hoo! then Lewis promptly wore them on his head. errmmm... Is Aden's little sister, adn is surprisingly young. She's in--Grade Nine. It's bewildering, cause she acts more mature than I do sometimes!!! yikes. you know you're sad when...
Ty --hasn't posted in FOREVER!!!! went underground. I've only seen him at school like four times since it got back in. However, he has joined choir so we ought to be seeing more of him! Ty is extraordinarily deep, and a very good friend, as shown the night he stood in the pouring rain with me, and held me while I wept on his shoulder about Geoff. I didn't think I could do that with anyone, not even Collective, but Ty proved me wrong. Thanks, Ty!
'lexis --another one who I became friends with this summer! good friends with the foodle, likes to go swimming, and attempt to do backflips off the low dive as taught by Ryan Litke. Also enjoys jumping over people's gardens, and tackling Foo. (as do I!) quite in love with a certain someone who does NOT deserve her in any way shape or form, judging from the way he treated me. and no, I am not referring to Geoff.
Foo --w00hoo!!! Foodle is awesome! quite the bad influence on poor, misguided Pinto, but now that school is back in, there is no more of that! Likes burning things, gin, and the idea of a grow op in his closet. even made me research it for him! but then he went and cut off all his hair...burn.
Niki --Former Welly choir Soprano goddess! Now is studying at MalU, and being a McSlave! Haven't seen her around lately except for today at the panto auditions. If we both get in, I'll be seeing a lot more of her. I';ve known Niki since I was in Grade Eight, and she was in Grade Nine. In fact in that time, she was one of my very best friends. Unfortunately we drifted apart. At least we still talk from time to time!

Sherayna --my sister. the one I live with. with four kids. I helped make her blog, and there's all these weird things all over it that I wrote. mwa-ha-ha-ha, I am evil!
April --My sister-in-law! The Wiccan one! She teaches me about witchcraft, and things that you should never ever do. April taught me the most about spells, and finding the type of magic to practice that suited me the best. Too bad, even that just didn't work out for me. Me and my religion weirdness. jeez.

Devin's --this is the most fabulously talented amazingly awesome, defintely-going-to-be-famous, and is-going-to-take-me-to-the-Oscar's boy you'll ever meet. What does he do, you ask? Why video production, of course! He did the Welly choir vid last year, and it doing the grad slide show this year, as well as a video of my boyfriend, Sean! everybody is jealous of his mad skills, and well they should be, for if you should try to compete with his pro-ness, you will be pwned. Badly.
The Twin's --I saw this website, and laughed about different things for hours, I tell you. So many parts of this site just brought total joy to my little heart! This site only reinforces my belief that the twin's are awesome, and I want to get to know them better.
Whisker's Corner --LMFAO. that's all I have to say. LMFAO.

phew! I think that's it. have fun with those, guys. I decided to do something different with this post and give you all a reason to check out all these other blogs. Anyways, I am off to attempt homework. good luck to me. I'm going to need it. :S

random times two

Last night I had a dream that a fat lesbian raped me on top of a mountain, and I kept telling her, "no, I can't, I'm dating a Mormon." then it was the future, and I was hanging out with Jean-Luc Picard.

let the juice stewing begin

as in I am stewing in my own? yeah, my audition went pretty well, I think, however I auditioned with the intimidating Elina, so the fact that they made us read multiple times may just be because they wanted to hear her again, and I was just collateral damage. Barbarararara said that he was going to call us if we got in within a week, so I am going to be waiting at home by the phone for hours and hours and hours for at least two weeks. I'm so lame.

My song went pretty well though. The worst part was at the very end on the two crazy sustained notes, I had to cut them down to size cause my voice was wobbling due to nervousness. goddamn human emotion! why must you pwn me so???

so I am going to go mutilate my fingernails with my teeth in trepidation of this fateful phone call, ok? have fun laughing at my idiocy, cause I know you are. you can't fool me.

good luck to me!

today is panto auditions! huzzah!!! However, When I Fall in Love is not sounding as primo as I'd hoped so right now it's a tossup between that, and Dream of Now. (yes, I am going for an Elina castoff, but I DON'T CARE!!! I'll make sure I remember all the right intervals like she didn't. However, I will have to restrain myself from launching into Lida Rose at the end!!! lol! If I start doing that bastardly voice-losing thing (which i doubt I will) I'll go to Dream of Now cause it's lower. However, the problem is, I know the starting note for When I Fall in Love, I DON'T for Dream of Now. Not having a set starting key equals possibility of very bad death times three. But--I sang my audition song for Dick Whittington in the wrong key, and even cracked for my troubles, and I still got in. And that was WITHOUT previous panto experience. I don't think it'll be a biggie this year.

hmmm...Pinto is being a tad arrogant is possible that I won't get in at all, not even as chorus. I would in fact be forced to kill myself in that event. I suppose it all depends on who else is auditioning. Admitedly, new people from Dover who are amazing are auditioning, and even Melly Belly in her amazingness didn't get in last year, so it's really unpredictable. urgfh, now I'm nervous. great. i wasn't before either.

anyways, lets talk about something cheerier. Like Sean! woo-hoo! (*Laura and Brianna roll their eyes*) yes, I know, I am quite the obsessed little Pinto. But it's all good! Last night, everybody else cancelled :( so it ended up being just me and Sean :). We watched Hook, which I have never seen before, and yes I giggled hysterically the whole time. Then we went upstairs and ate dinner which Tulla (sp?) cooked for us. It was really great, however we took a long time to get upstairs so it was cold by the time be got there. But somehow, still delicious! It was chicken cordon bleu, and spinach ravioli, and carrots, and salad, and this crazy awesome ice cream creation for desert! She even set the table all fancy-like!!! I was quite the impressed, and entirely bewildered as to why she did that. (hehe, that reminds me of when my brother enlisted me to be a "waiter" at his four month anniversary dinner with his girlfriend Donna *yuck*. lol, good times) After dinner, we watched the Butterfly Effect, the director's cut. Which gave it a different ending! There's like three or four different endings, and we watched all of them on the special features. In the director's cut, instead of going to that party, he went to inside his mother's womb, and drowned I guess... it was creepy!

During dinner for some reason we just could NOT stop laughing. I don't even know what we were laughing about! I think it started with bodily functions, actually...cause you know, we're really mature! And then after that I just could not stop. It continued after the movie. For some reason, everything he said almost was hysterical. It didn't help that he was being entirely random, either. And then we both got tired and the conversation just degenerated into one of us saying something, then just trailing off, and the other one just not understanding what was going on. There was like four times when he was sayign something, and I was looking at him, and I thought I was listening, but by the time he was done, I would notice that he was waiting for me to say something, and I had absolutely NO clue what he had just been talking about. I just zoned out like that about three or four times. Probably more. *blush*

It was all because of the insane dancing of Friday. It was SO FUN, but goodness, it had such a bad effect on my poor out-of-shape body. I stretched at Sean's and it was the most painful thing I've ever done to myself ever! That's how crampy and stiff my stomach muscles are! That's it. Tomorrow at Bye Bye Birdie, I am doing a serious warm-up before I do anything. I should start working on my abs at home. It can only help.

Wow, you can tell the difference between summer posts, and school posts, hey? Summer is all fun, and sun, and glory, and school is like: rehearsal. Auditions. More rehearsal. Shows. Choir. Urgfh! Well, hey, at least I make time to post anymore, UNLIKE Brianna, and Laura. They are blog neglectorbs. I am the blog Queen of the Universe! mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

...k, I'll stop now.

alright, I am doing nothing but rambling, and besides, I have to plan which bus I am taking to auditions. And guzzle some serious tea. Colective needs to host a party really soon. And the Vancouverite Christian Theatre peeps need to attend it. And Llowyn. Who is now OFFICIALLY dating Barb. w00t!!! crapdammit, I am babbling again! urgfh.

it's cause my life is just so interesting.

yeah right.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I shall never forgive the bus system of Nanaimo

last night, both the last bus of the day AND thew second-to-last bus of the day DESERTED ME!!! that's right! they just--NEVER CAME... they don't love me. well, I don't love them either! especially since I waited for an hour and a half for the freaking bus to show up, and that's before the rain showed up! then it started raining, and thundering, and lightning-ing, and I waited ANOTHER twenty minutes before I gave up and walked to Laura's house. when I got there, I was so bedraggled and cold that Laura's Mom thought I was drunk for all my stuttering! urgfh...well anyways, I tried to call my mom, but of course she had deserted me too, for that seductive agent called sleep. weak human that she is. so I went to bed.

so that was my UNPLEASANT UNPLEASANT bus misadventure. only in Nanaimo, hey?

but yesterday, there was also a bunch of other things that were interesting that I can blog about. The entire day was really really weird, mood-wise. The morning was for some reason really sad. My mom and I discussed the eviction situation, and I got teary, and depressed cause I am a goob. Then I went to school, and on the bus for some reason I couldn't shake the funk, and I was just crying really really hard. Someone asked me what was wrong, and I just said, "allergies", even though I don't have any allergies at all, and never have. Then--COMPLETE MOOD REVERSAL!!! I got to the last half hour of drama, and had so much fun! I was talking and laughing with everyone, and was just in this really happy mood, and it was great. That continued into lunchtime, when me and Brianna, and Gator, and Gareth spent the whole time making fun of people's walks! That was the most hysterical time I've had in a long while! However, then I went to Math, and Socials, and my mood just went plummeting into my poor little knees... In fact, I spent all Socials class huddled in my comforting blankie, being a lamer. I refused to do any work initially, but then I did some. Then, I went to Bye Bye Birdie rehearsal, and had yet another major mood swing!!! somehow, no matter how tired I am, no matter how much I really don't want to go to rehearsal, by the time I'm there, I am just purely happy. in rehearsal we've just abotu finished "Honestly Sincere". Me and Tony got to learn another couples sequence which was AWESOME for me, and horrid for him. (he's a non dancer; which is strange, cause he's doing great.) We're right centre stage, behind, and to the left of Conrad. I get to jump up, and wrap my legs around him, Tony spins around, then I let go and wave my hands all upside-down-like. Then we spin again, I do a small thing, then he picks me up again, spins me around AGAIN, and I faint into his arms at the sight of Conrad! it's the FUNNEST sequence EVER!!!!!! Then I went to Katie's and became a lamer again. lol! We ate a lot, played some DDR, Jesse punctured me with his wicked evil fingernail, and his angst. Then we watched the COOLEST MOVIE EVER called Donnie Darko. me and the girls huddled together on one chair with me and Laura both sitting on Brianna with her arms around us in such a manly way. WHOA, Collective--just, whoa.

k, well, I'm sure I have other stuff to talk about, but I have to go shower now, and get ready to go to Sean's today. hey, Devin added Sean to his website! go check it out, the pic of the biker is Sean!!! Told you all he was all pro, and stuff! Just wait, I shall find some pics of him from magazines, and post them either here, or in my locker. hahaha! ...erm, sorry, that cracked me up. anyways, bye all, I'm off to the shower. Uh-oh, good luck finding clothes, Alleah Poirier....

Thursday, September 16, 2004

wut up to strawberry kiwi punch!

mmm...strawberry kiwi.

w00t! today kickedz! school choir was CHOIR!!!! then hanging at Devins was super super fun!

Sean came to the end of choir, and got to witness the joyful joyful insanity that is the end of a choir rehearsal! :) then, Dev's Mom's "friend" came to pick us up, and we went to Devin's. we got there, and Devin has this cute little house down by where Mr. Poppy lives. it's all brightly coloured inside, and Dev was quite proud of the fact that he picked out the colours. I got to meet his HUGE, cute, old thirteen dog named...wait a second, it'll come...Tyson! that's right! I'm sorry, but what an umimaginative name! Well, Tyson got mad pets form me, and in return became my new best friend, and sealed the deal with multiple slobbery dog luvins up the chin. I was quite flattered, but then the feel of dog salivate got to me, and I felt the need to go wash it off!

Paul (the "friend") had brought home KFC, which was sweet, cause I was SO intensely starving! I mean, who cares if the meat is unidentifyable? it's meat. meat for ME!!! so we ate KFC, and watched Survivor. Meh. I think I may need to watch the next one cause I'm a goob of the FIRST order. But I shall endeavor the resist the temptation.

Then we went and hung out in Devin's den-computer room thingy that basically serves the same purpose as our den, so that's what I shall call it. Anyways, in his DEN, we got to watch all of Devin's video works! I finally saw stuff I'd never ever seen before, like the Grade Eleven vid, and his My Life vids, which are surprisingly exceptional! Sean saw the choir vid, and I was happy, I dunno what he thought! :S

then we just hung out in there looking at stuff from Devin's past, and just talking aboutt hings. Dev found this picture from when him and Paul were scouting filming locations. One of them was the bowl where Sean bikes a lot. Well...Sean of course had to look at the pic, cause there were random bikers in it. He looked at it, and one of the bikers is the tres awesome guy we "met", Cory, and the other is SEAN!!!!! Hardxcore crazy!!! Or as Brad would say, "Hard to the XCore Squared." (BLAME BRAD!!!!)

so that was insanely cool, and I claimed the picture for my own. it's going up in my locker tomorrow! :)

so the entire night was just really lowkey, kind of hanging out, and laughing about things, and it was so much fun! In the car on the way home, mine, and Sean's fingers were doing some kind of mad, affection dance, and he kept noting the mini-ness of my hands, and the difficulty of his own large ones to get at mine. Also for some reason, our hands kept rising in the air as if filled with HELIUM! Somehow, Sean rationalized this as us being in space...

oh yes. of course! how silly of me...

we all made multiple plans. Sean and I are going on a TRIPLE DATE, this Saturday with Bethany and Chip, and Troy, and his girlfriend. The boys are going to cook dinner for us girls, and then we'll watch a movie, probably the Butterfly Effect, cause Sean borrowed it from Devin. :) Then Sunday night after next, me Sean, and Devin are going out to dinner at Moxie's and a movie! w00t! though I am goign to ahve to beg Sherayna for some babysitting opportunities. she just got a job today though, so that's cool! Mom'll probably do it for a while, and the days that I need to make some extra cash, I'll just take over. Should be good for around thirty bucks a day or so!

when Sean was dropped off, he bent down and kissed me again! woo-hoo! but unfortunately, I was off balance, so it ended up being a strange kiss. We actually discussed it on msn just now, and I've been given the go-ahead to be as forward as I want! awesome-possum! after all, you all know me. I tend to rape the boyees. but NOT THIS TIME! i have been quite restrained. boo on all you doubting Thomas's that thought I couldn't date a Mormon! The Pinto reveals her unexpected depths. 'sides, I can do anything when it's worth it... :)

anyways, I am tired. I should get to beddy bye. let it be known that I love Sean. and yes I am being modest and respectable. boo on you all.

*happy face!*

tonight was fantastic!!! this entire day was great in different ways. in fact, it kind of feels like three different days all in one.

I woke up this quarter after eight. joy. late late late late late cause I am dumb. so I hung out at home all morning singing my audition peice and getting more nervous aboutt he whole thing. I really hope I get a decent role this time. getting chorus again will literally make me spontaneously combust. that's right. you heard me.

barely caught the bus. went to an assembly as soon as I got there. about--social responsibility. you know what that means? it means respecting your food, because your parents sweated hard for it. it means going to class on time, and NOT talking through an entire assembly, like a certain Pinto got in trouble for. anyways. boring boring. so that was "day one" of today.

then after lunch (which I remembered to bring today! good on me) I went to drama and (urgfh) entreprenuership. what a waste of an afternoon. after that, I went directly to Dover, with my girls, and Gareth. rehearsal was sweet. I finally got to learn my part of the "Honestly Sincere" dance. w00t! I discovered that all the girls with "boyfriends" (urgfh, Anthony) got to be part of the couples section which is SO MUCH FUN!!! I get to drag Anthony across the floor in exuberance, and there's a swing move in there that involves the guy pulling the girl through his legs, and flinging her. Me and Anthony rock-s0red at it, and so Shane (who plays Conrad Birdie) had me dance with him, and try to teach it to him. however the first time I went nowhere. in fact, I barely cleared his crotch. lovely... the second time, I went even less far, and I had to walk my way between his legs, and out. The third time, he swung me out...and dropped me. :S it's a good thing I bounce, and don't break. anyways, Anthony wasn't much better. he has this habit of sticking his butt RIGHT in my face, and in my anxiety to get away, I always end up losing his hands, and the swing messes up. but when we get it right, boy it looks good! the downside is, Anthony has the TINIEST attention span you could ever imagine. he learns the dance, then as soon as the music cuts, he's off doign soemthing retarded. in between every single dance instruction, he forced me to choreograph a fight routine with him. it's a really good thing that me and him did that fight workshop together, or I would have no clue what he was asking me to do. and yes, I do mean forced. I was fighting AGAINST MY WILL, I tell you. urgfh.

so anyways, after rehearsal, the Welly crew plus girl Spencer. (oh yeah, update on boy Spencer: he acted really nice, and happy to see me today with NO traces of--well, whatever it was that made him say that before, so I think things are good now. I think Laura may be correct when she says I read too much into things.) I had a looooooong bus ride home. TERRIFYING creepy man from Tim Horton's (remember, Sean?) was at City Centre bus stop. he did a math equation out loud to demonstrate his knowledge of the subject to me, while I slowly inched away. then he said he liked tutoring math, cause "he was so good at it," and gave me his number for if I ever needed a tutor. yikes! times eight trillion! I promptly forgot it.

so that was the end of the "day two" part of today. after I got home, I called Sean to see if he wanted to hang out, and (surprise , surprise) he did! So I caught the next bus to his house (which I almost missed btw), and promptly got lost, looking for his house! *blush* I got off at the right stop, and wandered down into Carnduff Place, but it is much bigger than I'd thought it was going to be. I only found his house cause I saw two teenage boys standing outside it, one with build similar to Sean's. yes, yes, I know. brick, and white should be easy to spot! shame on me.

so we hung out in his living room for a while. his friend Troy acted like HE lived in Sean's house, getting me a glass of water, and taking my glass when I was done. it was very sweet, and chivalrous, and I was quite impressed! Sean played a bunch of things on the piano, and his Mom told us stories of him giggling "like a little girl" over the fact that he could play this one song with his arms crossed over one another. We also discussed Canadian Idol, and the Nanaimo choir scene. she's heard of Welly choir! we're famous! I actually said that as a joke, and she looked at me, serious-like, and was like, "yes, you guys are!" I was like, "whoa." she used to sing with the Cameretta singers. I think I know other people who I know who were in that choir but I can't 'member who they are right this moment...

then Troy's mom came, so he had to go. Sean and I went downstairs, and I finally got to see his room. Does everybody remember me being crazy over the fact that magazines come and do photio shoots with him, and feature him, and everything? well, I saw one of those pics, and it was all crazy and professional, and from a magazine, and I almost DIED of ecstasy. I don't know what it is, but ABILITY is such a huge thing for me. and being recognized for your abilities is just SO attractive.yeah, publicity! w00t!

anyways, we watched Galaxy Quest, which was AWESOME!!! (don't even say one word, Brianna Akins...) I haven't seen that movie in at least a year. And I giggled like a child at all the appropriate parts. I LOVE that movie! it's just SO good in SUCH a bad way. and yet not bad at all. oh it is so late...I am incoherent.

that entire part of the evening was just satisfaction in a can. I was so happy! I haven't felt like such a long time. :) He kissed me! :D I couldn't stop smiling while dancing in the mirror when I got home. Ahh, lovestruck Pinto! how goober-ridden. :)

Sean's stepdad Ian drove me home which was SO awesome cause Ian is hysterical! I was seriously laughing like a hyena in the car! he was so great. he's a military historian (second world war, sorry, Brianna), and he works at the Military Museum in Rutherford. He asked me nice questions about myself which was great. I ordinarily get a little uncomfortable when explaining myself to others, especially friend's parents, just cause I feel silly. but he didn't amke me feel like that at all, it was so nice! we talked about rap, and science fiction books (Harry Harrison. note to self, must read...). It was just oodles of fun! And that was the end of "day three" of today.

I really like both Sean's parents! His Mom, Bonnie is just so sweet, and nice, and Ian is hilarious, which of course puts you at ease when you deal with him. laughter is such a universal thing. i consider funny people to be my favorite kidn of people. cause they just do SO MUCH wihtout even realizing it, in social situations. when everybody is laughing about something it's such a relaxant, and an icebreaker...

I wish I was funny. I am so jealous of Brianna. I seriously need her with me when meeting new people, otherwise it's a disaster cause I don't know what to say, and when I start saying things I usually say, they just come out wrong. lol! Brianna is my security blanket. I should take her wherever I go! heh heh heh!

anyways, I got home, and got a hug from Sean :), then drank coffee (silly Pinto), then talked on msn with Sean! heh heh! which was, again, very nice! I am so happy with the way things are working out! grin grin grin!

nighty night, all. this girl has dreams to chase.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I have to pee.

now that we've gotten the TOO MUCH INFORMATION part out of the way, I can tell you that I hate being late for school. it is just unpleasant, and makes you feel guilty in a way unique to school-related transgressions. even though I've done all my homework. it's not like I MUST be there for anything (except for math), but still it makes me feel, irrationally, like I've just blown any chance I might have had at getting fantastic grades this year. that's right. JUST because I slept in in the second week of school. how neurotic of me.

anyways, I don't actually have anything to say right now. I may just NOT go to Entreperneurship, and head up to Dover early with Gator who has a spare. that would make me have gone to roughly one and a half classes today. wow, am I ever starting Grade Twelve off on the right foot... I'm such a slacker. grrr...

I have been singing all morning. what you ask? well, "When I Fall in Love", my audition peice for panto. I think it may ACTUALLY impress the directors. well, hopefully. I still don't know who's directing it, actually... at any rate, that song actually makes me feel like the brainless, two-dimensional lead, so I may get something this time. I think supporting is the best I can hope for (as usual) cause we all know that Elina out-brainlesses me every time. *anything I can do, she can do better, she can do anything better than me.*

:P times A MILLION!!!

you know, I do believe that that could be construed as an insult...whoops! I like Elina just fine. just not professionally. professionally, she is the bane of my existence. and you know it's true, Elina. don't deny it! with your irksome blond curls, and enormous dimples that all can see, even from the back of the theatre. why don't I just go poke nails in my face...

I gtg catch a bus now. stupid school.

Monday, September 13, 2004

jeez, I am terrified

crap! I just took that colour test again, and even though it gave me different answers, they were ALL STILL RIGHT!!! terrifying...

blogsurfing again.

wow, how terrifyingly accurate. go here, and take the colour test, it pinned me to a tee!

anyways, comtinuing my abandoned post, rehearsal flew by, which is strange, cause all I did was watch a video, and do SOME blocking, not even a lot. Glenn, and Gareth both laid with their heads in my lap, and I felt special. but then Spencer (the boy) told me that I scared him cause I was all, "*oooh-eeee!*", and I was sad. then he confused me by returning my goodbye wave at the end of rehearsal! if anybodyunderstands the meanign of this behavior, give me a shout. I am sad, and alone in my incomprehension... :(

I found out that Anthony Bernardi from M + CdA goes to Dover now, adn he's in Bye Bye Birdie. He plays my "boyfriend"! yikes! whatever, at least he's talented. I could be closely chorus-ing with people who have no idea how to characterize themselves which would make me crazy. Anthony at least knows what's going down. However, I'm sad, cause me in my clumsy oafness stepped on his foot three separate times, and even scratched him by accident! I am a goob.

Then the Welly crew caught the bus home. Me and Gator and Gareth talked bunches, but Brianna was in communicado. I dunno, she SAYS she isn't mad about anything,but Brianna RARELY gets like that unless she's pisses about something. However she wasn't twitching uncontrollably! I take that as a good sign! lol!

rode the loooong bus ride home. you wouldn't believe it. I catch the bus at roughly ten after five or so, I didn't get home until 10 after six. a full hour just on the bus! that frightens me. I hate my commute. at City Centre, hordes of people begged my assistance with their bus scheduling. k, three. you got me. but still, one person who had watched me give all these three people assistance was like, "wow, you're like directory assistance, aren't you?" I was like, "no kidding." but I didn;t mind.

found out that poor Serseph has injured himself into craptaculosity!!! Everybody knows how he hurt his leg, right? well, it was bugging him, and he went to the doctor, and the doctor said: no more monkeys jumping on the bed! well, ACTUALLY, it was no more Sersephaguses riding on their bikes. details are on his blog. Seriously tragic for him! How is he ever going to impress me into submissivosity, if he is banned from his bike? *intense sadness*

of course I talked to him tonight again for another couple hours. on the bus today, Laura said something that kinda freaked me out wiht it's relevance. She compared the amount of time that I spend talking with Sean to when she was dating Alex, and they spent at leats an hour talking every single night, and then as their relationship progressed, it got like they HAD to talk on msn at least an hour a night, or something was wrong. that freaked me out because I could see that happening, even though right now we are still hunky dory. (wow I am ashamed of the fact that I just used that phrase. but I staunchly refuse to erase it!) anyways, tonight, even though I wanted to keep talking, adn had more things to say, I decided to cut it short, in favor of homework. I am seeing him tomorrow, I can talk to him then. *sigh* but I don't wanna wait! boy, I am goingt o be useless in class all day tomorrow! lol!

anyways, if I am supposed to be homeworking, I should probably go do that huh? icky math. :P yuck.

I must resemble a bus information guide, or something...

...cause today, at City Centre bus stop, I got asked by three different people about the 5/6 Combo Route. strange. One of the people who asked me about it, started talking to me in broken English (he was Korean) about Canadian West Coast winters, and whether or not the sun was real! Well, that's how he put it...what he was actually trying to establish was that in his country, there is a lot of air pollution, which I figured out some more broken English, and and a couple weird looks later! lol!

anyways, today was fun. drama, we played more "trust" games. I enjoy my class, but I think that any show we do is going to be crap, cause almost ALL the good people dropped out, leaving me, Devin, Kelsey, and April. However, I think Mrs. Tinnion realizes that, because she said she had her eye on a one-act play that had only two characters in it. She also said that she might get a student to direct it. Now if that happened, what would mostly likely happen is me, and April would get the roles, and Devin would direct. What happens with the rest of the class you ask? well, Rathead is adept at ignoring those who she wants not to exist. I know from personal experience. grrr...

my fingers are frozen, I'll blog more later.

hundredth post!

woo-hoo!!! how pathetic. my wonderful hundredth post is being done in class, and I have NOTHING of any interest to report.

Devin wants me and Sean to go to his house on Thursday after choir to watch videos. sounds like fun. also, Tuesday is Bye Bye Birdie-watching with Gator, and Sean at Gator's house. Gareth can't go. bummer.

whatever, I'm bored. I hate entreprenuership. I think I may just go walk around this class. myerp.

benchmarking. blech.

coffee is my god

it is six forty right now. icky in the extreme. the only reason why I am alive right now is because I have this enormous cup of nice steamy coffee to jar me into wakefulness with it's caffeinated goodness.


finished my homework last night. math was ridiculously easy. went to bed at an unprecedented ELEVEN-FORTY last night, and yet I am still walking wounded as I stumble around this morning. stupid body, adjusting to a new calendar.

mmm, coffee...

today is school. how distasteful. then this afternoon is Bye Bye Birdie rehearsal, then I should practice like a mofo for panto auditions coming up this weekend. don't say a word, girls! it is going to be SO much fun! a bunch of people from Dover are auditioning for it, so if I get in, I'll have lots of other people feeling my pain. :)

tomorrow I get to see Sean again! I forgot to ask Gator and Gareth if they wanted to come, so hopefully they won't have made plans y the time I ask them this morning. We're going to--SOMEONE'S house to watch the musical of the Dover show, cause Sean has it. I can't wait to see him again!

I want my blankie. And by blankie, I mean, my awesome awesome music-mice quilt that the sewing class made for me! that was THE sweetest thing ANYBODY IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE has ever done for me! :) For those of you who DON'T know what I'm talking about, after my house burnt down, this past February, my old Interior Design teacher (who happened to teach sewing that semester) decided to ask her sewing class if they wanted to take on a project as a gift to my family. The class all said yes, and they made a quilt for me! For all of you who don't know sewing, a quilt is an enormous project. I tried to make a quilted CHRISTMAS STOCKING and failed miserably, that's how hard quilting is! So that quilt is DEFINITELY one of my favorite possessions in the whole world now! :)

k, well, I should go, cause I'm still not dressed yet...*blush* that's right! I've been sitting here in NOTHING BUT MY DAINTIES, and you didn't even know it!!!! mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!! k, I'm done.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Pinto is a stalker.

today was tiring, but a good time. last night my Mom kept me up until late late late cleaning house in preparation for relatives visiting today. then this morning she got me up at an awful seven thirty to continue cleaning. urgfh! family came, and I had to interact with them. luckily, I snuck away, under the excuse that I had to practice with the girls.

hey, I am NOT mean! I actually DID have to practice! I went up to Brianna's and me and the girls went through all of the stuff for the Friday after next, then started learning "When I Fall in Love" from Sleepless in Seattle. OH! I LOVE that song, so much! hopefully, if Chatanooga Choo Choo is as bad by that Friday as it is now, we'll replace it with that. I can't WAIT to perform it! I get the big first solo, and Gator gets the middle awesome one with harmony that helps out, and Brianna gets the fun last one that has a different melody. We're all jazzed about that song, cause it's SO fantastic!!!

then I went home at about quarter after three, and I didn't get home until six-ish. I went on an insane bus jaunt that took me all the way up by Sean's house, just so I could stalk him. *snicker of evil!* the bus driver was the coolest guy in the world! I rode upfront so I could look at street signs in search of Sean's road, and they guy asked me which road I was looking for, and I told him, and he sent out a broadcast over the CB, asking other bus drivers if they knew where it was. then when we went past, he slowed, nicely, and let me look! he was so nice! I made sure to give him an extra big smile when I said thank you as I got off the bus...

now I am home, and boring and tired. I am going to eat soup for dinner, then finish my (single) math question that I had for homework. then--hit the sheets, most likely. I'll probably talk to Sean some more, then, that's it for Pinto. I am going to crash and burn. *sigh* I am sleepy.

my hair smells like yummy Herbal Essences shampoo...I can smell it from here! :)

think about this...

I was spacing on the bus the other day from Woodgrove to Gator's house, and I was thinking abotu each of my friends, and every single descriptive word in the history of language, trying to figure out with descriptive word went with which friend. So far I've come up with Laura McNought as the most "beautiful," Nicole Crosson as the most "lovely," Caitlin Weir as the "hottest" and that's it. I need feedback for the rest, cause that's as far as I got before L-Gator, and Gareth poked their noses into my musings.

I also had a question pop into my head while talking with Sean today. (about bubbles! lol!) if you could describe your life as one object, what would it be? I asked myself this question cause Sean had said something about his life being a bubble, adn it amused, and intrigued me. I have been trying to figure out what mine would be, but I can't put my finger on it. Updates are forthcoming. But yes, I need feedback on this question as well. Aid me in my search for all the answers to this life's questions! (*and no, the meaning of life is NOT forty-two...loser!*)

jk, you're all cool! :)

Pinto + The Seanster = happy fun love!

woo-HOO! today rocked the socks of Pintos and Sersephagus'es all over the world. well, really only the ones here in Nanaimo. and even then only the ones who hung out with each other. for most of the day! doing NOTHING BUT TALKING!!!

yes, it's true. I may have passed the gimp stage! This morning, I talked to Sean on msn for a while, which was great, as usual. Now last night, I was quite scarred by the stupid boring-ness of that irksome movie, and the atmosphere of boredom that it created. And of course, being the walking hyperbole that I am, I automatically assumed that it meant Sean had lost interest in me. I complained to Gareth the whole bus ride home! lol, I'm a goob. anyways, this morning, I discovered that *joy* he was actually still interested and had answered "yes" to my all-important question! so we made plans to hang out today. this you know...

so, finally, I got off my lazy ass, and got dressed--ish. I wore some oh-so-chic plaid pajama pants. there is no dount about it, I am the last word in fashion. that's right. take it. take it all. anyways, I enlisited Brad to come hang with us, so he arrived, and me and him watched Sean, and Sean's friend Ryan biking in the park which was awesome. Sean is crazy awesome at what he does! Granted, I don't know much about the subject, but I was honestly impressed, and according to him, he was "just goofing off"! I think when I see him actually TRYING to be good at it, I may die. Yes, die. We (kind of) met this guy that Sean knew who was RIDICULOUSLY awesome at biking. He was doing insane things with his bike, and had mad skill. Sean was like, "yeah--he's my inspiration." I could understand why; this guy was pro in an insane way! hardcore with an x. you heard me! lol!

so then we went to Timmies, and we all talked over Iced Caps, and the like. it was surprisingly hot out, for such a cloudy day. eventually, Brad had to leave, and me and Sean just stayed there talking FOREVER! it was awesome! I don't even know what we were talking about, I just remember laughing a lot, and having no aWkward silences! which is amazing, and must mean that I am past the gimp stage. at least I hope so. a creepy guy stopped to talk to us, adn when we got up to leave, followed us down the road, which was scary.

we left, and continued talking like mad fools, until we got to my house, where (again) we just kept talking! I find that so awesome that we can do that! This is like no other relationship I've ever had, because other than hugging when we said goodnight tonight, we've never ever once touched at all. and yet that is totally ok to me. it doesn't bug me, because unlike with other relationships, I don't need to fill in the aWkward silences with making out, because there ARE no aWkward silences! w00t w00t w00t! it makes me happy!

(not that I would object, mind you...)

at any rate, we talked and talked and talked, and Sean almost fell over for NO reason which was intensely amusing to me. I fell off the railing at least twice, if not more than that! Sean also got distracted by random people walking by, and I observed the process of his thought loss. You could seriously see it in his face, as he noticed something other than what he was talking about, stopped, focused in on what it was, then just lost what it was he was saying completely. I was even able to imitate it afterwards! quite pro of me, I think. :)

finally, it was like, nine, so he had to go home. he hugged me (and marveled at how far he had to bend down to do so; big surprise!), and I went inside and promptly commandeered the computer off of Mom. After roughly a half an hour, he signed in, and said hi right away! *joy times five* (why is it whenever I say a number other than a million with that saying, people always feel the need to go, "times five? why NOT times six?") And, we talked for another two hours!

We formulated plans to take over the world, him with his innate luck, lankiness, and impressive grunt-work, and me with my female anatomy. and by female anatomy, I mean breasts. woo-hoo for chest adornments! He also managed to say about a hundred squeal-worthy things! (goodness, I am a goob) I also got intimidated by yet ANOTHER enormous wolf spider in my house, and he sent me comfort-waves. they did their job! :)

so today has simply been kick ass, with a touch of splediferous-ness. and some sourkraut on the side!

*good mood*

Saturday, September 11, 2004

mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! success! success AT LAST!

guess what Pinto is??? the answer is DEFINITELY not "single"!!!!!!

boo yeah!

so last night was great! I shall start at the beginning, cause lots happened. me and Gareth, and Gator and Brianna went to Bye Bye Birdie rehearsal, and it was AWESOME...*theatre orgasm* *twitch twitch* you forget what working under a good director is like after five mind-numbing years with the Rat. anyways, after a wondeful rehearsal of learning dance steps, choral sections, and a sweet-ass song (The Telephone Hour) and a huge lecture on professionalism from Mr. A, we (minus Brianna) walked to More Than Movies at that strip mall on Dover Road. it was raining, so we were absolutely soaked by the time we got there--and that was the BEGINNING of our journey! we searched and searched for Bye Bye Birdie, but we couldn't find it, so we got two other ones...boring boring boring, as we discovered later. (we ALSO discovered later, that Sean owns the aforementioned musical of choice, but neglected to bring it! *shakes fist*). Anyways, then we decided to walk to Woodgrove Exchange to catch ONE bus instead of two. However, that made all of us intensely miserable, as by the time we got there (yes, I HAVE to say it) we strongly resembled bedraggled ass-rats. When we got there, we discovered there would be a bus leaving in two minutes, so we ran around the side of the mall in a rush, hoping to not miss it. That made me and Gator even MORE miserious for we were running with backpacks on, and that is unpleasant at the BEST of times. running with a backpack, and soaked jeans, during driving rain is simply awful. (what an icky turn of phrase. I am ashamed.) finally the bus came, and me and Laura raped Gareth's body heat with our shivering, frozen fingers. that was QUITE enjoyable! lol!

unfortuantely we had to get off the nice warm steamy bus (is anybody else very much reminded of porn when I say that?) anyways, after having lovely warmth for a time, venturing back into the rain was HORRID! yes it was. we walked as fast as our battered limbs would allow to Gator's house, and stripped as soon as we were in the door. thank god, for theatre people! I would NOT have been able to wait for the bathroom to change out of my soaked clothes, I was that uncomfortable! we all tossed our icky clothes in the dryer, and me and Gareth had to wear Laura's clothes! Gareth ended up wearing these track pants that she used to wear ALL THE TIME back in Grade Nien, and thankfully declines to don, nowadays. that was indredibly amusing. I ended up wearing almost all black. How goth, and yet not, because the shirt was unbearably prep. How Proth of me.

Sean was late, and I called around trying to see where he was, fearing that someone might have (sillily) decided to bike here, and gotten lost. But no, my fears were ungrounded, and he made it to Gator's a little late, but relatively intact. (THAT didn't last long once the doggy dogs gpt at him! lol) anyways, it was late enough that we had dinner right away. THAT was interesting. We were all in really weird moods, and for some reason, I had no appetite, so all I did for the entire meal was nibble on peas, play with my burger, and throw items of food at people. we were all laughing hysterically about things. it was really random. Laura made a funny noise while drinking water, and we all felt the need to emulate her. well, actually, me and Gareth felt the need to emulate her, and Sharon just felt the need to mock her. which was also funny!

after we watched THE MOST BORING MOVIE IN THE HISTORY OF CINEMA!!!! there were good parts, but it just dragged way to much to be entirely satisfactory. that was the bad part of the night. the mood just degenerated into boredom as we all attempted futilely to enjoy the movie. Eventually (I think maybe after I changed back into my own clothes), I threw something at Sean, and that started a paper war. that's the way to make things interesting! violence! repeated violence using bark mulch weapons! woo-hoo! he has good aim. got me in the face at least twice. grrr...!

so Gareth and I had to leave at a retarded hour in order to catch the last bus of the day which was filled with people who smelled like wet. or maybe that was just us...*blush* I tried calling my house literally about thirty times, and finally just gave up. Later I found out that the breaker for the den had blown, and there was no power for our phone to be ringing. bummer. so I had to walk home from the bus stop pitifully alone, which was unpleasant, and nervous-making. Fortunately the only form of subspecies I encountered was a harmless pair of stoned adolescents. I hate my area.

I was extremely tired by then, cause I'd been up since six, so I pretty much just fell into bed.

This morning I had to wait til eleven for the power to go back on, so I could blog. Sean and I talked for a while, (which was very nice!) and I finally discovered the answer to my question. all I say is W00TY W00T W00T!!! life kicks ass!

anyways, we are hanging out today at the skate park by the curling club, and B-rad Nielson is coming too. so I ahve to get off my bottom now, and go put on some clothing. yay, clothing!

life is good. :)